thx for info there is a new release of Modbus library.
In 2006 two errors have been reported to forums.
"The "MB Modbus Command to Data" has a mistake in it.
The "Write Multiple Coils" Function Code will not work properly past 8 bits of data. In case "15", the index to the "Split Array" VI should just be 8.
Either that or you could remove the shift register and use an index array instead. The current implementation however corrupts the output data past 8 bits."
- Jim Gruenbacher - Feb 21, 2006
This seems to be fixed in current Version.
"The 'MB Registers Manager.VI' is used as the repository for the Slave registers. In the case of Write, however, the Start Address is not being taken into account (compare this with the Read cases to know what I mean). The Start Address defaults to 0, always! The fix is to wire-in the Start Address to the Index input of the Array Subset primitive. This alongwith the (already present) Length input should write to the correct set of registers, coils, etc."
- Khalid - March 18, 2006
This has not been fixed by NI up to now and may cause trouble. :thumbdown: