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Mark Balla

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Everything posted by Mark Balla

  1. As you requested I have emailed all particitants stating the committee has received their submissions. We will put this on our list of "Things to do better next time." If anyone who submitted a MG Codding challenge did not get a reponce email please PM me to discuss. mballa
  2. MG Final should retain the last MG sequence ("R1R") until the mouse button is pressed again.
  3. With a little graphics manipulation using the control editor it's not that hard. First open the menu ring in the control editor and switch to the tweezer tool. Copy the rounded back decoration to the clipboard. Close and open the Enum in the icon editor and switch to tweezer. Make the text background transparent and replace the border with the clipboard Item. Download File:post-584-1153972571.vi Now do the same steps with the little triangle and you have a custom enum.
  4. There is a ni podcast titled Intro to dual- and multi-core technollogy here
  5. So I can support my fellow LAVA members and so I don't have to read the conference program this year Will all the LAVA members presenting at NI WEEK 06 please tell us when and what you will be presenting. Also if anyone has any seminars that they would recommend.
  6. I was not aware of it until your question but the "Make Strict Reference" method is aparently a scripting function. For version 7.1 This is what you see if you don't have scripting enabled. And this is what will show up if you enable scripting. To enable scripting go to this post If you are not interested in scripting then just copy the method from the template and paste it into your code. I currently don't use this version of Goop any more. I have moved to a que based version. I have posted a possible core replacement to the original OpenG version here Hope this helps
  7. Oh yes! :thumbup: Thats much quicker. Thanks.
  8. I have a project that has about 1500 vis. Several of them are set up as reentrant. When I double click on a reentrant SubVI from the block diagram LabView creates a clone vi. The problem is that clone vis are not changeable. So what is the quickest way to get to the clones source vi in a huge project so It can be change. Here are the methods I know of. Open it via the project (trying to remember where it is and finding it can take a while) Open it via windows explorer (same as above) Open Vi Hierarchy of calling vi find SubVI and double click (Hierarchy can take a long time to open and doesn't work if calling vi is reentrant) Open clone Menu>>File>>VI Properties (Right clicking on icon doesn't work for clones). Go to execution category and uncheck Reentrant execution. After OK is pressed the clone FP will close. Now when the SubVI is re opened it is the source vi and not a clone. Go back and make Reentrant. (lots of clicks and its easy to forget to make reentrant) Has any one found a quicker way to get to the source of a reentrant clone vi.
  9. Here is my original Icon editor written in 7.1. It requires the reference of the VI as an input. Download File:post-584-1152152417.zip
  10. If you can't find exactly what you need and decide to create this vi yourself check out this link mballa Icon editor There are several subvis in the icon editor that you might find useful. I've created subvis to generate a header as well as import and export the vi's Icon.
  11. Thank you. One of The reasons why we want the same API used in the test vi as in the application is to help show Ease of portability. One of the attributes that we feel makes a good API is how easy it is to insert into another application. Adding additional functionality beyond the requirements is fine but the API as a whole should be transportable to other applications. We wanted to let anyone with version 6.1 or greater be able to participate if they wished. A submission written in any of these Version is acceptable. The strings are to insure a minimum requirement and give the committee a standard interface to use for testing. They do not have to define the Functionality of the API. It is not required that the string outputs be the only way that the API transmits it's information. The string outputs must be a part of the API.
  12. yes I did. I remember the days though.
  13. Greetings LAVA members the coding challenge committee:... ...would like to announce the next LAVA coding challenge. We are going to change things around for this challenge. Instead of having judges choose a final winner we are going to ask the LAVA members to vote on the final choice. Review Format: Here is how the coding challenge format will work. All submissions must meet a set of minimum requirements defined by the committee. Every submission that passes the minimum requirements will be evaluated by the challenge committee and the top 5 will be selected. The top 5 will be posted publiclly to all the LAVA members and a winner will be chosen by popular vote. Challenge Definition: The challenge that the committee has selected is called "Mouse Gestures". A mouse gesture is a technique used in a user interface that combines mouse movements and clicks. The software interprets these actions into application commands. Mouse Gestures allow quick access to programmable commands without the need for keyboard strokes or menus. The task of the Mouse Gesture Application Interface (MGAPI) is to return to its calling application the detected gesture string. It does this by tracking the mouse trajectory on the caller's front panel between the mouse down and up events. It translates the trajectory into a series of string characters to be returned to the application. The string characters are identified as follows; U for Up D for Down R for Right L for Left, The 4 diagonal directions are identified by the corresponding numbers on the numeric keypad. 1 for Down Left 3 for Down Right 7 for Up Left 9 for Up Right For example, if the users presses the Mouse button and draws a "Z" on screen and then releases the button, the MGAPI returns the final string of "R1R". Note: Mouse Gestures are not about pattern recognition but about mapping the mouse movements to a simple set of string characters. Install the Firefox Mouse Gestures extension to see it at work. Challenge Framwork: The Mouse Gestures challenge will consist of two parts a technical part and a creative part. 1:MGAPI:(MG Test vi) The first part will be to create a MGAPI and place it inside a Test VI supplied by the committee. This will give the committee a standard platform to test all submissions fairly. The committee will use the test VI along with other tools to evaluate the MGAPI to the following criteria. Ease of portability, Performance, Scalability and Adjustability, Coding Style Download File:post-584-1150435290.zip 2:Application of MGAPI(MG Application vi) The second or creative part will be to build a LabVIEW application that makes the best use of the MGAPI. This could be anything that you can think of as long as it uses the same MGAPI as was used in the test vi. Remember you are trying to impress your LAVA peers so the cooler the better. Both the MGAPI and final application will be evaluated by the committee when selecting the top 5. Minimum Requirements: For the Mouse Gesture challenge, the minimum requirements are as follows: The MGAPI must intercept mouse movements from the calling vi's front panel between mouse down and mouse up. The MGAPI must produce two string outputs that use the 8 direction string characters UDLR1379. The First string indicator Labeled (MG Process) will display the direction characters as they occur in process or while the mouse button is pressed. The Second string indicator Labeled (MG Final) will remain empty until the mouse button is released and then display the final character string. Standard LabView Coding Challenge rules apply. All coding must be done in LabVIEW (any version is acceptable). No external code, DLLs, CINs, exes, ActiveX, .NET, etc DLL's or libraries that are part of the core LV are allowed. OpenG code is allowed. Please include this code in the ZIP file. The same MGAPI code from the MG Test vi must also be use in the MG Application vi. Considerations: These Items although not mandatory should be considered when developing the MGAPI Minimum segment length Angle tolerance Timeout when mouse is idle. Prize: The Winner will receive a NI USB-6008 Multifunction I/O worth $159. Submissions: The deadline for all submissions is Aug-20-2006. The final submission should consist of a ZIP file containing the two main vis (MG Test vi and MG Application vi) along with all of the support files and VI's. Warning, ONLY ZIP files will be acceptable as attachments. Please e-mail the final ZIP file to: codingchallenge@lavag.org. Multiple submissions are acceptable. In the subject of the email please write MG Challenge followed by your LAVA user name. Example: MG Challenge joe_user Please Do not post submissions to this thread. Please use a valid email address that you check often so we can contact you for possible missing VI's or questions. You CAN post questions to this thread. Finally, My thanks to the committee for all there past, present and future help. mballa
  14. Mark Balla

