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Justin Goeres

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Posts posted by Justin Goeres

  1. QUOTE(Sparky @ Sep 6 2007, 10:25 AM)

    There are actually a couple ways to do this. You can use the Match Pattern function, or you could do a full-blown PCRE with the Regular Expression function (that I love so very much).

    In this case, a Match Pattern is probably good enough. I think this snippet gets you most of what you want:


    To break it down...

    • ^ anchor the match to the beginning of the string (require the number to occur at the front of the string)
    • [+-]? match the '+' or '-' character 0 or 1 times (so strings without a + or - still match)
    • [0-9]* match any digits 0 or more times (so strings that don't have digits in front of the decimal still match)
    • \.? match the literal decimal point ('.') 0 or 1 times (so strings that don't have the decimal at all still match)
    • [0-9]* match any digits 0 or more times (so strings that don't have digits after the decimal still match)
    • $ anchor the match to the end of the string (so any extra characters beyond the number cause a failed match)

    Now, it turns out this example is not without its problems. For instance, it will still match:

    • An empty string (change the >=0 to a strict >0 to fix that)
    • Various non-numeric strings like "+" or "." or "+."

    The second item is kind of tough to deal with, although you could run it through a pre-validation step with a regex like [0-9]? to make sure the string contains at least one digit. You could also probably handle it with a cleverly constructed regex and the full-blown Regular Expression function, but that's left as an exercise to the reader ;).

  2. QUOTE(jaegen @ Sep 6 2007, 09:19 AM)

    The Create Accessor dialog automatically uses "Read" and "Write" in the VI names - is there any way to make this default to "Get" and "Set" instead?

    I had exactly the same thought the first time I used the Create Accessor dialog.

    Typically I use the Read/Write semantics to refer to some kind of data transfer (to/from instruments, files, maybe even queues, etc.). When I'm just changing the value of a piece of private class data, I think Get/Set.

  3. QUOTE(bpreis @ Sep 6 2007, 06:47 AM)

    That's a very good summary of it, yes.

    I've done some more work and have managed to get LV85 to generate the incorrect information in the Installer Build Spec under a much simpler set of circumstances (starting from completely a blank slate in a brand new project). I'm not certain that this is a truly minimal set of conditions to trigger the bug, but it's got to be fairly close.

    Summary: LabVIEW 8.5 generates incorrect Installer Build Spec XML data under the following conditions:


    1. Project Window & Main VI


    2. EXE Build Spec


    3. Installer Build Spec (Note that this screnshot shows the first evidence of LabVIEW's confusion.)


    If we look in the Installer Build Spec section of the .lvproj file we find that there's mismatched data in the FileInfo[2] properties, and that it matches what we saw in the Installer Build Spec screenshot above:

    4. .lvproj Installer Build Spec XML


    Now, the interesting thing is that in the configuration above, the EXE & Installer both build OK, and the Installer also puts all the right files in the right places. However, there's clearly a mistake in the .lvproj XML for the Installer Build Spec, and in my larger project the same kind of file substitution shown above causes the installer to subsitute some files in place of others, breaking the app. It looks like on a small scale, this may be a bug that doesn't have any consequences. In more complicated builds (like my original example) it's catastrophic.

    Attached to this post is a ZIP file containing the project described above. It also includes incremental archives of the .lvproj as I went along step-by-step. Please note that I actually started with an external supportfile.ini file as part of the project, and several additional member VIs in Class 1.lvclass. After the bug manifested, I removed those files to see if the bug would go away -- it didn't. I don't think those additions/removals are related to what I've seen, but I'd be remiss not to mention them ;).

    Example Project File: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6864

    To bpreis -- we can continue this discussion here in the thread, or we can take it offline if you prefer. It's OK with me either way. PM me with your outside email address if you want to take it outside. ;)


  4. QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 5 2007, 12:01 AM)

    Looks like low level people (98%) are waiting for a new book:

    Prostitution for dummies

    There's no need to insult me or anyone else. I was just trying to understand what you were saying. And for the record, your reply didn't clear it up at all.

  5. As part of my flailing on this problem, I decided to try to eliminate the possibility that my manual edits to the .lvproj XML were part of the problem. I started with a completely fresh EXE build spec, and a completely fresh Installer Build Spec.

    Without going into the hairy details of the app in question, I observed the following:

    • The EXE Build Spec still builds the app correctly.
    • The Installer Build Spec Source Files - Destination View window shows the constituent files from the EXE Build Spec correctly. (this is different from before)
    • The actual Installer (Setup.exe, etc.) generated by the build spec still puts files in the wrong places on installation, and results in a broken application.

    But here's the interesting thing...

    The 2 files that the installed app (C:\Program Files\...) can't find appear to

    • both be member VIs of classes that are part of a .lvlib file, and
    • both have been replaced on disk by different non-VI support files that were manually included as part of the EXE Build Spec. :blink:

    I still can't be completely certain that my previous hand-editing of the XML isn't part of the problem, but the fact that I started by deleting the old EXE & Installer Build Specs (and verified they were gone from the .lvproj indicates against that.

