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Everything posted by Darren

  1. I think you're looking for [LabVIEW]\resource\Framework\Providers\LVClassLibrary\CLSUIP_MemberTemplate.vit. I changed the structure in there to not Auto Grow, and my new static/dynamic dispatch VIs no longer had Auto Grow set. -D
  2. It is my understanding that calling an XNode (either by a subVI call or otherwise) within another XNode is simply not supported. -D
  3. And if you've already created a bunch of VIs with Auto Grow enabled, you can run this utility to turn it off on all structures in all VIs in a given folder. Turn Off Auto Grow -D
  4. Should I post this as a weekly nugget? I assumed it was well-known, but if two LAVA guys didn't know about it, that probably translates to way more 'regular' LV programmers not knowing... -D
  5. Show the Boolean Text of the checkbox instead of the Label. This will give you the behavior you're looking for. -D
  6. Stylistically, I almost never close a passed-in reference in a subVI. I always close it in the same VI that opened/generated it. That way I don't have to worry about a reference that I think is valid actually being invalid because it was closed in a subVI somewhere beforehand. -D
  7. The wikipedia article gives more info about number of takes, size of engineering team, etc. If you look carefully in the background during the TV smashing part, you can see all the smashed TVs from previous takes that didn't work out. Similarly, there's a smashed piano in the background during the piano drop...apparently they had to do that one at least twice.
  8. I've been to a few brainstorming meetings that used some kind of Mind Map software. It seemed like a solution looking for a problem to me. I prefer good ol' whiteboards and notetaking. -D
  9. The keyboard shortcut for the Revision History dialog box in LabVIEW is Ctrl-Y. Could there be some config option in the Windows speech settings that is making it try to convert whatever you're saying into a Ctrl-command? Just a thought, -D
  10. I think I've seen this issue posted on the NI Forums a few times, and I think it has to do with having an Event Structure in your 2009 diagram and attempting to save to 8.5. I think there are some workarounds posted. -D
  11. Be careful with that, as there are some problems when converting null data from a database with the regular Variant To Data function that the DB Variant To Data function handles correctly. Also, I think the Timestamp issue was fixed in the Database Toolkit at some point, but I don't remember which LabVIEW version it was. -D
  12. I posted a response in the thread on the NI Forums...I think we should probably continue the conversation there since it has the entirety of the conversation. -D
  13. Yeah, I used to play the games on here a lot, but there's so many alternatives at this point that it probably doesn't make sense to put any effort into bringing them back here...well, unless it's a gallery of LabVIEW-based games, that is... -D
  14. The new LAVA doesn't have any games. I haven't heard Michael mention bringing them back, either. -D
  15. The VI Analyzer Spell Check test harvests all the words from a VI...you could probably steal some of its code to find words and replace them. -D
  16. From one CLAburger to another, congrats! -D
  17. Even though you can't get official support from NI for the older versions, I'm running LabVIEW 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.2, 8.5, 8.6 and 2009 on my Windows 7 64-bit machine and haven't seen any problems with any of them, installation or otherwise. -D
  18. I filed CAR# 191973 on this issue. Unfortunately, I don't know of a workaround. -D
  19. Rolf is right...there's no need to run a LabVIEW patch (like an 'f1') unless you are experiencing the exact issue described as fixed in the patch. The Service Packs, on the other hand, will contain several bug fixes and potential performance enhancements, and are intended for all users of that particular version.
  20. I posted a utility VI that does this here. -D
  21. As promised, here's my blog post on creating your own Quick Drop keyboard shortcuts in LabVIEW 2009. -D
  22. Yes, the keyboard shortcuts in Quick Drop are a plug-in architecture. Look for a post on my blog soon that describes how to write your own keyboard shortcuts for Quick Drop. As for Shaun's issue, I'm totally stumped as to why your shortcuts aren't working, short of some strange configuration of your keyboard that is messing with the Ctrl modifier key. With a clean install of LabVIEW 2009 on a Vista machine, I can select an object, then press Ctrl-Space, Ctrl-D, and the controls/indicators are created. -D
  23. Are you sure you're running LabVIEW 2009 and not 8.6? Assuming you are in LV 2009, check in [LV]\resource\dialog\quickdrop\plugins. Do you see three VIs there, called d.vi, r.vi, and t.vi? If you do, open them. Do they have a broken run arrow? Keep me posted, -D
  24. I will certainly admit that the placement within Quick Drop of the new keyboard shortcuts isn't the most ideal location for the feature (although it is documented in the Keyboard Shortcuts topic in the LabVIEW 2009 Help). But before deciding to spew forth vitriol against a feature you can freely choose not to utilize, please note that the following conversation has already taken place several times within the walls of NI over the past few months: QD Fan: "Hey Darren, I really like the new keyboard shortcuts in Quick Drop!" Darren: "Thanks!" QD Fan: "One question though, why do I have to launch Quick Drop first to use them?" Darren: "Because every single keyboard shortcut letter is already claimed by something in LabVIEW. Since I can't go messing with the default shortcuts myself, I'm simply using Quick Drop as an entry point to start defining new ones written in G." QD Fan: "Oh, ok. That makes sense." It would be great if we could override the default keyboard shortcuts in LabVIEW with our own (I never use Ctrl-D to distribute objects or Ctrl-T to tile windows!). However, that would require extensive work in the menu code to allow user-defined VIs to run when menu selections (or their associated keyboard shortcuts) are pressed. I inquired about this during LabVIEW 2009 development (knowing that JKI was already doing some work in this area), and was told that nobody with knowledge of the menu code would be able to work on that kind of feature any time in the near future. So instead of throwing in the towel, I took what I thought would be a useful feature, and wrote it anyway, in the easiest way I knew how...as a plugin for Quick Drop. So instead of pressing Ctrl-D to drop controls/indicators that are wired to the selected object, you press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-D. If it helps, maybe you can close your eyes when you do this so you don't see the Quick Drop window appear for a split second before it disappears? And maybe it would help if I told you that the shortcut mechanism is pluginable? I only had time to ship LabVIEW 2009 with three QD shortcuts (Ctrl-T, Ctrl-[shift]-D, and Ctrl-R). But I'll be posting on my blog soon how you can write your own shortcuts for more keys, including info on how you can use whatever is currently typed in Quick Drop within your plugin code (Replace with Quick Drop instead of the palettes, anyone?). If anybody wants to start experimenting on their own before I have a chance to post more detailed info, check out [LabVIEW]\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\QuickDrop Plugin Template.vi. -D
  25. I got your twitter DM this weekend, but haven't had a chance to respond until now. I got the reference immediately (rusty nail through the heart, still love scripting, etc. etc.), and yes, I thought it was cool. -D
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