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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. ...

    Would anyone be opposed if we changed it so that constants that are linked to strict typedefs update on all changes, the way front panel instances do?


    - Christina, LabVIEW R&D


    YES! This would invalidate the half dozen threads where I explained what you just said! :oops:

    Serious now:

    I see no problem with that change and it would make the rings behave as many users expect. :thumbup:

    Thank you,


  2. Does anyone else remember Dr. Suess' "The Star-bellied Sneaches" (sp?)

    It addresses the idea of a group that has a special gift using it as a reason to look down on others.

    Some of us were not given the gift of spelling.

    That does not mean that we can not communicate effectively.

    A rough quote from a hebrew tutorial illustrates.

    "F y cnt rd ths yv gt rcks n yr hd!"

    Now back to my pictograms and associated wiring.


  3. As we all know, we can run a VI by clicking the run arrow button


    , Ctrl+R, the stepping arrows buttons


    or finally the run continously button


    . I just found out that in LV 8.2 there is another way to directly run the stepping arrows buttons using a keyboard shortcut.

    There is a direct mapping between CTRL + Direction Keys


    (Ctrl+down, Ctrl+up and Ctrl+right) and


    (the stepping arrows buttons).

    This is pretty cool :thumbup:

    Note: too bad the Ctrl + Back does not reverse the execution! :P


    Nice tip PJM!

    Thank you.


    p = pico

    P =Peta

    I believe...


  4. I have no problems with cold weather (I have several pieces from the "The North Face" collection ...) but - as you maybe know - I am from Germany, and I work as a freelancer / contractor. If you need backup soon and badly, maybe you may consider to hire me :)

    Generally I am interested in working in USA for one or two years. In my first approach I would not like to stay longer, because your speed limit really hurts me ;) - or I'd have to take my car along and need a race track near to the place where I would live ;)

    Lake Superior does not frezze over but around the edges its 15 feet (5M) thick.

    No speed limits on the lake.


    Previous resident of Duluth

  5. Hi Bryan,

    I had also worked my way up from tech to support engineer before getting laid off.

    The world wants credentials.

    I'll avoid the why and if they are what they appear.

    The easiest way to get the credentials is geting the degree. This is the route I took (at the age of 41).

    The other alternative it to work on becoming famous for LV without the degree. Much harder than going to school.

    Re: LV jobs. Until you get the credentials you are probably best suited for the smaller integrators that do not have an HR department that seprates resumes into degree / no-degree piles.

    Trying to be pragmatic (without getting into a discussion of class [NO not LVOOP classes])


  6. Judging by previous IP issues, I'd suspect we will soon be seeing a lab bench accesories setion added to the catalog and an integrated cRIO option tht regulates the water usege and prevents the students from accidently knocking open the stop-cock (drivers available). :oops:


  7. I have played with most of the NI LV Challenges but the only one I submitted for was the Dictionary Challenge. The only reason I submitted that one was because I found myself "home alone" for a week-end.

    Regardless of submitting, I have generally learned a lot form the part of the challenges I did develop, so....

    How about a multi-part challenge?

    An example would be the "Virtual Control" challenge. This is the answer to the age old question "How do I dynamically create LV Controls?".

    We break it down into part with each part being a mini-challenge.

    1) Create a utility that will allow us to drop arbitrary graphic objects on a picture control. Best performing?

    2) Given #1 create a utility that tells us whech of the arbitrary objects from #1 the mouse is over.

    3) Given #1 & #2 devlop an XControl that passes an event/queue element to a handler....

    Just my 2 cents,


  8. If you're advanced enough to figure out what the Show Buffer Allocations tool does in the first place, then your name is probably CRelf or equivalent and appear to have no problem magically figuring stuff out. :P

    I can't remeber where I read it but it went something like this.

    After completing a form on a web-site, and clicking the option to get a hard-copy, the istructions read


    If you are using Windows then do .......

    If you are using a MAc then do .....

    If you are using LINUX, you do no not need to be told how to get a screen shot!'



  9. We teach the NI course so keep that in mind as you read on...

    My self-taught LV allowed me to write some code that sorta worked but it had problems I could not exaplin.