    Note that if I manually take the missing VIs from the original EXE build output directory and place them in the correct folders of the installed application, the app launches fine. This isn't terribly surprising -- the compiled app is fine, but the Installer is just putting the wrong things in the wrong places. It's like it's somehow getting references to the wrong files when it's collecting pieces for the installer.

    Now if I could just bring myself to try to rig up a test project for this from scratch....

  6. QUOTE(gmart @ Sep 4 2007, 08:08 AM)

    One thing you could do is remove the problem file from the project. When you load the build specification again, it will not be present. This is not ideal, but it should get you going without having to manually edit the project file. Also, it seems the problem only affects non-VI files. If you have the same setup with a VI, you will not get the same behavior.

    That won't work, however, if the file in question is in an auto-populating project folder -- you can't remove it individually from the project. That's the situation in my case (not the test case I posted), but in other cases your workaround would work.

    You're right about the file types -- it does not happen with VI files.

  7. I'm having one of those this-has-to-be-my-fault,-right? moments.

    LabVIEW 8.5 is creating broken installers from the Installer Build Spec on my machine. See below.

    First I create an Installer Build Spec from an existing EXE (for what it's worth, the EXE builds fine). It looks like there's a graphical bug with the icons, but no big deal.


    After I create the Build Spec, I click OK to return to the project window. When I reopen the Installer Build Spec the next time, the Source Files - Destination View has the WRONG FILES IN THE WRONG FOLDERS of the built application.


    You might think this is just a graphical bug like I implied above, but you'd be wrong.

    The installer builds OK (or so it seems). I can even install the built software on a target machine without seeing any errors. However, when I try to run the software after installation, the application cannot find the constituent VIs it needs.


    Furthermore, if I look in the installation directory on the disk, some class subfolders don't have the right files in them!. They have INI or CFG files (externally included to the project) or even other non-class VIs scattered throughout them, presumably in place of the VIs that should be there (that the application can't find on launch above). It seems that the problem is confined to class subfolders, although I haven't tested that rigorously.

    It should be noted that the project this is happening in is a few hundred VIs, maybe 15-20 LVOOP classes, and has a couple different app/installer build scripts in it. I managed to get one of the installer builds to work by doing weird voodoo like creating it from scratch and never viewing the Source Files pane after creating the build, etc. The exact same voodoo performed on this installer script didn't work.

    I can't imagine the Installer Build Spec is this completely FUBAR in LV85, but I'm quite sure my eyes aren't deceiving me. I have not tested this on another project file.

  8. QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 3 2007, 12:52 AM)

    Any dictator needs a lot of prostitutes. Low level people want to be part of any system.

    My view is: More democracy means less prostitution.

    In Romania were more than 4 millions in the communist party, more than 2 millions had prostitute certificate…

    I want to make sure we're talking about the same kind of prostitutes here.

    Do you mean prostitute as in

    1. "a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money," OR
    2. "a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money."
    3. Or both?

    Just trying to make sure we all understand whether you believe half the Romanian communists were having sex for money.

  9. BAH! Jim posted over me while I was tweaking my self-reply! Oh well, I'll leave mine here because I have a screenshot :)

    I was able to get LabVIEW to remove the support file from the project by editing the XML of the .lvproj file. It's not that tricky an edit, so it may be a solution for other people, as well.

    Open the .lvproj file (in this case, Build Spec File Removal Bug.lvproj) in Notepad. Find the section of the XML for your build spec (e.g. <Item Name="My Application" Type="EXE">). In that section, find the lines that correspond to the file you want to remove (highlighted in yellow below). Delete those lines and save the file. When you open the Build Spec in LabVIEW the next time around, your file will have been removed from the build.


    There is an item in the XML for the Build Spec which keeps a count of the total number of source files in the build. It seems that it is not necessary to update this value, nor is it necessary to edit the index numbers of the remaining files. I tested this workaround with two different support files in the build, and was able to manually remove either one (or both) by this method without any problems.

  10. I am on WindowsXP Pro.

    It appears that once an "Always Included" file has been added to an EXE Build Specification in LabVIEW 8.5, it is impossible to remove that file from the Build Spec later on. This, you will note, makes it impossible to edit your EXE Build Specifications.

    To illustrate, the following image shows a simple project with an INI file included (the project file is attached below). Open the EXE Build Spec, and note that the file supportfile.ini has been manually included in the build. Remove the file from the build, then click OK.


    Now go back to the Project Window and open the Build Spec again. Note that supportfile.ini is still included..


    The file is not referenced anywhere in the project. In this particular case, the Main.vi is actually blank, and supportfile.ini is an empty file.

    Note that you can still keep adding files to your Build Spec with impunity. It's like a Black Hole :angry: .

    Can anyone else confirm this? Does anyone have a suggested workaround?

    Example Project File:http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6837

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