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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 11 2007, 07:43 AM)

    Thanks Aristos - do you, or anyone else you can find at NI, have anything to add about the "required" vs "recommended" terminal debate? I think, without inside knowledge, the rest of us are just guessing at this point...

    I have not thought this through all of the way (coffee no work yet).

    Does this info about the "required vs" really make any difference?

    If I am already marking required inputs as required then is it really practical to mark optional inputs or recomended as required?


  2. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 7 2007, 04:30 PM)

    I just heard an interesting tidbit at a local LabVIEW User Group meeting: one of the attendees said that he'd heard an NI presenter at a recent NI Developer Days session comment that changing the status of a connector pane terminal from "Optional" or "Recommended" to "Required" made it more efficient (I'm not sure if that meant memory or speed or both). Anyone heard of this one?


    I wonder if they confused that with the "controls on icon connector should be on the root" tidbit.

    Paraphrasing: Talk is cheap, show me the benchmarks"


  3. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 7 2007, 12:18 AM)

    In the Bible it's creation, half of the world say that it's true; for Dalai Lama it is evolution.

    They don't agree on the basic things; what do you expect for politicians to understand?

    This is another proof that 97.73% are at animal level.

    I beileve that if I got in a time machine and went back 6000 years and expalined the big bang theory to the first guy I met. By the time I got back to the present the story would sound a lot like the creation story from Gen 1,1.

    Re:Evolution Those details were left out.

    They are just differnt versions of the same event.

    Re: Creating God

    From your view point, how did space and time come to be?


  4. QUOTE(Darren @ Jun 6 2007, 01:59 PM)

    There's the http://community.ni.com/examples/palette-api/' target="_blank">Palette API posted on the NI Community website...this would be a good place to start if you've already got .mnu files that you want to present to the user in your own manner outside of the LabVIEW palettes.



    The customer ruled out that approach. Tell the developer "Nice code". I like their style. :thumbup:


    That looks great! I am definately going to have to try that.


  5. I have also posted this query on the NI forums at


    I am looking fro idea on how to implement "palettes" in the GUI of a new application. The requirements would read; Given a set of icons, present a po-up palette populated by those icons that will allow a user to select one of the icons. The ability to group sub-sets of the icons into sub-palettes is highly desirable" As an example, just look at the function and control palette as used in LV. No I am not trying to re-write LabVIEW, just expand it envelope. 16x16_smiley-wink.gif So if you have ideas or examples, please share. Thank you! Ben

  6. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 3 2007, 12:08 PM)

    Re: the interface - my experience was with smaller displays (15" which have an embedded, relatively weak PC), but it might help you. The point about the weak PC is important, because when it was time to run one of our applications (with some additional CPU-thirsty software), we found out that the processor was at 100% all the time and the application was a bit sluggish.
    • As Dave said, make things larger. Pay special attention to enlarging controls vertically because that's the direction people tend to miss.
    • Space things out. People tend not to be exact.
    • Be sparse. The UI for a touch screen should be much less crowded than a standard one.
    • Avoid tabs as they don't look that great for these kinds of applications. I prefer a cluster of buttons which you compare with its old value using a value change event and use that to switch pages in the tab control. You need property nodes to lock out the controls which can not be clicked (like the currently selected page) and you need to reset the cluster so that only one button is pressed.
    • Definitely run your program in full-screen. You wouldn't normally want your users to interact with the OS. If you need a keyboard, you can open the Windows one by calling OSK.exe, but its buttons are relatively small and can't be modified.

    All of these may vary depending on the application and the type of the screen, but they've helped me.

    Thank you Yen.

    THe nature of the GUI objects are the subject of this project were we will be allowing users to compose their own GUI's to understand how different people interact with a variety of systems.


  7. "Automatic teller"

    I did one of those. It was a Diebold Tabs 510 circa 1980. That was back when a "stack dump" could refer to a misallignment of the dispenser and the facia resulting in all of the bills piling up in no-where land. That was a clean-up that was closely monitored. :rolleyes:


  8. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 5 2007, 06:43 AM)


    I consider that a spiritual leader have to bring something new in spirituality.

