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Everything posted by ASTDan

  1. ASTDan

    It's a girl

    I am very excited about the birth of my baby girl. 5lbs 12 oz. Her name is Maddie This is way off topic so I hope everybody will forgive a very happy father Dan
  2. Hello, I am trying to do something very simple but am having a lot of problems. I am trying to view a VI on a Compact Vision System using Remote panels. I have followed the instuctions using this link. http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/7FE...625723E000D928E When I do all that I get the following screen on my Web browser. Basically the front panel is not downloading. Has anyone seen this before? Please help me
  3. ASTDan


    I would recomend a State machine archture over a sequence structure. In LabVIEW when you select New go to State Machine template. You can also type in State Machine on NI's website to find some good info on this versitile archtecure. sorry for my bad spelling its late Dan QUOTE(pjsaczek @ Sep 13 2007, 08:48 AM)
  4. ASTDan


    Here is is in 7.1 Let me know if that helps QUOTE(pjsaczek @ Sep 11 2007, 09:28 AM)
  5. ASTDan


    Try Concatating a cariage return on the output text as shown. Sorry for my terriable spelling. QUOTE(pjsaczek @ Sep 10 2007, 11:52 AM)
  6. ASTDan


    Hello, Have you tried this example that ships with LabVIEW, see attached. Make sure you COM settings are correct (i.e. baud rate etc) . I would also verfy you don't need to pull up one of the handshaking lines this would be found in your instrument documentation. If your device is not seeing your commands try a different carrage return constant after the text you want to send. I notice in the example I posted a carriage return is not concatenated after the text. Sometimes the instrument nees a carrage return to recognize the commands. LabVIEW has end of line, carrage return, and line feed constant. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you put to send text. Sometimes your instrument will only recognize one. For example end of line works, plain carrage return doesn't. In general that is all I can help with right now. If you could post your code that might help. Thanks Dan
  7. Another option might be to use a sub panel Dan
  8. Thanks It looks like it installs with the Vision Development module I just had the drivers installed. Thanks again! Dan
  9. Hello I am trying to find a vi called IMAQ Quantify.vi. It should be in a .llb called Analyize in the vision folder. I currently don't have this .llb. Does anyone know what package these vi's are included in? Thanks Dan
  10. Here is the response I received from NI http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...essage.id=26793
  11. OK Stupid question. I entered that part number on NI's website and came up with nothing. Where do I find that. Thanks Dan
  12. Hello, I have a question/comment. I am trying to find a master .pdf document for DAQmx. The request I had was for a 300+ page manual for DAQmx. Does something like that exist? I found a "getting started with DAQ" http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/5434 on NI's website. It looked cool. Is there 1 pdf manual that has everything, or is the documentation all in help files or on line? My comment is where is NI headed in regards to documentation? I feel NI's documentation in general is good but could be better. Sometimes when reseaching something I wish they had more detail. Are they moving away from detailed manuals? Is documenation just chunks of html posts and the era of an all encompasing manuals over? I am interested to hear other people's comments. Thanks Dan
  13. On the subject of professor wisecracks. Here are the 3 fundamental laws of engineering 1. If it don't work plug it in 2. If it still don't work turn it on 3. Sh*t flows downhill
  14. Hello, That is how the power supply should work. I have worked with those before. If the current is 0 the voltage will be 0 Ohms law. The power supply can control to Voltage or current. If you want to control to voltage set the current to higher than you need, and set the voltage. The power supply will output the voltage you want. The current will be a function of whatever load you have on the power supply. If you have 0 resistance on the powe supply you will have infinite current. If you have infinite resistance on the power supply you will have 0 current. Hope that helps Dan
  15. You might want to take a look at Open G's varient configuraiton files. www.openg.org It takes Clusters or arrays and saves them as .ini files. I would also sugest taking a look at the .tdm file fromat from NI. It uses an XML header with a binary file. Hope this helps Dan
  16. Yes, I save it as a .ctt Dan
  17. I have a supid question. I have created some control templates of my common control clusters I use as type defs. This is really cool! This should save me time and I am a happy labview programmer. However how do I load these now? When I go to File\New all my vi templates are there, but not my control templates. How do I load in my custom control templates? Is saving them in the template directory a good idea? What am I to do? Thanks Dan
  18. Hello, I don't think RS232 supports multiple instruments on the same port. I do know RS 485 does. I have never tried it though. I would also recomend RS485 for longer distances and/or is you are putting this in a noisy environment. RS485 is a differential protocal and RS232 is single ended. I have used these RS485 Hubs with good sucess. http://sewelldirect.com/quatech-usb-rs-422-485-surge-4.asp Dan
  19. ASTDan

    Motion Control

    The applications I have been looking at have been very simple. I have had a couple that I just needed to control a 2 axis stage using a servo motor. I just needed to go to a position. Path was not a factor. I had another application where they needed to control Torque which was just controlling the current. Again very simple applicaiton. The drive had digital inputs for home and out of limit contitions. So from what I gather simple motion applicaitons can be handled with an intelligent drive. Where as a complex motion you are better off with the NI Motion control card. Is that a fair statement? Dan On a releated note. What is a good reference for motion control? I ordered the Motion control Cource Kit from NI. Is there another resource? I am looking for a good book or article. Thanks Dan
  20. ASTDan

    Motion Control

    Hello, I have been quoting on a motion control job and I wanted to ask a question regarding NI's Motion control boards. What are the pro's/con's of using a NI Motion control boad over an intelligent motor drive. An intelligent motor drive you can send commands via the serial port or control the position,velocity,or torque using an analog output. The drives I have seen you can set the PID parameters and also store moves to be called using RS232. So with all that functionality what does using a NI motion board get you? Thanks Dan
  21. You might want to look at the I/O Name filtering. Right click on your control and select I/O Name filtering. Make sure the type of resourse you want to see is not being filtered out. Dan
  22. Hello, This is the timer function I have developed for my programs. I hope this solves your problem! Dan
  23. Hello, Is your read code in a while loop? If it is what is the udate rate of the while loop? Dan
  24. I don't know if this is your problem, but when I upgraded to the new Aplication builder the default file path puts it into "Documents and Settings", which was different from what I was use to in eailer versions of application builder. Make sure your desination file path is the "Application desdination directory" is a path you want. Hope that helps Dan
  25. Wow thanks, Tango Desktop is very cool. Exactly what I was looking for! I didn't know you could drag bmp into subVI icons. Thanks for that tip too!! Dan
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