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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Without really thinking too much... If you use complex notation the work is generally simler since you can just add vectors. Ben
  2. I suspect I am alone but did anyone else catch intro to GBTV last night? Intersting fact about over 55 no-Netflix, under 25 no-TV.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      If attempting to address an audience that spans multiple generations, there does not seem to be a single form of media that can reach all age groups. We are a divided society.

    3. viSci


      What about beamed bio-resonant rf mind control?

    4. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      That was the technology I was using when I made my original assumption.

  3. A pinion gear meets that criteria. Combined with a rack. http://www.sdp-si.com/eStore/CoverPg/Gears.htm Ben
  4. Is it time to drop off off the cliff?

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      If the debt issue is not fixed, we should expect this to keep sliding and our saving along with it unless you are in gold.

    2. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden
  5. Glad it helped. That one example has been used to answer dozens of 3D questions. Take care, Ben
  6. Z Axis scale range. See this thread on the Dark-Side were I posted a worse case tutoial. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Multiple-polar-plots-into-a-3d-plot/m-p/270676#M144155 Ben
  7. Back from vacation to find the Dw/Gold ratio is now at 7.982. First time I have seen it below 8.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      that should be "Dow/Gold"

  8. Choose plot style >>> Lines What you have now is level lines. Ben
  9. as I understand them... For any single global... LV does a copy to all instances of the read when writing to any write local. 20 read locals means copy the dat 20 times bfore the write is done. Ben
  10. The best I can do real fast is to show you the code. Go to my image gallery on the dark-side here. http://forums.ni.com/t5/media/gallerypage/user-id/9539/album-id/192 Starting with an image called something like "create new object" there is a series of images that show one method. there are are others but that is just what I have readily availabel to share. Dynamic dispatching in non-LVOOP terms. If you wanted to write this Vaporware we are talking about using non-LVOOP you would have maybe an enum that came along with all of your code that would select the proper falvor of code depending on the devices youare useing testing etc. This would be a lot of tedious work but you could do it. Dynamic dispatching moves that selection enum to the LV domain and LVOOP does the tracking and slection for you at run time without you doing anything other than describing the rules using the config options for the classes. have fun, Ben
  11. FOr agregate classes (classes that have in them other classes) I will generally use a library and put them all in the library. This helps on the VI hierachy screen since I can colapse libraries and focus only on the parts I am developing today. Ben
  12. Ray, OOP is al about "Patterns" and all I did was match your challenge with the posted solution. TO All, Any ideas on how to go about handling the "Who gets to use the multimeter now" question when multiple Active Objects are running independantly of each other? Ben Ray, OOP is al about "Patterns" and all I did was match your challenge with the posted solution. TO All, Any ideas on how to go about handling the "Who gets to use the multimeter now" question when multiple Active Objects are running independantly of each other? Ben
  13. I'll throw out one idea to address the unknown number engines running. Tomi wrote about a Worker Pool here. http://lavag.org/topic/11362-worker-pool/page__p__68339__hl__worker__fromsearch__1#entry68339 I did my own version before reading how to do it better and used a control that I could write the target class (Child of generic "Do Something" class) to control its character. Handling various hardware interfaces in a "instantly infinately configurable" manner is a question above my pay-grade (free). Preventing conflicts between the various Workers accessing that I/O is something I'll sit-back and wait for others to advise. Ben Can we put restratints of any kind on the I/O demands or do we we have to allow for high throughput performance? WIll hardware be in the same area, room building city...? Ben
  14. [OT] I had a boss that never liked any idea anyone ver came up with but he liked his and eventually I figured his memory was not so good. So the phrase "I was thinking about that idea of yours and think is was a good one..." He was much easier to manage that way. Ben
  15. Since US off Gold standard, Dow/Gold between 8-10. As of this AM now at 8.098. Speaks poorly for the dollar.

  16. Standard acrhitectures are good for standard problems but your is not standard so... Let the application determine its structure. Imagine implementing the application a 100 years ago with faithful assistants (vey fast assistants) that tielessly carry out their job. Give them official titles and draw up how they interact to accomplish the job. Use that set of documentation to guide you program development. Whatever design you come up with can be implemented in LVOOP if you are up to it. The ability to dynamically load now classes is a nice feature that allows modes to application to support future changes but it does introduce some complexity that you don't run into with a non-LVOOP app. Just my 2 cents, Ben Re the QSM I was describing what I was going through to convert an app developed using the QSM to my wife and buddy Friday night and stumbled apon the explanation "A QSM is the Worm Oroboros implemented in software. It eats its tail and is best managed by keeping it starved. Let it feed iteslf and it will explode."
  17. Cheers to Netanyahu! Thanks for standing up!

  18. OK I calmed down now. Still don't look good.

  19. Pre-67 borders! All time dumbest idea.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      If you ever planned to see Jerusalem, go now before it is too late.

    2. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      The wife and I agreed. We hope it was just a dumb move and not intentional. Otherwise with allies like the US who needs enemies?

  20. resolved on the dark-side... re-entrant switch http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Create-Different-Instances-of-a-Class/m-p/1566012/message-uid/1566012#U1566012 Ben
  21. After thinking about it, I have to confess that I think I have seen that as well but did not stop to question if that was right or wrong. When I saw it, I habitiually hit "ctrl-a" and did not give it a second thought. So if hitting "ctrl-a" gives you all of the classes then I ahve have seen the same. If not, forget me. Ben
  22. The bits in that number map to the buttons on the tool bar of the hierachy screen. I had reported a bug where LV started forgetting my preferences for that screen. I was able to force it by copying that switch from an older version. Maybe my bug got fixed? I'll have to look. Ben
  23. RE: CS terminology Yes those term would help those being tested if they know them but the time the same in writting the question could inhibit the non-CS types. I would like NI to put together an glossery of all CS terms that COULD be used on a CLA exam. It would include all of those phrases that non-CS type may not be familiar with by name. The CLA Glossery would; Be posted as part of the exam prep matial Included in the CLA application Included as part of the exam packet. I feel it would; help the CS types relax about the terminology Aide in prep for the exam Allow non-LV types to get a better picture of what a CLA has to know. I do not feel it would in anyway decrease the effectiveness of the exam. After all, the exam is not a CS terminology exam. Re: What Aristos said about a CLA training rookies. Thank you! Ben
  24. Lot s of good thoughts there. Please excuse my laziness with quoting you. The interactive nature of a review process would help bridge the gaps transfering your solution to the minds of those ding the evaluation. I think it could also help out with the terminology barier (Non-CS types who kick-ass in LV but never took any official cousrse... How exactly do you pronounce "boolean" anyway?) as well. I had been designing application for years before I figured out what "Use Case" was talking about (Yes, I admit it ! I was teaching myself to design and implement software before any college ever concidered including it as course work. I recall having a PHD from Pitt floowing me around asking question while I was fixing his hard-drive. Re: Patterns The intent of Patterns serves multiple roles. Not only do they help us idientify solutions to well defined situations but they also are a form of short-hand that should eliminate the need to explaining them. I hope you find the chance to confront this challenge again some time. I do not feel I am alone in saying; "There is chair with "DAKLU" in the virtual hall of CLA waiting for you." Take care, Ben
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