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Everything posted by jcarmody

  1. You were correct to use a loop, but a For Loop isn't correct unless you know exactly how many times the substring exists in the main string. I used a While Loop with the 'offset past match' to detect when to stop (it'll be -1 if the search string isn't found). I'm not sure what you mean about storing "that substring into an array", but you can wire the 'match substring' of the Search function to an indexing tunnel and you'll get an array of the substring with as many elements as there are occurrences.
  2. Do you know what substring to detect or do you need to detect a repeating substring?
  3. My sentiments exactly.
  4. It's a system for calibrating smoke detectors. I don't use forums when I'm supposed to be working, either.
  5. Could you post a link to the webstore?
  6. I look at some of the stuff I wrote last year and cringe, although it's not as bad as stuff I wrote three years ago (when I started programming in LabVIEW and when I passed CLD & CPI). I give a lot of credit for my improvement (such as it is) to this forum (and JKI's and NI's). I can't say "thank you" enough to people that spend considerable time helping strangers. I have a long way to go before I will call myself an "advanced virtual architect". In the meantime, I'll just continue to frequent these forums.
  7. This thread, on that other forum, began with a poor fella expressing frustration over a horrible application he inherited. The discussion became one that illustrates your point (or, an extension that follows from it) - many "professional" LabVIEW programmers are rather horrible. (Please don't look at any code I've posted until after you forget I wrote that.) Many of them charge $100US/hour for their "services".
  8. Yes NI installer, no automatic prompt responses. Application settings. I use configuration files to make the system flexible when I'm working on it, but I want less flexibility when it's working in production. One-click build-n-install.zip
  9. Hang the capacitor from the ceiling?
  10. Charge a capacitor and tape it to the workbench? Edit - a small capacitor
  11. It works, but it's not as nice as I'd like it. I don't have as much as you have. Mine builds the executable and installer then closes LabVIEW and launches the installer. I want to add a function to set file permission on the ini files to restrict editing to admins. I'll be able to post it Monday, but it's not very fancy.
  12. Justin's blog post CHANGED MY LIFE! I re-wrote my own interpretation of this earlier this week (I had made an ugly version after reading the post and wanted one that could be shared), but didn't go as far as you did. I can't tell how far you went, however, because I don't have LabVIEW 2009 yet. Can you save it back to 8.6 (at least)? Short of that, could you show me how you managed the timer? My timer keeps time but the interface frequently hangs/freezes when the builder is running.
  13. confirmed with Opera 10.01
  14. CK, This is an approximation to what you described. The "variables" are the wires and the Shift Registers carry them from one loop iteration to the next. See how I've created your struct as a clusters; I took the liberty to do the same with old_s0 and old_s1 just to make it easier to propagate them to the next iteration. The other case in the Case Structure has the old wired straight through, and I've got a True constant wired to the loop condition just for this example.
  15. I have a simple way, but it's not elegant.
  16. Would you share it? I have a project that I inherited from an outside contractor. I rewrote everything except the CAN driver and want to get the bloat out of the project. I have another project (from the same outside contractor, not coincidentally) in the same boat.
  17. Do you have a preference between the two? I just installed Eventum, but I like Fogbugz. Anyone else use Eventum?
  18. Not for free, you pay $299 for one user.
  19. Try XAMPP if you want to run a web application. You can run a webserver from a thumb drive. You'll need to know how to set up a MySQL database and install the application, but that's not very hard.
  20. I've been using Fogbugz for a few weeks now and I'm thrilled, so I'm wondering what it's missing for you. Besides Fogbugz, I've installed & used: Mantis on my own site, but don't like managing my own stuff anymore. It installed easily with a Simple Script from my host's cpanel. xp-dev.com for SVN, but it has project management and bug tracking as well. I don't like those parts so much. They've recently added hooks into Fogbugz to link commits with a bug's resolution. I love Emacs and Planner mode for managing my projects (and time recording), but these require a particular kind of geek.
  21. I'm afraid of opening Word documents... Please put a raster image in another post. Have you tried using the DAQ Assistant?
  22. Me gusta mejor.
  23. Ask any questions you have. The on-line help is very good and single-stepping through the code, probing as you go, will help.
  24. I think I misunderstood what you were going for, and I didn't even look at your LabVIEW version so you probably didn't get to run my examples. I turned the LEDs off at the end of their appointed times. Here's how I did it. Those are Elapsed Time express VIs. I felt bad after writing this because it would require more code to add more LEDs, and it would get very ugly very quickly. I wrote this to go up to 32 LEDs without changing the code. I think it would be easy to add even more, but I'll leave that up to you. That's a Time Delay express VI. The thing I really don't like about this approach is that it can't be stopped, only aborted. PS - the second loop exists only because I HATE local variables.
  25. Do any of you have experience with the LabVIEW Education Edition? I just read of it in an RSS feed I follow that pointed to this Developer Zone page. I followed the link to a Lego Education page. I'm teaching my kids LabVIEW and this sounds fantastic. I'm wondering if I'm missing something, perhaps something to do with qualifying schools (we're homeschooling).
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