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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. This thread is both about and is a black hole.

    What twists my head all up is the space-time cone (displacement vs time plot for everything lies with cone defined by speed of light) thing...

    combined with the idea that light was* created out of nothingness.

    *How do I think about what existed before time existed and where WAS it before there was space for it to exist in!


  2. Damn, who here doesn't work indirectly or directly with crelf... besides me? ;):D

    A similar thought crossed my mind.

    Welcome rconde!

    Now regarding JKI and VIE;

    If Y'all are tring to throw a scare into the rest of us....

    its working. :o


  3. ... post the VIs themselves to a site whose IP language you trust and then post to ni.com with only links to the VIs instead of the VIs themselves. Seems to me like a way to leave the lawyers out of it and let us all get back to code development.

    Good point Stephen,

    Durring the redesign of my company's web-site, I requested that I be given this functionality. Now if I actually get it, that's another story. :P


  4. alfa's always good fun - every few months he reminds us not to take ourselves (or him) too seriously :)

    ... and in the event we come up with something we can market, you know who history will point at as the inspiration....

    YES, alfa.

  5. Hi there,

    Great forum, I stopped working with Labview at version 5.1 (when I was already happy with the UNDO feature). Now I started again and I am working in LabVIEW 7.1.

    A question that I have already a long time is the following. For many applications I use one big cluster that contains many setting for let's say a certain application. I pass this cluster from one VI to another and then extract data from it or add data to it when necessary. However since this creates many VI's that have terminals IN and OUT for this cluster type I run into serious problems when I decide to change the cluster definition. If I change the cluster definition then I have to manually change this for all VI's that use the cluster. This is a very timeconsuming operation.

    My question: is there a faster way to do it, or should I use another technique for keeping data together within an application?

    Thank in advance,


    Pop-up on your control and choose Customize.

    Use the drop down to change change the control from a control to a typdef.

    Save it.

    replace all of the old occurnces with the typdef.


    After you create and save the edit it and add a new field. Save it.

    This will break yur code every where the typdef is wired to a non-typdef'd control. Fix all the broken wires by replace the non-typedef with the typedef.

    When you are done you will have found all of the places that need to be fixed (well maybe not all). :P


  6. And connecting wormholes belong to which (un)connected universe :question:

    And the Universe being the sum of all that exists, how can there be many of them :question:

    And when the transporter gets you out of quantum phase and you are invisible and pass through walls, why don't you pass through floors :question:

    And when you're invisible how can you see if the ligth passes through your eyes?

    As I understand it Godel (sp?) proved that an system can NOT be proved from within a system.

    1) How can we as elements of single dimension prove what lies outside our dimension? :question:

    What we need here is a quantity we can measure. If we can measure it we can prove it.

    Remeber it was an experiment to prove the quatum mechanical phenomenon can be measured on a macroscopic sclae that lead to the transistor.

    2) What 5th dimenstional atribute can we measure? :blink:

    3) Can we turn a profit from it? ;)


  7. Unfortunately, I didn't get the security system installed in time...


    Though I don't think any security system would work against the combined efforts of a 4-year old and a 2-year old.

    I love it!

    First they have to learn how to take things apart....

    War story time:

    When I was a teenager, my partner in crime (mentioned above) detroyed two perfectly good reel to reel tape decks in an attempt to build a variable delay "echoplex". To this day there is a running joke that comes up anytime we open a chassis that goes "Look out, they are going to make it BETTER".

    At least the chimbley survived (BTW the chimbley design introduced in the Rocket revolutionised the steam engine by creating a forced air draft through the fire box)



    Pass along compliment to your brother from me. My father and brother do HO and G-scale)

  8. For a pre-anotation solution you could use the code CC posted in this thread.


    on the NI forum.

    In that example he controls all of the aspects of the cursor using a reference to the cursor legend.

    Un-fortunately that method has been shutdown for LV 8 or greater.

    And if none of the above help out, you can always use a picture control and "roll your own". If you go that route then this thread


    contains a bunch of links that I have been collecting to help get stated with the Picture control. Here is a sample of what can be done with a pcture control (note:This example is NOT part of that thread).



  9. David,

    Looks nice, I think you have to get Ben into this. If i'm right he will digg this!



    I am too predicatble!

    In this thread I go on for pages talking about my model railraod.


    Here is a wide angle shot that includes the scratch built controller layout and the LabVIEW application that controls it.


    It is an N-scale (eg an N-Scale coal car is about as long as a four post LEGO block ) layout that is theoretically capable of handling 11 trains at the same time (after I code up the collision avoidence functionality). The most we can do now is three, and I say "we" because I can only handle two but my partner in crime can keep three going.


  10. Here is another new one for me.

    I often am asked to "just" make a small change to horendous code developed by others.

    Following long wires in a diagram is made easier by triple-clicking but as soon as you click off of the wire, you can get lost again.

    You can now pop-up on the wire and add a description that shows up when the help window is open and you float over the wire with the wiring tool.


    I wonder how long this has been around.


  11. I had to take a look after reading the others reaction.

    I got as far as "frame 0" spotted a race condition!


    So do you think the delay was a workaround for the race condition?

    I hope we never find out!

    The lower level VI may be good for harvesting syntax (I did not look).


  12. p.s. I really want NI to add animated as well as noisy icons. Imagine a VI which would make sounds as you debug, wouldn't it make life so much more exciting... (do we have a life?) :P

    ... and then imagine what the bull-pen full of debugging developers would sound like!

    Quoting myself;

    " ' We don't no stinkin' speakers' the only sound a computer should make, is the the sound of moving fans and relays opening and closing."


  13. Fair enough :) Are you going to bookmark this thread and come back to explain when you're in a less tired state? Perhaps a morning after not spending all night on 6th street? :P

    Ok - so my half an hour was a little over the top, but my time on clean start is closer to 45 seconds than your kick-arse 13, and that's on a pretty good machine - the time it takes on some of our older lab machines is even slower. I was thinking that maybe I have more toolkits installed than you do, but I'm not sure that's the case. I did a little experimentation, and although the 8.0 load is much slower than the 8.20 load (kudos to the NI team for the change) :thumbup: , the search is much quicker.


    Your exachange with Aristos Queue prompts me to relay the message my wife used to have on her cubical wall that read;


    You should not tease the IT manager. They do not have a sense of humour and they know the root password.



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