    I then attended LV 1 & 2 and as a result a light went on :lightbulb: explaining why my apps did not restart correctly etc.

    I was then able to write code that ran reliably BUT the performnace was not what I had hoped.

    I attended the Advanced Course and I learned how to devlop more efficient code.

    This was OK for Windows apps but when I started the RT stuff the apps would not run very long before running our of memory.

    I then started reading INfo-LabVIEW and reading posts to learn more of the secrets.


    for me the NI course were a big help.

    THey are NOT the end of the learning cycle.


  10. These references remind me of one of my customers responding to my query.

    I asked "So what is the difference between SELMA and DASMA?"

    His reply was "SELMA is a lot like the womean in the red dress, DASMA is a lot like Trinity."

    I had to go home that week-end and watch the movie before I could start the application design.

    At a latter date, I asked about the effect of lossing our time sync between the distributed nodes. That of course was "like when you see a black cat."

    Really sharp customer! He's the only person that I have ever met that used the terms "Zeroize" and "Time Warp" in the same document (that had nothing to do with science-fiction) and got away with it.


  11. So, let's combine 4 and 5 and see what comes out. Ben, which five would you recommend?

    Hmmm 5....

    Rolf, Jean-Pierre Drolet, and Greg McKaskle, were my first three.

    I never did make it past reading everything they ever posted to Info-LbVIEW.

    Cerebral over-load.

    The rest can depend on your chosen area of expertise.

    In this thread entitled " Knights of NI (no shruberies here!) " :beer: :beer:


    There is a list of people that I have learned from.

    If you are looking for a virtual mentor, That is a good place to start shoping.

    There are also the LabVIEW Champions


    (myself excluded)

    Oh yes less I forget, if you really want to play with the "Big Boy* Experts", then wade into LAVA. :thumbup:


  12. Paul,

    If the pie app cached the results from a run, the cache could be used to speed up rechecks.

    I also wanted to add a delete function so that I did not have to leave the app to delete files.

    A re-write using a state machine (as suggested by Michael is a good idea).

    I love to see this example introduced to to the CR. From "bad/Ugly" to CR, quite a shift.

    Have fun,


  13. I prefer...


    I want to be an expert some day too.

    Here are tips I picked-up from various people.

    1) RTFM, cover-to cover.

    2) Read every realease and update note (I got this one from Rolf).

    3) Set a high goal and work for it. My first big one was writting an ethernet sniffer. By the time I was done I understood networking file I/O driver interfaces...

    4) Push yourself "in public" and be prepared to be corrected. ie watch LAVA and the NI Dev-Exchange for questions you can not answer but try anyway. the real experts will correct you. Read all of the follow-ups.

    5) Make a list of the technically top five LV posters and read everything they ever wrote.

    I hope this gives you some ideas. #3 should be something you want, so that you keep at it. It also will make all of your book learning stick.


  14. I slightly modified the NI example Pie chart.vi in piechart.llb to get the following. What I changed:

    oriented labels (important for thin wedges);

    changed default colors;

    automatically recycles thru colors after the first (by default) 8;

    defaults to using text labels, rather than labeling pie wedges by their size percentage.



    I'd like to use the pie chart to display disk usage in a directory hierarchy, for example to answer a question like "where are most of my *.log files, and do I need to delete some?"

    Am I missing a much better idea? Any ideas appreciated on how to make it more user-friendly. LV8.0, attached.

    Here was my go at that same challenge from about 3 yeras ago.

    Download File:post-29-1160683057.zip

    This code was featured (?) in the very first "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". It was one of the ugly/bad examples.

    It did not use event structures! it polled the picture control!

    I had not learned how to sorting with a cluster, so I wrote my own Bubble sort".

    You click on a wedge to drill down.

    You click on the "Up one level" string to go up one level.


    Large, full disks will take a long time!

    You can all feel free to laugh and joke if you want. I think this code was the result of a long week-end alone with a case of :beer: and I was trying to figure out what my son had done with all of my disk space.

    I'd love to an improved version, so share back if possible.

    "What the H#@$ it works!"

    I still use this code every time I fill my hard drive.


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