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    LabVIEW 2016
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  1. Haha yes, of course. I have had luck using the wlan IP address as well as "raspberrypi.local" to run code on the device. I also installed TeamViewer on the raspberry pi which makes it a lot more convenient to control the device if you don't have extra monitors and keyboards lying around. By the way Chris, I really enjoyed the alarm clock example and how easy it is to interact with those GPIO pins. I made some schematics (tried to submit on Bitbucket as well) to show the connections, which might be a little easier to follow than the real-life pictures. RasPi_Schematics.zip
  2. Oh I see, I do have a free ethernet port on my computer. I thought the RPi needed direct connection to the router to be able to download some updates or something, so that's good to know I can connect to the PC!
  3. Ok great. My router is far away from my desk, so I'd like to use wifi after the initial set up. Just ordered the raspberry pi and excited to play around with it!
  4. Hi Chris, I just watched NI's getting started with Raspberry Pi videos. Do you have to use an ethernet connection to the RPi, or can you deploy your code over wifi? Do you use the case that comes with the Canakit, or do you have to take off the case in order to use the connectors with the breakout board? Thank you, looks like a lot of fun!
  5. Hi Mcduff, that looks like a nice resource as well, thanks!
  6. That looks like a really nice resource! I usually use Google's Material icons: https://material.io/resources/icons/?style=baseline They are open source under the Apache 2.0 license. But, there are only 2 colors, black or white.
  7. If you have some way to distinguish between them they don't have to pre-allocated. For example, DQMH uses "shared clone re-entrant execution" and when you launch one you get a Module ID back which you can use to address the clone.
  8. Also FLIR acquired Point Grey from Canada a couple years ago, so now they have a lot of monochrome and color industrial area scan cameras similar to what Basler offers. When I work with them (USB3, monochrome models), I use a property node to set the active attribute. Then, you can read the max and min values and make sure your new value is within range before trying to set it.
  9. crossposted here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/How-do-I-create-a-Candy-Crush-game-in-Labview/m-p/3884161#M1101235
  10. Hi Q, it looks like the admin is named "RTOS", hasn't been active since 2008 though. http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/rtos
  11. I was actually surprised when I stumbled across this page where NI makes the following recommendations: For LabVIEW 20xx: Continue using VIPM for distributing source/development code (e.g. reuse libraries, development tools, Tools Network, ...) Use NIPM for distributing and updating deployed applications (e.g. componentized applications, application EXE, PPLs, application plug-ins, NI drivers and software, LabVIEW Run-Time Engine, …). The goal with NXG would be to have NIPM handle source code as well... I thought about these trade-offs quite a bit, and now I keep all code that is not installed with LabVIEW in a "project" folder. I just copy and paste any re-use code that I need into the project folder. It's not nearly as sophisticated as MGI's package manager, but I mostly develop code by myself so I don't need a very sophisticated solution. My main reason is that if something happens to me at least my co-workers could find the source code repo or the source.zip file I make with each build and have everything they need, instead of wondering where to find the dependencies. If I do find a bug in the re-use code, then I need to update it in every project if it effects that project. User.lib is mostly easier from a maintenance standpoint, and mostly harder from a portability standpoint. If I wanted to make some change to my re-use code that added a feature but broke backward-compatibility, I actually would not want to have to go update old projects to get a feature they don't need.
  12. Hi Tomi, I agree that the controls look great. One thing I noticed is that most of the booleans were set to "switch when pressed". I find the latching mechanism is what I use for most of my buttons, and that most users expect the "when released" timing. Were the booleans deliberately set to "switch when pressed"?
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