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Everything posted by skywalkerxp

  1. I used CMD command like this ""Print /D:LPT1 D:\Data.txt" to finish my printing line by line. but I found this method has some limitation of DOS. e.g. When I want to print the character which DOS is not supported, then I need to install the Language package or some other software in dos envirnment. I wonder whether there is an activeX control which can solve my problem in windows mode not dos mode, so I can easy print the character which the operation system support. Or maybe there is an other way to solve the problem of printing line by line. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi,Folk. I think the reason is you don't open the LabVIEW Script function. add this into your LabVIEW.ini file which is under the LabVIEW directory
  3. Little girl's age is the same with LabVIEW 8.0 Congratulations!!!
  4. I like to use Blue BG with Grey White FG, That's look very common in lab.
  5. Hi,Jim The CIT's product need money to pay. Is there articles or document to describe the detail?
  6. Someone has an idea to burn CD in labVIEW? Please give me some hint.thx.
  7. I am looking for the method to solve that problem:)
  8. this may help Cheers Qia
  9. Gentlemen, I am wandering it can be or not? :question: If not there is an alter way? :thumbup: Thx Qia
  10. I got another problem. please look at the pic I attached When I use the hide/show property of graph's scale, the scale will be misshaped like the picture show. Is there a property or method to arrange the position of the scale?
  11. I follow the step you said, but I can not control the program in client computer. I changed the following script "<EMBED SRC=".LV_FrontPanelProtocol.rpvi71" LVFPPVINAME="Untitled.vi" REQCTRL=false TYPE="application/x-labviewrpvi71" WIDTH=518 HEIGHT=356 PLUGINSPAGE="http://digital.ni.com/express.nsf/express?openagent&code=ex3e33&"></EMBED>" LVFPPVINAME="" "" is my exe file name What's wrong with that?
  12. My main program is running in the Server Computer, and then I want the client Computer can visit the main program in Server Computer. But I don't want the users use the main program in editable status, so I build the main program into "exe" file. but I found I can't use the web publishing tool. so someone can give me solutions. I hope my idea is clear to understand. Skywalkerxp
  13. We use labview for HVAC System Autocontrol Skywalkerxp
  14. Cluster+Boolean
  15. Maybe you could use "Configuration File VIs" Download File:post-484-1092138299.llb
  16. Thank you Michael. I think your way to solve this problem is excellent.
  17. Maybe legend->Position->All Elements is what you want?!
  18. Thank you firstly, but maybe I can't explain my problem clearly. I want add a scale dynamic which means I want add a scale when the program is running, not in edit mode. so do you have a better idea?
  19. When I have two points of temperature which they are very close even I can not see them very clearly, so I want to add a new Scale to separate them, One point of temp is associated with one Scale and other with the left Scale. I don't how to do it, In the graph or chart's properties I can not find the way to solve. maybe someone could help me! Thanks a lot! Skywalkerxp
  20. That works! Download File:post-19-1088520083.vi
  21. Really,let me try it. How could you do that? you mean choose the several object by using the Ctrl+click?
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