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Gary Rubin

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Posts posted by Gary Rubin

  1. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 23 2007, 04:34 AM)

    Please let me know if everything feels a little faster.

    Yes it does feel a little faster. Thanks!

    Clicking on the "Last Post" link brings me to the top of the page on which the last post is located, rather than right to the last post.

  2. QUOTE(zeldAIS @ May 18 2007, 08:54 PM)

    My thesis is about determination of maturity levels of young coconuts through acoustic response.

    I think this wins the prize for the most interesting/unusual application of Labview! :thumbup:

    Hmmm... It got me thinking - if I had a PDA with Labview on it running an application like this, maybe I could finally figure out how to pick a good melon at the supermarket... :)

  3. I'm not Crelf, but I'll venture an answer.

    I don't believe that wire has any effect on when the delay occurs. What it does do, however, is provide a ms timer value of when the last loop finished. This could be accessed by wiring the output tunnel to something.


  4. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ May 15 2007, 12:46 PM)

    But, in my defense, these aren't "my" local variabes, globals, etc that I've been complaining about in another post. I've inherited the program in question, and the buckets of fun attached to it. :angry:

    Regardless of whether they're "someone else's" local variables, I would think this experience would cause you avoid local variables like the plague in all of our future coding.

    I've run across code similar to yours (although not nearly to that scale), as has anyone else who's ever tried to use the example Labview code for the ICS-554 A/D card. I never used locals much anyway, but after slogging through that, my knee-jerk reaction was to avoid them even more.

  5. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Apr 29 2007, 09:45 AM)

    Aren't modern computers so fast and have so much memory, and recent versions of LabVIEW are so good at compiling for run-time, that the whole "avoid Local Variables and Property Nodes" mentality is no longer valid

    Are you serious? :o

    Aren't you the one banging your head against the wall because the application you are trying to debug uses too many local variables?


    The following searches gave a "Search Aborted. Too many search objects were found"....

    : >2000

    : >2000

    Front Panel Terminals
    : >2000


    347 VI's

    594 sequences

    1368 Attribute Nodes (old term for Property Node I guess)

    This project is a morph of something that was started 10 years ago, has had 5 or so programmers in it, with almost weekly additions. There's almost no wires. If something is more than a few inches away or in a different frame, a local variable was used. There are hundereds of "read only" variables, and even "write only" variables !!!

  6. QUOTE(Rimmergogo @ May 11 2007, 03:59 AM)

    My problem: I need to determine from which sample until which sample the movement was. Like I sad above the acceleration is 0 if the robot stops. I managed to determine the beginning of the piek but the end appear to be difficult. Can somebody help me with this?

    Here is a quick-and-dirty solution that you might try.

    Your acceleration profile looks pretty symmetric, so you can likely use the same technique to find the stop as you did to find the start.

    Use Reverse Array on the acceleration data, negate the result, and run it through the same VI that you used to initially find the start-up acceleration. Just remember that because you've reversed the array, the answer is really going to represent the number of elements from the end of the original (unreversed) array.

  7. It's also about how we phrase responses to those who don't follow your guidelines. If we are too harsh, then we intimidate or scare off the the non-HH newbies along with the HH culprits.


    If you follow the guidelines then you'll be welcomed with open arms, irrespective of whether you think your question is a stupid one or not. If we dissed all those members that have asked what we think is a stupid question, then none of us would be here.

    I understand that this is how everybody feels about basic questions, but Ben, dannyt, dsaunders, and I have all remarked recently that we have doubted whether our questions are worthy of LAVA. Despite the remarks from you, id2x, and others that we shouldn't feel this way, the fact is that something is giving us that impression. Do we just happen to be meek people, or are we getting (inaccurate) vibes about whether LAVA is too exclusive for us? Who knows?

    Yes, we want people to think before posting, but we also don't want them to be afraid to post.

  8. QUOTE(Ben @ May 2 2007, 08:46 AM)

    We need people who do NOT know everything already who are willing to ask the "dumb questions" or voice thought that are outside the adopted norm.

    This makes me think of the cliche that explaining/teaching something is the best way to really understand it yourself.

    I think Ben really has a good point, especially when I think back to the many posts in which a veteran has remarked "I didn't know you could do that!" when someone has explained to a newbie one of LabVIEW's many little tricks and features.

    I think we're starting to see a pattern here. In the last week, I've counted 4 people with 23 years combined LabVIEW experience expressing doubts about whether they were advanced enough to be posting here at LAVA.

    I understand the desire to run off the homework hustlers, but if it is done in a way which makes others feel unwelcome or intimidated, then LAVA will eventually become a forum that is, in essence, dedicated to a handful of people who are primarily interested in discussing GOOP and X-controls.

  9. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 28 2007, 11:25 PM)

    It's not part of what raised Michael's hackles, but I do think it is part of the issue of treatment of new members. I have seen more than one post answered with the comment "This is an advanced forum. Go spend time on the NI forums and come back when you've learned more". That might not be as rude as some comments have been, but it certainly doesn't sound welcoming either.

  10. QUOTE(chrisdavis @ Apr 27 2007, 04:31 PM)

    Thats easy, choose the 6024E. Don't worry about the differences in this case. Its easier all around to program the 6024's DIO ports than trying to use the parallel port as DIO.

    What about just output? I was thinking along similar lines recently. I have to send a timing pulse to 8 different locations to start a process. My first thought was to use a cheap NI DIO board, but the idea of being able to use the parallel port and save myself a PCI slot sounded pretty good too.



  11. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 28 2007, 09:06 PM)

    Thank you Michael.

    I think that really needed to be said, and it certainly helps that you are the one who said it.

    I know I'm a relative newcomer to the board and the recent abuse of Nullll and Sally have had me second-guessing my own past postings. Am I advanced enough? Am I really an "architect"? I shouldn't have to think such things.

    I understand the desire to keep the SNR high at LAVA, after all, that is one of the main reasons I hang out here rather than the NI forums. There's got to be a better way, however, than telling users that they aren't good enough to post here. You shouldn't have to have an CLD to ask a question, no matter what the forum.



  12. QUOTE(ned @ Apr 16 2007, 02:23 PM)

    You can't have an array of arrays, so instead you get an array of clusters, with each cluster containing an array of doubles. The array elements in the queue could all be different lengths, so it would be impossible to merge them into one 2-D array.

    I see. Thanks.

    I was expecting it to just add a dimension to the input type.

  13. I've searched the LAVA and NI forums for this, but haven't found anything.

    I'm trying to transition a LV2-style global to a queue. I have to admit that I'm quite inexperienced when it comes to queues, so I may just be making a stupid mistake.

    In the attached snippet (LV7.1.1), shouldn't the output of the 'flush queue' be a 2D array of type double? That's what I would expect from the Labview help, which is the source of that text box in the diagram.


    What am I missing here?



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