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Bjarne Joergensen

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Everything posted by Bjarne Joergensen

  1. Hi Eric Sorry, but the file is doing the same as previous. VIMP will not accept it Regards Bjarne
  2. Hi Eric I can see your point, but it could leed to misunderstandings to use the word 'comment' because it meen something else in the JKI statemachine. A comment/explanation for the state, not a rem-out. I think it would be nice to have a rem-out of states for test purpose. My sugestion is. When I want to make a comment on a state the tool place '//' at the end of the state and set the curser after those two. When I want to rem-out a state the tool place a # in front of the state. best regards Bjarne
  3. Hi Eric It's a wery nice tool you have made and it would be wery usefull to me I got a few comment to some of the features. Case 1: If the list of JKI states is longer than window can show and you select the buttom separator via QuickSelect, the window will scroll down to that selector and highlight it. But if you select the top separator, the window don't scroll up so I can see the chosen/highlighted selector. Case 2: I don't understand how to use the comment states(s) function. When I use it it make a # in the start of the selected state, but that will make the whole state a comment! Case 3: If you have selected the last state in the States list and then press the move down button, then the state disappear . Regards Bjarne
  4. Hi all Thanks for all the help answers. The project has been canceled, and I hope they never start it again Regards Bjarne
  5. Bjarne, What does the speech properties say under language (like I have in my picture)? I got the same properties as you (except your name ). /Bjarne
  6. Hi Norm I got the same problem as Luiz and my windows 7 is English and LV2009. Regards Bjarne
  7. Hi Eric Thank you I haven't got the problem either when I switch between LV and hyperterminal, but it is when I call another .exe via .not from LV that use the same COM-port at as LV just had closed. I vill try to monitor the COM-port with Portmon. regards Bjarne
  8. Thank you, I'll do that /Bjarne
  9. Hi I got a sequencer programmet in LV that call a VI that use COM1 to communicate to a divice with LVs serial functions. My question is: When I use the function "close" has LV totaly released the COM port? I ask because the sequencer call another VI that call a .net app that use the same COM port and the first time I call that VI I got an error! Is it normal behaviour? best regards Bjarne
  10. Thank you. I found them, but I got this error: This VI cannot access the referenced item because of library access scope. Items in private scope can be accessed only from the following locations: 1) from inside the owning library or LabVIEW class 2) from inside a library contained by the owning library. Why is that? Regards Bjarne
  11. Hi I can't find this file "id_save resource binary file.vi" in LV2009. Is it an old one that is not supported anymore? Best regards Bjarne
  12. Hi At my company we use ESD-CAN from: http://www.esd-electronics.com/ They work very well and there is a good debugging tool too. regards Bjarne
  13. Hi ShaunR Is it possible to get it in version 8.2.(1) please . Regards Bjarne
  14. Hi Clio75 Unfortunately I haven't started to use oop yet. I have the same problems as you and lag of time. The only thing I have is what I already have posted. regards Bjarne PS. Why is your "name" Clio75? I thought Reanult Clio only was i version 3 (see my avatar)?
  15. You can also look at this link: http://flexstand.eu/ /Bjarne
  16. Thank you Anders I will try these programs. regards Bjarne
  17. Hi all. I have been playing around wiht the function "File delete" and suddenly allmost all my desktop icon disappeared . (allways remenber to press the right button!) As far as I can see, LabVIEW don't put the deleted files in the Recycle bin. Is there anyway to get them back, please regards Bjarne
  18. Hej Danyt If your example has to work you must change the Regular exspresion from this "..:..:..\s(AM)|(PM)" to this "..:..:..\s(AM)|..:..:..\s(PM)" . regards Bjarne
  19. Hi The same happens for me (IE7 and Vista user) /Bjarne
  20. Sorry, I'd forgot to tell the version I have seen this problem. The attaced VIs is in LV8.2.1 and as you Michael, I have also seen it in LV8.6. But bag to the problem. Is it a bug? Shall I report it to NI? Regards Bjarne
  21. Hi François Is it possible to get the plugin for LV8.2? I use this version and JKI RCF is supported from LV8.2. thank in advance Bjarne
  22. Hi I got a problem using a webbrowser in a activeX container. As you can see in the attaced VIs, the one with the problem says that there have been changes to the VI when you load it. I you try to save and close it and thereafter open it again, the same story go's on. If you hit "Explain Changes" it tells that there are Cosmetic changes. This is not happening to the other VI. The differens is that the"good" one is saved without loading a webside. It is annoying when you are debugging the VI and if you come to save the VI with a URL in the container, you got the problem. WebTest.vi WebTest problem.vi Is this normal or is it a bug. If so, is there a workaround for it? regards Bjarne
  23. Hi SciWare Thank you. It seems to me that it takes longer than 350ms on my PC (HP-NW8440), but if it is faster with LV8.6, the future looks bright for LVoop by me. According to my step into oop, I would like to start with a instrument driver for a DMM (agilent 34901A), but to do it right I have considered to make a instrument class that cover all my instruments (then the DMM would be a subClass). I was thinking of something like this: Class: Instruments SubClasses: DMMs SubClass: AG34901A SubClass: NI4070 etc. SubClasses: Counters SubClass: Agilentxxx SubClass: Nixxx etc. etc. Is this the right way Does anyone got a oop instrumentdriver they would share (for learning)? regards Bjarne
  24. Hi all I am starting to look at OOP in LV (8.2.1) and been looking through the examples. I wondering why the oop solution in the example "Board testing" is much slower than the traditional solution? In my company we would chose the traditional solution regarding to speed! regards Bjarne
  25. Hi jcarmody It works fine for me, thank you. There is a little thing about the vertical scroll. If you scroll down and then resize the window then you can't see the top cases! Another one. when I close the VI where I use the CaseSelector, hte CaseSelector window don't close! Is that the right behavior? Regards Bjarne
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