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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. my impression about project explorer / management is the following way: first, it's still beta, and you have to get used to it, because some parts are not really intuitive ... second, there is one "feature" which drives me crazy: when you create a new VI in the project hierarchy and detect afterwards, that you don't need it, you cant close it if it's unsaved, only "defer decision" which leads to the following, when you close the project: you have to uncheck "apply to all", discard all unwanted vi's manually, before you can save the rest in "normal way" ... besides, i would expect some folder sync in the explorer window, too, maybe selectable e.g. "sync this folder to disc hierarchy ..."
  2. hey, that's cool thx! but then, my fear, it could be to slow to set the items of the right-menu with the activation event did not come true ...
  3. UPDATE: you can now save all files in a single directory. if a file allready exists, the double files are numbered ...
  4. Hi Folks, has someone yet figured out, where i can find a reference to the shortcut menu of a control (tree) somewhere else then in the event structure? I want to implement the following functionality: i have a tree with several "types" of elements, with different rightclick options e.g. item type: apple --> eat, throw, ignore item type car --> get in, get out, drive item type tree --> hug, cut down, count leaves ... etc if a user clicks on a tree (detected by value change) i want to change the shortcut (rightclick) menu in "background" so that it is allready there, when the rightclick occurs. am i on the wrong track, or has someone an idea? thx and cheers, cb example: Download File:post-885-1136738123.vi
  5. i use locals (globals) if i have to update from one while-loop to an other, but normally i try to avoid such things. if you want to update and it does not matter if you loose some values, use notifyers. use notifyers also, if you dont want to care about queues which "run full", but be aware, that you can loose some notifications use queues, if you can't afford to loose a value, but be aware, that you have to poll the queues continiously, otherwise they can consume lots of memory, if they are filled continiously, eg. in a subVI
  6. Hi Folks, has anyone yet eperienced the error "could not determine data type in all wires" (or similar) in LV8 ? after half an hour of searching and trying and swearing at LabVIEW like a sailor, it seems to me, that the string "undef" in the 0 element of an enum has caused the problem. I did not really figure out what it was, but after changing the name of the element the error was gone ... :question:
  7. known issue: if you have subIVs located in directorys above or outside the directory hierarchy of the top-level-vi you will experience some weird behaviour ...
  8. in LabVIEW 7.1 you were able to decide, if a subpanel shows scrollbars or not, directly in the subpanel properties. these settings are gone with LV8 and you have to disable scrollbars in the called VI, if you don't want to see scrollbars in your subpanel. i would like to have the property "show scrollbars" again in the subpanel settings, with the options ON --> show scrollbars allways OFF --> never show scrollbars default --> show scrollbars according to VI settings best regards, CB notive: also posted NI ...
  9. 100% ACK! i see code like this every day, when i work 4 my keyaccount ... that's the moment when i say: new or nothing! ;-) cb
  10. jetzt mal auf deutsch: das sieht ja irgendwie wie eine user-authentifizierung aus. wenn das
  11. would be better, because you have NO chance to call a function in a dll in LV via the call library node, if the function is not exported ... i can imagine there could be a way with the code interface node, but my skils in C/C++ are very basic, so you better ask an expert if there is a way ... cheers CB
  12. take a look at: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/we...567CC004D5CCA#3 you have to export your "free" function in your dll, then you call the free function via the call library-node
  13. my guess is: you use a relative path from your main VI (via the this-VI constant) to your dll. when you build an exe, you have to "double stripp" your path, because an exe is like an llb, and the result of "strip path" with the "this VI constant" as input gives back the path to the llb/exe and not to the directory where the exe is ...
  14. the string input is the problem. the help you need can be found here: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/we...6256869005ff2ed good look CB
  15. maybe the wrong calling convention in the function prototype ? maybe i can help, if you post the code and the function prototype ? cheers, cb
  16. first guess your software is writing a *.CSV File solution: search the "write characters to file" VI and set the "append" input from FALSE to TRUE second guess your software is using a shared library (like from OpenOffice ...) which writes a REAL excel file .. solution: sorry, have none third guess your software is using ActiveX to write into an excel file: change your software to: open the existing file, read out the last used cell, start writing from there on good look cb
  17. first stupid comment: if you are not inside the code, you don't know what happens ... so, if you don't know what your problem is, how should someone else be able to do anything more than guess what might happen in your software ? the second stupid comment: you have a 65355 row limit in excel, so appending is no good idea, because you can't control the length ... cheers cb
  18. good question! DMA means Direct Memory Access and it is a techniqe (as the name says) for a Device to access the memory directly and to write data. I am not sure, but the last time i had to deal with DMA channels was 1995, when my SoundBlaster needed one, which was configured in the config.sys (MS-DOS). Newer devices (e.g. PCI) should not ask for that. on the other hand: LV error messages are often not very precise, so its possible, that you get a help text which has in fact nothing to do with the real problem. which measurement hardware do you use ? prost! cb
  19. does this happen, too, if you start an AI and an AO VI from the examples (help, find exampes, hardware input and output, daqmx, ...) simultanously ?
  20. got the labVIEW fever ? <BigGrinn> i know that feeling ...
  21. hmmm ... i do not agree a key focus is a brute force method, i think yours is to complicaed ;-) to your problem, i guess your keyboard routine is getting in trouble with the windows event handler, which handles keyboard events (i assume you are using windows). You dont have direct access to the hardware since Win95 .... Following my theory, a solution would be to turn of the windows keyboard event handler, which will require some knowledge in the windows API for the period you are waiting for the scanner input ... maybe this helps ? cheers CB
  22. You can find a good manual (as PDF, if you don't like the online help ...) in "your programm files dir"\National Instruments\"your LabVIEW dir"\manuals\appbldr.pdf There is a step by step instruction how to build an application from a VI. What about the script you wrote ? Can you please tell some more details? The exe should contain all the files LV needs to run the application (including VIs from vi.lib, etc ...), therefore LV should not ask 4 missing files ...
  23. it's always difficult to read data from the labview application into a C/C++ routine, because the LV datatypes are somewhat special . my approach is - when i am not able to avoid this - to call a C++ routine via a call library node in labview which writes the data to the c++ application ... which has the advantage that i don't have to deal with the LV memory management ...
  24. i do not think overlaying contols is a good idea, because in most cases this leads to a heavy system load ...
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