    nobody nose

    I wonder who at NI thought this would be a good advertisement for NI Week. Nobody Nosse!!!!
  15. Can you explain your problem in more detail? Your program has code in it to save to a binary file. Do you need help with the Binary file or the Data acquisition. It's not clear what you are asking for.
  16. Yes the previous upload has been modified the lv_icon.vi NEW VERSION and the 2 zip file is what is needed to get the icon editor to work. Sorry for the confusion.
  17. Thanks for the complement. I look forward to seeing your version and talking to you at the next user group meeting.
  18. No. You are not missing anything I will correct this and repost the right code. Thanks for bringing it to my attention
  19. The files are in the second zip file. I had to break it up so I could upload to the site.
  20. While going through my archives from info-LabVIEW I found a posting by Steve Mercer that talks about making a personal Icon editor in LV8. I haven't seen any other discussion on this issue so I thought I would share what I've done incase it is useful to others. To make your own Icon editor that Labview will use. Do the following. Open the National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.0\resource\plugins\lv_icon.vit template Create your own Icon editor and save it in the same director as lv_icon.vi it must be this name. Restart LabVIEW. The next time Labview needs the icon editor it will use the lv_icon.vi instead of the standard one. Here is the one I built. Download File:post-584-1149100559.vi OLD VERSION Download File:post-584-1149281944.vi NEW VERSION Download File:post-584-1149100959.zip Download File:post-584-1149101000.zip It is limited to 2 colors with a header and 4 possible lines for the body. One additional feature is it will compress letters as small as possible so the words Will fit. Has anyone else made their own icon editor? All the support files are ziped up. you need to unzip them and keep in the same directory as the lv_icon.vi Modified 6-2-06 The original post had untested button hiding issues. The new one should work better. None of the support files have changed. **UPDATE The latest verison of the Icon editor is now in the CR here**
  21. You can solve your problem by replacing the sequence structure with a state machine. It would benifit you greatly to learn about them. Go to the example finder and search for state machine. run the program with execution hilighting on to see how they work.
  22. I have a similar situation when a variant is returned from a method I have to convert it to another active x object. To find the active x reference you can look in the active x browser. Make sure you have the Show Creatable Object Only box checked. I Hope this gives you some Ideas
  23. PJM has a vi that will automatically relink subvis by name here I use a modified version in my programming tools that uses the subVI's reference. Download File:post-584-1145853093.llb
  24. That is exactly what I was looking for Thanks. :thumbup: I would still like to know how to get the windows dll prototypes. If anyone can point me in that direction.
  25. I downloaded these vis as you sugessted. The best I could do was to get a list of the application windows open. I could not get them to give me names of any of the Labview windows open. After googleing around a while there seems to be a function in windows user32.dll called GetActiveWindow but I can't find the prototype for it. Does anyone have any experience using the user32.dl or know where I can get the function prototypes for it. Thanks
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