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Bjarne Joergensen

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Everything posted by Bjarne Joergensen

  1. Hi Tim_S Thank you I found this thread: http://lavag.org/topic/12751-how-do-you-make-your-application-window-frontmost/page__p__76280__fromsearch__1 That was what i needed Thank you all for helping Cheers Bjarne
  2. Hi Ton Thank you, but it's not my problem to set a control in focus. The problem is that the frontpanel of my application is hidden and when I dobble click the Icon in the tray, the Password VI popup but it is not the active window! Se the snippets: This is my password VI I call it from here in the example for the "Icon in tray" regards Bjarne
  3. Hi I got a new challenge :-) I would like to password protect the possibility to open the program after it has been sent to tray. I made a small password VI to popup when the user dobble click the tray icon, but I can't make the password VI to focus in the input control. I have placed the VI before the functions that make the example visible and made at case around it to respond on correct password. If i place the PW VI in the event case for ballon tip and press the show tip, the PW popup and focus in the input field. I would appreciate i any one got clue what to do. Thanks in advance. Bjarne
  4. Thank you. It's working now I did try "Read from binary file" without success, but the pass through a icon editor did the job. Regards Bjarne
  5. Hi Use this in my new project now. So happy I would like to ask how you convert a image(jpeg, png, gif....) to the binary string? I have search but I didn't find a solution. Thanks in advance. Bjarne
  6. Hi Lovemachinez I got the same question. Did you ever find a solution? thanks in advance Bjarne
  7. And when you've done that, Use it! Use it! Yes, but I'm gonna use LV 2012 so when can I expect a installer for that? regards/Bjarne
  8. Hi jgcode In the array constant there is two D's! Is that right? Should the one of them not be a B? regards Bjarne Too late. I have not seen that ShaunR pointed out the same
  9. what about this Regards Bjarne
  10. But Mikael I got this error when trying to unZip: ! C:\Users\bjaj\Downloads\GDS_4.1_2011 (1).zip: CRC failed in GDS_Installer_Q5V\Files\ClassProviders\DesignPatterns\ActiveObjects\ActiveObjects_QueueQueue_SubVIs\ActiveObjects_QueueQueue_SendMsgToProcess_6x8x6_Singleton.vi. The file is corrupt Cheers Bjarne
  11. Thank you Mads It works perfect cheers Bjarne
  12. Hi Is there a way to open block diagram programmatic? I got a lot of VIs in a directory and sub directories and I want at quick way to find the VIs with password protection and test if I got the right password. Thanks in advance regards Bjarne
  13. Thank you Stefan. I will go for GOOP4 then Regards Bjarne
  14. Hi I am going to make at program an want to use GOOP from Symbio. But what shall I choose. GOOP 3 or GOOP 4? Which is most easy to use and understand? regards Bjarne
  15. Hi All I got a problem with GOOP class (Endevo) When I make a new VI with the this object from GOOP "GetObjectStatus.vi" , save it and close LV When I load LV again I got this error I got other VIs whit the same object that don't result in an error! I use: LV8.2.1 Vista GOOP3 I have search for the error but can't find any threds here or in NI.com Hope someone can help me? Thanks in advance Bjarne
  16. Yes, yhaks for the help:worshippy: Well, I am just strated to use goop and I am in a learning process.I thourght that naming the methods by class-name I could always see witch class it belong too when I use them in a project. Regards Bjarne
  17. Hi again When I hit " Why is library locked" I got this message (se picture), but I can't figure out what to do about it. When I only open one of the Class librarys, it don't get locked. When I open both they get lokcked - sometimes it's only one of them that get locked. regards Bjarne
  18. Hi I am just started to use GOOP (Symbio), but I got a problem wiht two classes(se picture) Both is locked for modifying Is there a way to unlock them or a way to find the reason for the locked state? Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance /Bjarne
  19. No, I have saved the VI and close LV . Open the VI again and got the same message. The updated DLL got a new input on the constructor node and that I can't get to see because of the message. If I close LV and open it again and make a new VI, I can load the DLL. If I then (with the new VI open) open the old VI, I can now dobbleclick on the constructor node and change it. If I don't change it and close LV and open the old VI again, I got the message again? Help:o Regards Bjarne
  20. Hi I got a problem with a .net DLL. I have made a VI that use .net DLLs and it works fine. Then I got an update of some of the DLLs. When I open my VI and try to change the contructer node I got this error. the version of the assembly you requested was automatically promoted to a later version by the .NET runtime engine What does it mean and what can I do to avoid it? I use: LV8.2.1 Vista thanks in advance Bjarne
  21. <P>Thank you Michael:D <BR>what is the activation key for Trial version?</P> <P>/Bjarne </P>
  22. Hi Have anyone tried recently to download the Symbio trail version of GOOP? I have done it on several PC's but got the same error when I try to extract the Zip file. I got this error: I tried to send a email to symbio, but my mail couldn't be delivered (Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: tool_support@symbio.com). Thanks in advance regards Bjarne
  23. I meen, have you (Eric) found a solution fro LV8.2 support? Regards Bjarne
  24. Hi Eric Now it's working A little thing more please When you want to add a JKI state(also in the JKI argument list) it would be nice if you could rightClick at the JKI state and chose between 'Add before' or 'Add after' to place the new state compare to the state your standing at in the States list Thanks in advance Bjarne PS: Have found a solution for 8.2 support?
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