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  1. Version


    This XControl has the nice feature that a Calendar control should give you. Multilanguage support by property node. The input and output are Labview Time Stamp. When selecting a date, the date in the calendar become light blue. Please you receive this XControl for free. The minimum you can do is to rate it.
  2. Name: Calendar XControl Submitter: Benoit Submitted: 09 Jan 2016 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 2011License Type: BSD (Most common) This XControl has the nice feature that a Calendar control should give you. Multilanguage support by property node. The input and output are Labview Time Stamp. When selecting a date, the date in the calendar become light blue. Please you receive this XControl for free. The minimum you can do is to rate it. Click here to download this file
  3. hello, i am working with solar inverter and i want to acquire voltage and ampere with USB RS485 as modbus. i am using LABVIEW 2012 and visa serial in LABVIEW. i already make it but the chart doesnt show anything. could you please help or make a little correction in my block diagram. here is my block diagram *first to acquire voltage thankyou for your kind attention and help Untitled 1.vi
  4. Does anyone have any recommendation of a tool that makes gui testing easier and automatic for LabVIEW? I have heard that some use AutoIT, is it any good?
  5. I've had a request to disable or modify the RED X at top right of MS Window for a LabVIEW program. Everyone here knows to ONLY use File->Exit to quit from LabVIEW. Sometimes, though a harried operator on a PC with plural windows will accidentally click that RED X thinking it's the overlaying ap's window. This, of course, wreaks havoc on the test underway. Would be nice to make that impossible, or at least doubly hard. So...is there a way to do that? Or alternately, to cause an ARE YOU SURE? intermediary window? TIA, Gan
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