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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. thanks a lot, but i was searching for the missing 10% ;-) i was as far as you, but what i wanted was to put the VIs in the polymorphic instance with vi scripting. best regards, CB
  2. sorry, but this doesn't sound like a good idea to me. if you just stick with variants, you better become a visual basic programmer. there are many positive aspects with strict typing and so on :headbang:
  3. be carefull ! Error=TRUE does not mean no execution in all cases. it is true for the most system VIs, but surely a self written sub-vi will execute when the error in = ERROR and handle the error in the way you programmed it, which can mean, if there is no error handling the next system VI (e.g. the yellow ones) will not execute at all ... take a look at the example and you will hopefully see what i mean ... cheerio cb Download File:post-885-1119734181.zip
  4. maybe this helps ... ? Download File:post-885-1119717443.zip
  5. sure, take a look at the cont. AI and the cont. AO examples. copy both block diagrams into one vi, then you have 2 paralell while-loops (i guess) which you maybe want do stop via an occurence (?) and you have a simultanous AI/AO vi ... cheers, CB
  6. the same question is: you can buy a toolset from NI which helps you to develop some things faster ... you can save a complete VI hierarchy and include all VI'S from the VI-Lib (which means, including the toolset-vis, too) and distribute this to a colleague who has not bought the toolset ... is this a breach of the license agreement? i think VI-Scripting will be available as a toolset ... so ni can make some extra $$$
  7. put a while-loop around it ...
  8. as my labview teacher said: if your block diagram extend the size of your screen, it's not well structured. i bought a 2048 x 1536 display ;-) the german translation of labview is sometimes really ugly. that's why i use the english version ... cheers, cb
  9. i agree there is a bug ... very strange ! take a look at the attatched VI, there is a solution how to avoid this .... best regards, cb Download File:post-885-1117173419.vi
  10. i have to admit, i don't know. i have tested my toolkit on Windows XP and Windows 2k and it worked well ... cheerio CB BTW: an Update can be found here: ADO Toolkit
  11. every *.exe is running in its own runtime environment, with its own memory, etc ... if you are experienced with windows programming you can use the windows messaging system via the win-API or you can use TIP/IP or UDP ... cheers cb
  12. no, sorry, i have not yet seen it, but i will have a look, maybe i can save lots of work ... thanx! CB
  13. this is no strange error, its the typical former "bluescreen", now "Read-Exception" Windows error, which happens, if you want to read/write to a memory location which is protected by the OS. i try to translate: The instruction in "0x123456" referenced memory at "0x56789". The memory could not be "read". This happens typically im C++ e.g. by trying to read a private variable by a pointer. Mybe you have open activeX references or stuff like this in your LV programm ? best regards, CB
  14. i do the following (e.g. when working with subpanels): in the calling vi i open references to the dynamically loaded vis and collect them into an array of vi-references. i call the dynamiv VIs via the "run vi" method, not via the "call by reference node". they terminate themselfes or are terminated by an occurrence. at the "run vi" method i choose "auto dispose refnums" = FALSE, because i close the refnums at the end of the calling vi. that works fine 4 me !? best regards, cb
  15. because it's so messy
  16. Hi everybody, have you ever set the frontpanel properties of a sub-vi to "dialog", minimized it and started the main-vi ? then you know what i mean you have to kill LV, or you use some other dirty tricks. with this little tool i wrote, you can avoid this, because you "prepare" the frontpanel settings, but actually do not set them, until you want to release your project or compile it. Installation: extract the file "FrontPanelTool_en.zip" and copy the FrontPanelTool_en.llb to your %labview%/project folder. the tool is used by selecting "Frontpanel Tool ..." from the "Tools" menu in LabVIEW. The frontmost VI is automatically selected, but you can select your own "main.vi" The tool searches for a special comment in all VIs through the complete VI hierarchy and in every VI the "special comment" is found the frontpanel properties are set as specified in the comment. try it with the "example" vi to see how it works ah, by the way: the code is password protected ... please review and discuss, best regards, cb Download File:post-885-1114528429.zip Download File:post-885-1114528431.zip
  17. Hi erverybody, i have written a database toolkit, because the NI Database Connectivity Toolset is to expensive (4 what it does) and i allready had some trouble with it. the ones who know the NI database connectivity toolset may recognise some similarity ;-) I was an user of the NI DBCTK when i was at NI, but i am not willing to pay 1000 Euros for a piece of software, which is in my humble oppition just a bulky wrapper arround some ActiveX Methods. Its not worth the price in my eyes. And furthermore i am not convinced that the usage of GOOP shown in NI DBCTK is a programmers masterpiece of object oriented programming in G. it is now in beta stadium and i would like to ask you, if you could review and comment my work. it's not complete, there are functions for SQL-Server, mySQL, Oracle and dokumentation missing, but it is working well with Access and Excel. I promise to implement the missing functions as soon as i need them ;-) the toolkit is intended to be free software and is published under the GPL. If the guys from OpenG think its useful, they can have it ... 1. Installation: extract the file: "ADO-Tool.zip" in your %labview%/vi.lib/addons folder. There will be a new folder "ADO-Tool". There is no installation routine or something like that. If you want to get rid of it, just delete the ADO-Tool folder and nothing will be left. 2. take a look at the example extract the file "ado toolkit example.zip" to a folder and open the "access example.vi" 3. please tell me what you think about it. Attention: maybe you have to download and install the latest MDAC-Drivers from microsoft.com ... best regards, cb Download File:post-885-1114525354.zip Download File:post-885-1114525355.zip
  18. differential calculus on a computer means: you have to divide the increment of the y-axis by the increment of the x-axis. if you are searching for a "differential equation solver" or something that does symbolic calculus you will not find anything usefull in LabVIEW. You can try to use a Matlab node, if you have a copy. best regards cb Download File:post-885-1114507357.zip
  19. sure, take it and spread it as you want under the GPL License ... but you can do the same with an ActiveX Object, see the attatchment ... Download File:post-885-1114506036.zip
  20. yes, it's like xp. you need a "code" to activate your product via internet in the license manager. take a look at CVI 7.1 and you see how it works. According to my (more or less reliable) information NI will implement an activate mechanism in LV8. i am not glad about this "feature" but i can live with it, but i am glad NI has changed the license agreement !
  21. maybe you can solve your problems with the timestamp with this vi ... it's in german, so you have to translate it in your language best regards, cb Download File:post-885-1114418056.zip
  22. if you want write complex programms, don't use LabVIEW Express ... Express is made (IMHO) 4 "quick'n dirty' solutions in your Lab ... switch your functions palette to "advanced" and take a look at the functions they provide. there are some good beginners books, who are written 4 newbies and show you how to get used to labview and "think in labview". Maybe you want to visit the LV Basic Course ? i can only recommend german books, therefore my english speaking colleagues may help you out ? best regards cb
  23. i have not tested this: what about the property "frontmost vi" ? ever tried to set a key focus on a control / indicator on the floating vi ? best regards cb
  24. in july 2004 i experienced a bug in the LV DataSocket Vis, which showed the same behavior (creating a memory leak) as you described. Furthermore my Programm was crashing when opening more then 7 Items on the OPC-Server simultaneously. I think the new DataSocket VIs in LV 7 / 7.1 are not as well programmed as they should be. The only chance to get rid of this was: remove all the DS-Vis and attach DS-Connections to Controls which i used as "local Variables", which worked. This was a very very ugly programming style and i hated this solution, but it was the only way to get the software running "properly". I don't know if NI has fixed this issues in the 7.1.1 Update. best regards cb
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