I really like the second version of LV Speak. Attached is an edited copy of the project. I added several features:
1. The QuickEdit and LVSpeak engine vi's are no longer visible, they are minimized at launch. The functionality of these vi's front panels has been built into the program.
a. To list the commands LVSpeak recognizes say "list commands" and a listbox of all available LV Speak commands appears.
b. To reload the plugins say "reload"
c. To stop say "speak stop"
2. There is also now audible feedback for every command as well as the reload plugins command. Every command is echoed back to the user, the reload plugins command provides audible feedback when it finishes.
3. I also changed the Locate QEC Plugins vi so that it parses the commands in the QuickEdit Command.lvclass
4. I added a new class for property nodes and three new commands: Property Value, Property Read, Property Write.
I have several suggestions:
1. Change the format of the QEC class Execute VI such that the FP / BD case structure is inside the command name case structure. This allows for commands that are not specific to the FP or BD to be only coded once. Also it makes it easier to track whether all possible cases for a given command have been coded.
2. Filter the available command grammar such that only the ones valid for the currently selected objects are available. This would reduce the number of errors from the speech engine.
3. Add audible confirmation to the delete command.
4. Provide right click functionality such that the user could either speak the command or click it with the mouse.
Thanks again for all of your hard work. I am trully addicted to LVSpeak. Attached is a zip of the .lvproj file. If there is a better way to send you this please let me know.