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Everything posted by hooovahh

  1. Yeah I have some drafted documents about my work and integrator issues. Still waiting a bit for the statues of limitations. But the gist of it is that I worked at an integrator who sent me to a customer to do work. I was working with them full time for a few months and they offered me a job. There was a non-compete clause stating they couldn't hire me unless they paid my one year salary to my current employer. Turns out I wasn't getting paid all that much and they were willing to pay the fee. Instead I was given a raise to stay (and thereby increased the fee). After the year was up they came back and offered me more pay since they now didn't need to pay the breach of contract fee. I'd been given offers from other customers plenty of times, but this was the first place I was sent to that I could see working at. It was sorta poaching, but totally my decision to make. And one I didn't take without considering what I would be leaving behind. It also wasn't a spur of the moment thing, since I had a while to think about it.
  2. O RLY? I'm not a Mac or Linux desktop user, but that might give me a reason to experiment in Linux and LabVIEW if the license and software is included with our SSP.
  3. I'm interested in 64 bit RT and SFTP. Python and Matlab integration is cool but not likely something I see using. And there had better be a new icon number. If there is that will be my number one new features of LabVIEW 2021.
  4. Here is a tool that I used at one point to quickly view and update VI and control documentation.. https://forums.ni.com/t5/Developer-Center-Resources/VI-Properties-Editor/ta-p/3492371 https://bitbucket.org/merecsengineering/vi-properties-editor/downloads/
  5. Glad you found a solution. Keep in mind I think that method only works if you have the front panel loaded into memory. I saw a clipboard API years ago but can't seem to find it now, which would probably work in that edge case better.
  6. Oh wow never heard of this thing, and now that I'm looking at it, it sure seems like trying to solve a problem that has already been solved with state machine templates or State Diagram Toolkit, with an RT or FPGA.
  7. Well maps could make this caching stuff a little easier. Using the Variant Attribute meant having to use a string as the unique identifier years ago, where today a map can be a cluster of random data. But beyond that I can't think of a way to make this whole process any easier. If the native function is slow, you can try to use this caching method, and possible save and load its results to disk too, in a temp file or something. I still don't know the cause of this functions slowed down behavior, and can only suggest ways to work around it
  8. I searched and couldn't believe I couldn't find an idea on the idea exchange for this so I made one here. There is a related idea of having a VM of the Linux RT environment, and some comments in the post outline how to do this. Using the method described you can have Linux RT on a desktop, but there is no support from NI, and in my experience network driver support is limited. It is also a licensing issue as others have pointed out, since NI's drivers aren't licensed for this unofficial hardware even if the kernel and Linux core is less restrictive.
  9. Oh I understand now, that is a pain for sure. I'd try just by plugging in the device and restarting the controller first, and see if any new device is seen in MAX. If not I don't think you'll be able to get away with a RS-232 to USB, and USB to RS-232. I'm guessing you are going this route because there isn't any other communication methods for your device? Obviously LXI or ethernet would be easier, and even RS-232 instead of the USB which will act like a RS-232 device, would be better. But if you really are stuck with USB out of the device, and it isn't recognized by Phar Lap, then I don't have any other suggestions.
  10. What is the controller you are using that is running Phar Lap? I've never tried any of the RS-232 USB devices with it but the cDAQ running RT Linux works great. There is a limit to I think 12 serial devices that is a bios limitation. I've also used some controllers that have a RJ-45 connector that has serial pinned out in it. Also I did find this thread that might be useful.
  11. This thread on interview questions might be helpful. I suggested asking about describing reentrancy in your own words, but I think that might not work. Matt in that thread suggested asking what your favorite, and least favorite features of LabVIEW are which might give incite into their experience level. Still finding good engineers who don't need much hand holding often takes years. And I don't mean like 6 years of experience, where you repeated the first year 6 times. Those types of people are either very expensive, or are very under appreciated.
  12. So for the most part I believe these could be replaced with VIMs. I think the only feature that is used that a VIM wouldn't support is that the icons change color based on the data type being used, but I'm not sure anyone would really miss it. This also supports writing a scalar or array of data but a well constructed VIM can do that too. Also I believe there was a bug in early versions of LabVIEW that supported VIMs, which wouldn't allow for an inlined VI that had the New DVR primitive, but I just tested in 2020 and it worked fine.
  13. So one thing I have done in the past is generate an installer using Application Builder, but not include any VIs or EXEs. Then you can call this NI installer silently from something else like InnoSetup.
  14. That's fine, it just helpful for others to know that a duplicate conversation is taking place elsewhere, so that we know not to suggest things already tried, or to suggest things that have been tried or won't work for some reason. Oh and in the past I have used this toolkit but have had issues with Windows picking the right printer in the past.
  15. In cases like these I assume (possibly incorrectly) that NI's compiler can handle these lower level operations better than me. They have more intimate knowledge about what is happening, and can make performance improvements to handle the delay and notification of data to dequeue better than me. Then again I know more about what my application needs than NI, and maybe I could write more specific software for a queue, and NI needs a more general purpose solution. I don't really have any more information on how NI implemented or handles queues and polling. I'm just glad that over the years it seems to be pretty robust, and works well on the various platforms supported.
