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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. that's a missbelief! software will never be perfect in the developers eyes. it may be ok, or sometimes even pretty good and in some extraordinal cases you will really like some parts of your software (i LOVE this rs232 driver for the XYZ-Device ...). But you will find always find something to improve. that's why there are project managers, who put the pistol on your chest and say "deliver or die" (or in bad cases: "cool, it compiles, let's deliver ...")
  2. i experience this "effect", too. as i told the NI support team allready, Strg+S is more important then ever. my impression is, LV 8 is not really a stable release and there are lots of bugs. a example: open a blank VI, add a while loop, add a shift register to the while loop, connect a constant from outside to the left shift register, rightglick->replace with tunnels ==> a black, unused tunnel remains at the right side of the while loop. This does not happen in LV 7.1 and if you don't know it, you maybe need several minutes (and a call to the support hotline ...like me ) to find out why the F*** you have a broken arrow but NO error message at all ... an other example: open a blank VI, create a reference to an other VI and do not close this reference, open the vi-hierarchy window, run the vi, close the vi-hierarchy-window, close the vi, close labview ==> the hierarchy window comes up again and LabVIEW crashes
  3. first, you have to know the exact RS232 settings. If you use false ones, you will still recieve something, but not the real data. second you have to know the protocol the device uses for the communication. eventually you have to do some bit manipulation to get "your" data ... higher developed devices often use some kind of protcol with checksum, header and fixed data fields. you have to read the manual (hoe you have one ...) to find out where the data ara.
  4. i am member in the ssp programm and i have it and use it. i use it for a PDA-Project, because there have been major improvements from the LV 7.1 PDA Module to the 8..0 PDA Module. e.g. the 7.1 module was not albe to detec keystrokes ... otherwise, i still use 7.1 in other projects, first because i don't want to provoke conversion problems, second because LV8 seems a little bit embryonic to me in some parts (e.g. eht project management ...)
  5. i followed the editorial: do not read the artice starting at page 136 ... otherwise you will have no time left for other things lego mindstorms is my favourite, because you are able to build many different robots and you can develop your own ideas
  6. i have not checked this, yet, but i guess, you can open the properties via ActiveX, when you have the printer name. Ok, you need an extra button in your dialog, but i think this can work?!
  7. as far as i know, Traditional DAQ is distributed in Version 7.4.1 now and there will be no more major releases. And i don't know how long NI will kepp up supprt / bugfixing for Traditional DAQ. My advise is to keep the last availiable Trad.DAQ package at a cool and dry place ...
  8. oops, sorry but i have to admit, i am strongly interested in that toy, too. I am playing around with uCs since one year (ATMEL AVR...) and the chance to get a ready-to-run kit, which can be progammed with a labview-like IDE makes me really curious. if i have the time to use it, i will surely buy one. the husband of a friend of my wife has one and he is having lots of fun with chasing his cats with his robot and his self-developed "cat-chasing"-algorithm... lol
  9. i experienced that, too. i detected that first, when i tried to flatten a variant, which i got from a database query, to a string and send it to my client via tcp-ip. i simply did recieve nothing. i detected that a second time, when i tried to save special variant values in my block diagram as constants. after closing and opening the vi, the values were gone. im following entropy with my explanation: (beat me, if i am wrong) the values of a variant are pointers to memory segments, and the variant data conversion simply gets the pointer, and tries to fit the bits and bytes found at that address into the specified labview datatype. when the vi is closes (e.g.) the data, which belog to another application are deleted. And it seems, it is a a real "call by reference", when you use an indicator to see the values
  10. there is a new version of my ADO-Toolkit availiable. I made it for LabVIEW 8, because the "date time" cluster contains now a new element for fractional seconds. I don't use fractional seconds, but i wanted to get rid of the warnings and coercion dots ;-). There have been many improvements since my first post here, especially the documentation. Maybe someone can help me with the palettes? I still could not figure out, how i can get rid of the "additional columns" in the palette view. I can delete them, and they are gone in edit mode, but they are there again after saving Ah, there is an example for download on my homepage, if you are interested, and a version for LabVIEW 7.1, too ... installation is simple: just extract the zip file to your vi.lib/addons folder, restart LabVIEW and you sould find the VIs in the Addons palette. thx! i would be glad, if you find it usefull (amusing, or a nice toy) and feedback is allways wellcome! Download File:post-885-1136980375.zip
  11. i had a similar problem some time ago and my solution was, to programm the select printer dialog myself. You can get the list of installed printers like this: Download File:post-885-1136969315.zip
  12. hmm, that' a difficult question for everyone who does not have such a device or the manual. But it sounds to me like "wrong baud rate". Maybe you can get some documentation from the vendor/mmanufacturer ? if you want to establish a proper serial communication you have to know the baudrate, start- stopbits, parity, handshaking, etc ... exactly
  13. there are no example papers, because the test is done online (via PearsonVue) and you are not allowed to take pencil and paper into the test, or take something written out of the test. In my case there was also a surveillance camera and i was told not to use my cell phone camera or something like that. these were the bad news. the good news are: there is a example exam online, where you can get some practice. but be aware, that if you have passed the test, you will need a new myNI account to redo it. CLAD example exam proschd, cb
  14. when i was at NI, we called them "old style global", i think this is ne "inofficial official" name ;-) i voted for "action engine" because i mostly use them to get some C++ object like functionality. proschd, cb
  15. i2dx