    Religious leaders are not capable of something new; they follow the traditions, the old rituals…


    Charles Russel wrote similarly in about 1890 or there abouts. (see "Studies in the Scriptures")


  9. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ May 31 2007, 12:13 PM)


    The algorithm has many specifications for what it has to do. But how it does them... well... if you come to NI HQ on Samhain/All Souls Night, when the barriers to the spirit world are thinnest, you can hear the whispers in the wind that tell us lines of code to change. Some developers hear better than others, and they enter a sort of trance that allows them to change obscure lines of code. At any other time of the year, staring at those lines of code is much like staring at a Rorshach ink blot.

    OK I am done poking (for now :) ).

    The in-placeness algorithm is a dragon* I'd love to drop a sadle on and put a bit in its mouth rather than watching it wonder around and then re-arranging my castles (data structures) to exploit it power.


    *I just finished reading "The Children of Hurin" the day before yesterday. :thumbup:

  10. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ May 31 2007, 11:03 AM)

    Zen Koans teach that certain yes/no questions can only be answered with "mu". The classic example:

    Question: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

    Answer: "Mu."

    "Mu" unasks a question that is based on false assumptions. The above question not only presumes that you have a wife, but also that at some point you started beating her. If you don't have a wife or never started beating her, then both yes and no would both be misleading answers.

    The answer to your question is "mu." Can you puzzle out the incorrect assumptions built into the question?

    That explains why there is never a bug associated with it. If its behaviour does not have any specifications, it can never fail to meet them.

    Maybe my question should have been along the lines of "If there were a specification...."

    Should I assume a response of "mu" to that Q as well? :rolleyes:


  11. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 31 2007, 10:00 AM)

    A quiet and honest one, that pointed me in other truthfull directions, and effectively sidestepped my question. Sometimes you learn more about how something is answered than by the answer itself.

    I first asked this question at dinner one night during NIWeek 1996. The answer I got then (from Greg McKaskle) was that it is and would be impossible.

    I will state flatly that we could create a functional equivalent to LabVIEW 1 using LabVIEW 5 tools. I think we could create most of LabVIEW in G now, especially with NI's help. Certainly there is little or nothing about the front panel and diagram editing environments that we could not write using picture controls and spawned instances from templates now. I'm not saying it would be easy, heck, LabVIEW has several hundred person-years of development in it by now.

    I've re-asked the question several times over the last 10 years. Usually I get blank stares, sometimes intrigued stares, seldom a direct answer. Brian pointed me towards that fact that LabVIEW is used to make the LEGO mindstorms code. He pointed towards the LabVIEW Embedded version, that translates G into C code for the compiling tool pipeline of whatever processor you are targeting. He pointed out that more and more of the LabVIEW editing environment is written in G, such as the properties and startup pages, etc. But he didn't address rewriting the G compiler in G, the way you can write a C compiler in C, until I directly phrased it that way. He then paused, grinned a bit and allowed that he supposed it was possible, but wouldn't go further than that.

    I am convinced the conversion of developing LV in LV is already happening and may play a large role in the performance hits we have seen with LV 8 plus.

    Look at the charts. graphs tables and thier recent bugs. They are now implemented as X-controls using the picture control to present the graphics.

    It is happening now!


  12. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 29 2007, 11:55 AM)

    If you could ask anyone at National Instruments any question. Who would you ask and what would the question be?

    (Except this question: What is the password for the locked diagram of VI xyz.)

    I would ask Jeff K (because I beileve he has his hands into this),

    the Q

    "Could you please pass me a copy of and include me in the distribution of changes to the specifactions for the "in-placeness" algorithm?"


  13. I have not noticed any slow start of LV itself but I did notice that if I open a VI ( I did not write) that uses a global VI that contains many globals and the other VI's that use globals contained in the global VI ( I did not write), VI's open very slowly.

    I saved all of the VI's (I did not write) and the top level VI opened much quicker.

    But that all makes sense ( and is another good reason why I do not use globals).


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