The problems with the paths to the shared libraries should be fixed with version 5.0.3. It's a combination of using the <library_name>*.* format to let LabVIEW resolve to the right shared library with the first * being replaced with 32 or 64 and the second with the platform specific shared library file extension (dll and so). Also needed to fixup the linker info in the VIs after creating the renamed (with oglib postfix) VI hierarchy through the OpenG Builder functions. LabVIEW, after creating the renamed hierarchy, will store the fully resolved library name into all VIs, which of course is not very helpful as it pins the VIs then to only use the shared library that matches the LabVIEW platform used to create the package.
Version 5.0.4 was adding a working low level API for supporting a progress interface to the storing of files into an archive.
Version 5.0.5 was adding an extended interface to the Inflate and Deflate functions to compress and uncompress binary streams and control the header used (none, zlib or gzip). Previously only zlib was supported for Deflate and only zlib or none for Inflate.
Version 5.0.6 fixes a bug when dealing with UNC names that contain numeric characters such as an IP address in the server name.