    The book

    my guess is: No blame it to my english skills, but i don't understand, too, what religion, yoga and esoterrics have to do with labview?
  16. lol ... and you are sure the gift is for your son? ;-) maybe you should better buy 2 to avoid tears
  17. i know them also under the name "old style global", which refers to the point which PJM mentioned a few posts above ... if i put a case-structure with code in it, I usually call them "Objects", because these constructs show some parallels to C++ Objects. The methods of my "Objects" are called via an enum (mostly labeled "Action" [... which would imply an "action engine" ;-)] ), the members are stored in the shift register ... what about this point of view?
  18. 100% ACK :-)
  19. i first fear was, that you could see the elements change or get the wrong ones in my version, because the "value change" event has to be detected first. now it seems, the menu activation event is pretty fast, but i have not yet tested with slower machines or deeply nested menu-structures ... furthermore, i am glad with jims solution ...
  20. i tested a .net 2.0 progress bar and it worked fine ... the question is: do i have to make sure, the target machine has .net 2.0 installed, too?
  21. try my project duplicator tool ... it does exactly what you want ... (one thread below ...)
  22. good idea! maybe we should ask the admin to make a "post stupid/please-make-my-homework/offending questions here" forum? ;-) subtilte: the most bored menber will answer (eventually ..) an expert forum would be nice (and that's what i originally expected from LAVA, when i first came here ...), but there are so few LabVIEW experts (compared to e.g. Visual C ...) in the world, there would not be much talk. I tried to establish a LV experts forum for germans, but it quickly died the "one post per month"-death ... ah, and admin, please don't get me wrong, i do not think there are only stupid peolpe here in this forum. IMHO you can find most of the best LV developers here ... but about 30 - 40% of the topics are not really questions for "LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects". If this sound offensive to you, please blame it on my english skills
  23. i am sorry, but i have no real solution for your problem, but i have a hint ... i had a similar problem a few weeks ago (searching tables in a word document ...) and i found my solution in the online MSDN (msdn.microsoft.com) where you can get a documentation for the Word Object Model. A good start is here: Word Object Model
  24. i2dx

    VI hierarchy

    if you need a sorted hierarchy of your vis, you can try to archieve it with the SubVI "IBBTool_build vi hierarchy.lv80.vi" from my "Copy Project Tool" (Post #2432 maybe you have ro remove some functionality, to get it "plain" ...
  25. @temp409x and Jim: i have the same problem with OpenG. I can install the Commander and download Packages, but i see nothing in my palettes. Maybe this happens, because i have a english LabVIEW installed on a german Windows XP? where the default path to LabVIEW is not "C:\Programm Files\National Instruments\..." but "C:\Programme\National Instruments\..." best regards, CB
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