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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(eaolson @ Apr 9 2007, 02:16 PM)

    Oh, I realize that. And I'm sure it's no coincidence that NI is headquartered in Austin. I just thought it was interesting that no other US cities were listed. So I'm wondering, is Austin in particular a hotbed of LabVIEW development, or are the NI folks themselves doing a whole lot of Googlin'?


    On more than one occation, I have sensed that support was Googling the answers.


  2. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 5 2007, 12:03 PM)


    Nice image.

    Reminds of a Luis Black routine were he talks about his head exploding after trying to figure out what someone meant when he over heard them saying "If it wasn't for that horse, I would not have spent that year in college."

    Re: the original posting.

    Do you want to

    A) read the resistor color codes

    B) match impeadance,

    C) apply Ohms and Kertchov's voltage law to figure out what is in a blakc box?


  3. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 3 2007, 06:57 PM)

    Nicely done :thumbup:

    Try as I may to pull the conversation up out of the muck and mire.... Well if you can't beat them join them.

    This reminds of the time I was drinking beer with a Nazi in the 5th dimension when my G-string theory broke. I quickly reached fro ctrl-z to invoke a nearby worm hole but a concurrent rush by the 97.73% other that had stoped in from the 6th dimension (for a beer of course) resulted in me hitting ctrl-s and the next thing you know a jack-booted type was demanding I produce my papers or else subject myself to an immediate re-certification process. I tried to ctrl-r but it was too late.

    It was not a good day.


  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 2 2007, 02:09 PM)


    I've got a bunch of come-backs, but none of them are witty enough...

    Lacking something witty, how about something controversial.

    I was watching a report on Georges visit to Walter Reade (sp?) and durring the tour they showed him that the recouperating service members have access to the web and I am convinced he said "It's nice to see they have access to Mac's.".

    I know how Urs would feel about this but this raises the question "Does being a Mac user put you the 97.73% group?


  5. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Mar 30 2007, 02:19 PM)

    I attach here the picture of creating the queue and destroy the queue.

    Is the VI that creates the queue always in a run or reserved to run mode after they are created but before they are closed?

    I am asking this because the error = 1 is invalid object. This will happen if the queue was already destroyed. Part of teh house keeping work done by LV is to keep track of resource that are allocated by each VI and releasing them when the VI goes idle.


    If the creators of the queues goes idle and or are unloaded form memory. LV will kiil the queue in your behalf.


  6. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Mar 29 2007, 10:10 AM)

    ... And I'm on LabVIEW 102. Been there for 5 years.... :)

    Small world!

    I studied French for five years in high school, never did pass French 2. Since no other classes would fit into my schedule, they decided that art class would satisfy the forign language requirement. I used to think that was funny before I found out about LV. Now my "other language" requires I draw picures!

    "God work in mysterious ways"


  7. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Mar 29 2007, 05:56 AM)

    What is it about engineers and scientist and they way they rise to the occation anytime some says "You can't..."?*

    Lets see if I can harness this energy.

    "You can't" do scripting in LV 8.2.

    Anyone one like to prove me wrong?


    * A support engineer told me "It over your head." about 25 years ago. I taught myself to program just to prove him wrong.

  8. I do not remeber which verion of LV it was but I benchmarked the performance of the For vs While thinking that I could pick up some speed with the For loop.

    To my suprise the While loop won.

    Another point (that I was planning to cover in a future Nugget) is that AE do not have to limit themselves to a single iteration.


    In order to "shoe-horn" an app into a FP 2000 I needed to be very careful with my memory usage. By using an AE that could call itself, all of the analysis could be performed with the data residing in the SR. It sorta works like a "state machine" with multiple entry states.

    SInce the actual proccessing required depended on the data, I could not tell before the AE was called, how many steps would execute.


    Using a while loop allowed me to adapt without replacing the while with a for.

    Just my thoughts,


  9. QUOTE(TiT @ Mar 27 2007, 08:54 AM)

    I'm not trying to break any record... just to find out how not to suck up all the memory :book:

    I should have remebered I was talking to a second generation Wire-Worker.

    Back in the old days....

    Music was recorded on a vinyl disk by modulating the depth of cut of a spiral groove with the information that is to be recorded. The vinyl disks were called "records".

    Very often the the records would get scratched or broken resulting in the probe ( a needle) following the crack or scratch rather the the spiral groove. When this happened the same inforamation would be read reapeatedly. It was common "back in the old days" to refer to someone that was repeating the same thing over and over again as a "broken record".

    Related tidbit:

    When a song gets "stuck in my head" I feel that I "have a scratch in the record of my brain." The part that stores "It's a Small World" is one of those areas.


  10. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Mar 27 2007, 08:29 AM)

    'Latch When Pressed' doesn't leave the button 'pressed in', showing the user that that thing has happened.

    A "First Call" node would make sure the first call of this sub-VI would work correctly.

    I generally use the event structure value change and then read the control to determine which type of change occurred.

    Your version seems to be intended for a "polling" type architecture which requres my CPU but you know that already.

    Just my thoghts,


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