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    LabVIEW 2013
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  1. Which license type do you use in version 1.0.1? BSD or LGPL? The "Readme"-file states that version 1.0.0 use LGPL and this support page says that version 1.0.1 is under BSD.
  2. I can't open or test your example as I'm using LabVIEW 11, but it might be some kind of virus scanning of your file, that affect the execution speed?
  3. You have too much time(or quick tools) Mikael...
  4. You can always put a help VI in the same folder as the class you want to load. The help VI should not be part of the class and should only return the class path. When you create your splash loader, you just drop the all help VIs that you have created and execute them one-by one to get the class-path.
  5. Thats why I asked, I have never used AutoIT, so I don't know. Have you used it together with LabVIEW or other languages?
  6. Does anyone have any recommendation of a tool that makes gui testing easier and automatic for LabVIEW? I have heard that some use AutoIT, is it any good?
  7. I didn't think of that ;-) Measuring the launch time is probably a bad idea as you said. Seemed like a simple solution in the beginning though...
  8. Can't really understand why this solution should be uniuqe for my private application? If the "splash screen" measures the time to load the main application and stores it every time, it will be quite accurate, even after driver/windows updates. The problem, which have been stated before, is to update the progress during loading.
  9. In LabVIEW 2010 I collapse panes by moving the splitter bar to a "minimized" position. I save the splitter bar position before I collapse it, so that I can restore it to the position that it had before.
  10. The load time is only unknown the first time you launch the application... if you store the load time you will display a proper progress bar the next time ;-)
  11. The object reference is probably destroyed by the "automatic" garbage collector, when the VI that created the object "stopped" running. You have to make sure that the creator of the objects is alive and running during the whole execution. //Ulf
  12. You have probably different application/dialog font and size in your OS. You can force a specific font and size to be loaded by the applicaition by adding the following lines in the INI-file. appFont = ""Arial" 15" dialogFont = ""Arial" 15"
  13. You don't like restriction, do you? ;-) . I the short run that will be a "good" solution but in the long run, it will be quite messy if all "software developers" create their own folder from root level.
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