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Everything posted by dannyt

  1. Hi, I noticed my disk state had become really bad and was affecting performance, my page file was split all over the place. I wondered what disk defreg tools people used or would recommend as an alternative to the included windows XP degragmenter, which seem very slow and does not really seem to fully do the job that is asked of it. cheers Dannyt
  2. It was a nice touch, I'd vote for them being back. It did help give a quick and easy guide to the culture and time zone of those you were talking with. The where are they map was also a nice touch Dannyt
  3. Hi Michael, I had tried the + for search for all words and it does not seem to be working for me, which I why I raised the question. The search "exact phrase" looks OK though. Using advanced search if I do "if subversion" I get the response ---> Your search for the term "if subversion" returned 4 results which look good. however if I do clearcase + subversion I get the response ---> Your search for the term clearcase subversion returned 261 results here the + seems to have been dropped and if you look at the results returned they include VI Property, Path Bug which only has clearcase LabVIEW Project IDE -Esclipes - LAVA and LabVIEW and OpenG on a network which does not appear to have either in it? What did the tortoise hide in its shell which only has subversion in it cheers Dannyt
  4. Nice one, congratulations. Hey I'm still using your Icon Editor
  5. cheers for that Crelf, ah 101 now
  6. Yippppeeeee My 100'th LAVA posting, I know that to many of you 100 posting is a mere blink of an eye. I have hardly made it into the foothill of great LAVA posting mountain, however I can now at least see the foothills. I do hope that some of my posts have been informative, been useful ... well lets be honest here ... been read. I was going to wait till I have something really usefull to say, before posting my 100th post, but hell I cannot wait that long cheers Dannyt
  7. Hi, I have been searching for some info I remember being posted a while ago and I must say the on the whole the search feature works a whole lot better then the old LAVA 1 version did. However I have a request, could at some time we have an addition to the advance search so that the search words can be search all words search exact phrase search for one or more words cheers Dannyt
  8. Just for info ..... At the top of the Code Repository forum there is an information box the give the Code Repository guidelines. Hovering over these links I am told this are "External Links" and trying to following these links give me an error [#10344] You do not have permission to view this topic. I am using Firefox 3.0,11 on Win XP cheers Dannyt
  9. Hi, I noticed the empty warn status bar in the user info column on the left my own post entries I just wondered what this was ? Dannyt
  10. Hi, Back to the original question in this thread, I am still trying to understand this system. sorry if I am a bit slow here. Is my understanding below correct ? To rate a whole thread I click on the Rate Topic star's, one star to five stars with more star's meaning a higher rating. Is the threads rating shown on the board then an average of all the star's rating given to that thread ? Then there is the "Vote up this post" button, is that what builds up the reputation counts for the individual posters ? When you look at a user's profile, it might be nice to see the actual posts that they got their reputation votes for. cheers Dannyt
  11. Just like to add in my thanks to all the work you guys have done to get LAVA back up and running the workday just did not seem right without it.
  12. On a similar topic, what is the difference in use on this site of the user photo and avatar ?
  13. QUOTE (Bjarne Joergensen @ Jun 3 2009, 11:57 AM) Yes that would be a great idea for us outside the US, please ..... please
  14. Hi As I am on line I will pop up a quick reply to this question, if you want a good free source control system that is used by a large number of people (respected developers) who hang around the Lava forums you need to look no further than subversion people often refer to it as SVN there are a lot of question and answers in the Lava "Source Control" forum there is also an entry in the LAva Wikki Again do a goggle search subversion and LabVIEW and you will come up with a lot of links. I myself use ClearCase as a source control tool but this is very expensive and needs a lot of setting up. It is an extremely good tool, but a lot of the great extra's you get this it can only really add benefit when working with text rather than binary files. you might also want to look at a Problem reporting / tracking type system like Bugzilla to help keep and eye on what is happening with Bugs Dannyt
  15. QUOTE (# Hammad # @ Jun 1 2009, 11:02 PM) Hi Hammad How new a user are you to LabVIEW ? are you familiar with how to call a subvi and set that subvi to open its front panel when called. If you are a new user, I am wondering if you have really defined what you were wanting fully. I managed to open your original rar file and you just have two VI's a main Vi and a login VI. So are you really aiming for something as simple as :- run main.vi and when a button is pressed on that VI, you wish the login.vi to pop up allow a user to login and then for the login VI to disappear ? Dannyt
  16. QUOTE (# Hammad # @ May 31 2009, 06:15 PM) Hi, I cannot open rar files some could not look at your sample. However I am not sure I understand your question either, what do you mean by "switch" ? could you give some more detail
  17. QUOTE (jmax007 @ May 20 2009, 10:20 PM) I would have the "end of line " after the -m and I would not have the quotes around the string. An example is shown below
  18. QUOTE (for(imstuck) @ May 21 2009, 07:42 AM) Hi, It seems from you question you are not sure what shift registers are really doing for you so I though the example below my help to show you. Within the for loop below, I am injecting an error into the error line. In the top case without the shift register, on each run of the loop the same initial input value of the error line is used so the case runs the "No Error" case. In the lower case where the shift register is used the output for each run of the loop is then used as the input for the next run of the loop so first time round the loop the "No Error" case is run then on the second time through the "Error" case is run. Once you understand this principle, the choice of where to use shift register's becomes a lot easier. You have to decide if the data on the wire is going to change during any iteration of the loop, if it is next ask yourself ..do you care about that change and does it or rather should it change what happens in the next iteration of the loop For example, in a loop repeated talking to an instrument you may pass in an error line and a VISA resource name and in the loop you may be a VISA read. Normally your VISA resource name will not change in the loop you are reading from the same instrument, so there is no need to use a shift registers here. However the condition of the error line may well change, maybe a read time-out will occur on the first try, you could well want to pass that error back in on the next iteration, so that the VISTA read see there error and does not wait for the timeout condition again. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2009/post-7256-1242893865.png' target="_blank"> Hope this helps Dannyt
  19. QUOTE (Highlander @ May 6 2009, 09:29 AM) Hi Not totally sure how helpful this reply will be but you might want to look at the Code Composer Scripting Add on CCS (CCS_Scripting_Com.dll), we are currently using this (not without the odd problem) on our production line to program up our Flash within a LabVIEW test system. Below are some of the few links I can find about it they tend to use Perl or VB but same principle holds for LabVIEW link1 link2 link3 You could also try and get more information from TI support. EDIT -- updated -- I was looking around and just managed to find on the NI site a download of their "no longer supported" DSP Toolkit though it look written in LabVIEW 7 I have manage to install it into LabVIEW 8.2.1, about five minutes ago, so it might be worth looking at.
