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Everything posted by jcarmody

  1. It's a regular Property Node where you select Display->Primary Workspace.
  2. I wrote a VI that deduces superfluidity from first principles; it's part of a JKI RCF plug-in that I use all the time. Your Dr. Laughlin is all wet.
  3. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
  4. Send him to lavag.org!
  5. I had guessed it was removed intentionally because the feature wasn't being used very much. I use it whenever a post teaches me something or makes me smile.
  6. Sharon, it's important to note that you won't be able to build an executable with your scripted VI. This is fine if you're just making a tool to make development easier. If this is what you're doing, consider making it into a plugin for the JKI Right-Click Framework. There's more information to help you get started scripting here and here.
  7. I tend to dislike TestStand, but it's UNBEATABLE when it comes to putting your data into a database. I did it once and it was so easy (almost trivial).
  8. You'll need to provide more information about the hardware you're going to use. Also, give some indication of what you've already done and what specific problems you're having. For now, this should help you get started (it's all I could come up with based on the information I have).
  9. My favorite microcontroller company sells a serial RFID reader here for $40US, and a USB version here. I've been toying with the idea of buying one myself. The rest of the program will be rather straightforward once you have something to read the card. You'll need something to actuate the lock, too.
  10. Is your "smart Card" an RFID card?
  11. Another proof that my sense of humor is defective; I did understand but was trying to be silly. I hope your friend does well on his thesis.
  12. I don't get it. Why would I wash the food out of a bag that I'm just going to put food in? I guess I could understand if there was so much food left that there wasn't enough room for something new, otherwise it's just silly.
  13. I don't have LabVIEW at home so I can't test anything, but there's a comment in the help for Match Regular Expression that says: I've had trouble using Match Pattern and fixed the problems by using Match Regular Expression. I'm also thinking that \d\d\.d\d\.d\d\.d\d\ should be \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d instead and that m/[0-9].{3}[0-9]/ might be better as ([0-9]\.[0-9]){3}. I sure wish I could test this in LabVIEW...
  14. Build a source distribution.
  15. jcarmody


    hip replacement
  16. Configure your DO for port operation, it'll operate on all lines at once. Jim
  17. It was entirely accidental. But, I just ordered The Object-Oriented Thought Process so I can get up to speed with the crazy things some of you folks are talking about. Jim
  18. 1) You should initialize your shift-register. 2) You should measure the time your DAQ Assistant takes to execute; your rate calculation will be incorrect if it takes more than 100mS. 3) Your DAQ Assistant is set to measure continuously; try setting it to Acquire N Samples. 4) You'll need to test the force to see if it's > 0 during each execution of the loop. If you have the force applied during multiple consecutive loops you'll have to assume that they're part of the same compression, so you need to find transitions from no force to force > 0. (Hint: I like the OpenG Boolean Trigger for this.) 5) This requires your loop to run fast enough to detect very short compression durations. 6) You should specify where you're stuck (so we don't have to guess). Jim
  19. Paul, I've built an ATE that uses the JKI State Machine to do this. It will run through an entire test sequence, but I give the operator the option to run any individual test or a group of tests (I HATE ATEs that don't have this ability!) I'm curious about this "Command Pattern" of which you speak. Can you give some details? Thank you, Jim
  20. Not having done anything serious with LabVIEW OOP myself I feel it fortuitous that I can comment here first! So, I'm thinking that the spirit of OO programming would call for one Program class that you would instantiate three times. This class would have the Write method you mentioned and you'd specify that one is for Program1, one for Program2 and another for Shutdown. No?
  21. I'll do that when I have time to update the description with the new features. What I really want to do is make a VIP but I'm struggling to make it work in LV8.2. I've killed LabVIEW on my home computer so I can't work on it until next week. The discussion about my troubles is a few posts up. I believe I can make it work in 8.2 but the VIP won't, or, at least that's how I remember the trouble I had making the first package.
  22. Here's another version (for LV8.6) that sizes the panel to the size of the tree (based on the number of frames in the Case Structure) or the height of the screen, whichever is smaller. I like this so I don't have to resize it once it opens. _jdc_lib_rcf_caseselect.llb
  23. A "few weeks" ought to be enough time to learn how to configure an Express VI. No?
  24. It's a right-click menu option on mine. What do you see? Here's an 8.6 version implementing the F2 to rename. I used the reentrancy I did because I was having trouble making a VIPM package that would call the vi dynamically. Perhaps I won't be able to do that for 8.2 Thanks for your help. Jim _jdc_lib_rcf_caseselect.llb
  25. Here's another 8.6 version with a "Rename Case" option. The .llb is version 8.2. I'd appreciate it if someone could test it and tell me if it works. I'd then be able to make a new VIP and update the main download. Thanks, Jim CaseSelect.zip _jdc_lib_rcf_caseselect.llb
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