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    LabVIEW 2017
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  1. First of all thanks for reply. Scaling is not a problem. I am 100% sure. moreover, i am reading voltage from force sensor(ICP) then using sensitivity, convert into EU unit(Newton). Here stable mean to say there is no any kind of damping oscillation wave because of spring.
  2. Hello, I dont think so i got right value because actual weight of my system is ~400 g but my daq program giving me a strange value (like 40g, 29g, etc..). if i read more sample than some time this value increase. anyone has an idea? why this happen for stable mass system hanging with spring ?
  3. you mean to say that i should find mean instead of RMS Right?
  4. Hello Everyone, Need some verification with daq program. I have one force sensor that connectd with my usb daq device. with this force sensor, unknown object is connected(hanging) and i want to find the mass of this object (F=ma) so i am taking continous sample and generate waveform graph. After the scaling, my waveform will be in Newton unit. my question is: if i take RMS of this waveform(1d Array data point) and divide by g (9.8 m/s2) then whatever value come is my correct mass? (F=ma). Thank you in advance
  5. Yes, You are right, we are not able to make it fully automate because We can only close pop-up dialog box manually.
  6. This is also working with my code but the problem is adding Signature line. if I use AddSignatureLine Mehtod then during creation of Excel report, it will open Signature dialog box that is not what i want using ActiveX.
  7. Hello, Is it possble to put signatureline into excel footer using Active X ?
  8. Presently Tortoise SVN
  9. Hello everyone, I am planning to give CLD exam but my question is: is this certification make any significase difference ? If yes, then where can I find proper guidance for preparation of this exam. Thanks.
  10. HI May be this two link will help you http://www.bloomy.com/support/blog/object-oriented-labview-inheritance-part-1-3-part-series http://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Program-Drafts/Applying-Common-Object-Oriented-OO-Design-Patterns-to-LabVIEW/ta-p/3510571
  11. In this case, I think, there is still some dependency that why it shows conflicts
  12. I dont think so there is simple way because of PPL . just load funtion from new PPL location
  13. May be following link helpful to you. 1.http://www.ni.com/tutorial/4656/en/ 2.http://home.hit.no/~hansha/documents/labview/training/Data Acquisition in LabVIEW/Data Acquisition in LabVIEW.pdf
  14. yes but same problem(German char) is working fine with LabVIEW11 and LabVIEW10. is there any change in flatten to string or unflatten from string function in LabVIEW 2014?
  15. Hello, I am trying to make communication between Two LabVIEW(Version 10 & Version 14) application through TCP\IP. I am sending cluster(Inc.Variant and String Control) from LabVIEW14 To LabVIEW 10 over TCP\IP. In this case everything work fine but when I include German word (Ex. Ü or Ö) there is error like 'Error 74 occurred at Unflatten from String.' Additional if i try to send data through Class than again there is flatten to string or XML error. Anyone has idea what to do with it ? NOTE: Same Communication between LabVIEW10 and LabVIEW 11 work fine even If I send (Ü, Ö,).
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