  20. QUOTE (drake27 @ May 12 2009, 08:32 AM) Hi You may also want to look at http://forums.lavag.org/Programmatic-launch-of-compare-VI-s-tool-t10923.html' target="_blank">Programmatic launch of compare VI's for some example code showing use the compare function within your program and talking about its use a little more Dannyt
  21. QUOTE (labviewnoob @ May 11 2009, 03:25 AM) Hi Method one is using a reference to your string control see http://wiki.lavag.org/Control_References' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Control References for more info plus read the manual section on Control References they are a very useful technique to understand. The second method use is using the Control Property Node again have a look in the LabVIEW manual at the Property Node info. You can get access to both the control references and Property nodes for your string control by right clicking on your control and going to the create sub-menu hope that helps Dannyt
  22. something knock up over the weekend I think not £8m trainset
  23. Paul I have had some fun in the past playing around with the system Exe.vi. We have some thirdparty exe's we want our ATS to run, this exe's provided back info to std output if all OK, and std Error if there are problems. I found I could not get things working correctly for me when I passed ecverything in on the commad line input (though I have had the work in the past with other exe's) and instead I just fed into the command line input "cmd.exe." I then passed into the standard input my exe name and required parameters for example "capture_phy.exe -n 330 -f tmp.t" the other key thing was I had to then remember to terminate this line with an "end of line". Using this I could get my capture_phy.exe to return both info on std output and error's on std error no problems. Hope this may be of some help dannyt
  24. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Mar 5 2009, 12:48 PM) I'v never seen a Z with a line through it, I feel I may be missing something
  25. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Mar 2 2009, 09:05 PM) Hi Gary A quick look at the Polyspace web site confirmed what I had expected, that they do not support LabVIEW. One product that I really think would be worth your time looking at is the NI LabVIEW VI Analyzer , we use this toolkit on ALL our LabVIEW VI's before they are made available to the main development line. This toolkit will help you to both enforce your development style guide (or rules) and it can find sources of error's within your code that may have been missed by normal visual inspection. We had a code base of around 1000+ VI's when we first started using the VI analyzser and I ran the analyzer on our existing code base. Some example of the kinds of things it found were Error inputs not connected. We use Error I/P a lot to ensure correct sequencing of our code and we had a situation where a VI had been placed on top of an error line so it looked like it was wired in but was not, visualy you could not tell it was not wired in unless you moved it. In a couple of VI's we had more than one array auto indexing into a for loop. A wire N terminal in a for loop and an auto-indexing array. These small silly mistakes that should not happen when writing code, but lets be honest they are thing we can all do at times. Now all our new code is both visually inspected by a peer and by the VI Analyzer. With the Analyzer you can to a limited extent tailor that test run and if you want you can create your own tests. My biggest complaint is that it should be the VI ANALYSER NOT ANALYZER :ninja: The VI analyzer and peer reviews are only part of the answer, the next step that also needs to be done and I will be looking at this soon is unit testing of your VI's, preferable single button automated unit testing. With this in mind I also suggest you look at the following. The new JKI VI Tester, look here and here and on Lava here, though I have not yet had time to look or play with this I must say if is of the same quality that we have come to expect from JKI stuff then it will be very good. I have also see NI have released two new products / toolkits that look very interesting in this area, NI Unit Test Framework Toolkit and the NI Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit whether they complement the VI tester above or are an alternate to it I am not yet sure. An aside We often see threads questioning if LabVIEW is a proper Software Language or Mainstream enought, and I think that with the introduction of these type of tools and the VIPM it is becoming hard to deny it that it is. If only they would do something to make the hierarchy and search tool's actually of some use and responsive :headbang: cheers hope this help Dannyt
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