  16. In a setup like this I might not even have a timeout or rather have a -1 timeout. This allows the dequeue function to just sit idle waiting for a request to take an action. That action might be to quit or something else. Another common thing you might see in examples is to use the error out of the dequeue and have it stop the loop. If the queue reference is destroyed while waiting, it will return an error and that can be a way to tell the loop to shutdown. A better method is to use a quit message of some kind but it is seen in several NI examples.
  17. The design choices of LabVIEW make it impossible to encrypt the entire file. The block diagram has to be readable at some point which means access to it will be possible in a variety of ways. I'm sure there's some kind of compromise between restricting VIs to a specific target and build of LabVIEW, and the current implementation. I just wanted to highlight the fact that the solution to protect the block diagram isn't a simple one.
  18. Yes there is no real native solution for this. NXG did tease a dynamic control creation but I'm not sure it made it far into development. Depending on your needs I would suggest different solutions. I have accomplished similar functions with picture controls in the past for creating a dynamic ribbon interface. Here a running VI can generate an image that looks like a set of group buttons, and tabs and allows for setting of various background colors. Another less polished solution revolves around parent and child relationships of windows, and dynamically running VIs. I called this the Multi Panel Interface and honestly it didn't make it pas the proof of concept phase. But for simple stuff, and a finite set of controls, you're probably better off just having the controls, then showing or hiding them as needed.
  19. I hope for that future too, however I get the feeling that with 35+ years of LabVIEW development, that parts of the system are in a state that open sourcing the project might take a larger effort then NI would want to put into it. Then there is the liability issue if some kind of exploit was found because the source was released. I'm lucky enough to work in an environment where my boss asks for work to get done, and is less interested in the means of getting it done. If I were making test systems for external customers I'd be more nervous, but internally I can just continue to use a legacy platform. Cobol anyone?
  20. You don't need to hold your breath for the answer. There is a public beta, it can be downloaded right now for free, only requiring an NI.com account. It probably won't surprise you to know the answer to your question.
  21. Yes, I don't assume you use many new features of LabVIEW from the last 10 years if you still develop in LabVIEW 2009.
  22. LINX now is supported on commercial applications starting in 2020 BTW. Your opinion is valid, and you have reasons for it, but I think it might be a bit of forest from the trees situation here. LabVIEW tends to have a one or two major bullet points of new features with each release, with many smaller improvements that are less noteworthy. Some of these aren't very applicable to me and I don't see the benefit of the update, but I can still recognize that a bunch of effort was put into a making it into the release, and makes me think NI isn't sitting idle. I know I made a list like this in the past when a similar topic has come up but I'm having a hard time finding it. 2012 - Loop Tunnel improvements with concatenating, conditional, indexing, and last value / Project Templates 2013 - Improved Web Services / WebDav / SMTP / Bookmark Manager 2014 - Actor Framework (I might be off by a version or two) / 64 bit Mac and Linux support 2015 - Custom Right Click Framework 2016 - Channel Wires 2017 - VIMs / Forward Compatible Runtime 2018 - Command Line Interface / Python integration / Type Specialized Structure for Improved VIMs 2019 - Sets and Maps 2020 - Interfaces for classes / Free Community Edition with Application Builder And here are a few of my favorite features that I can't remember what version they were added. Error Ring, Improved VI calling under Application Control for starting asynchronous processes and static VI references, DVRs, Conditional Disables based on environment or Project variables, Linux Real-time operating system, allowing for 3rd party and open source tools to be installed and called with the System Exec, and then adding an embedded HMI, User Events, LINX toolkit for running LabVIEW VIs natively on a Raspberry Pi, or controlling an Arduino connected to the host, QuickDrop's plugin system allowing for all kinds of tools, filtering on search results, improved performance of tree and listbox controls, NIPM, and loads or more scripting functions with more added with each version. I sure hope LabVIEW has a future because I've hitched my career to it. But even if NI closed its doors tomorrow I feel like I'd still be using it for another 10 years or so, or until it didn't run on any supported version of Windows. But I feel your concern, and if I were a junior engineer starting out, I would feel safer in another language.
  23. Oh boy 2006, I think that predates the LAVA 1.0 migration issues, and then several other newer revamps. I certainly don't have this, and have no way of getting something so old. I can contact Michael if you'd like.
  24. Not sure if you are past this point or not, but be sure and take a VM snapshot at some point. Having a fresh VM for a semi-standard environment like LabVIEW 2017 SP1 with DAQmx, Vision, RT (or whatever is common for your industry) is super useful. Taking this another step you can have a snapshot for each project too. Sharing this with team members can be a pain, so I generally just go through this process at the end, or near the end of a project, then archive the VM somewhere on the network for safe keeping.
  25. I think combining that what PiDi gave, with a single column listbox, and an event structure that gets triggered on the Double Click, event would get you most of the way there. You can also try to capture a <CTRL> + G on the OS to go to the next. I think the Initialize Keyboard an Acquire input would work.
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