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Everything posted by hugo_fr

  1. The private property 'TypeClass' gives me the correct class : 'IviDmm' or 'IviDCPwr' ... (tried with LV 8.6)
  2. Hi, Just try this vi : http://www.box.net/shared/dreju7f03g Hugo
  3. oups
  4. Another way is to pass the parent VI ref to the subpanel VI See zip. SubPanelCursor_PassRefByValue.zip
  5. I find it some years ago, on LAVA 1.0, I have the same bug (ƒCƒxƒ“ƒg“o˜) on clusters... You are right for the registering process, a little bit frustrating .... i don't know another way, NI Library uses the same registering node. If you put the string '-' for the name, you can add an horizontal BreakBar, (as for Ring) You can distinguish items with the 'NotifyIcon Ref' property : 'Text' I hope it helps.
  6. The topic Saving all properties for Gobject contains a similar solution in the NI PropSaver library : PropSaver.llb\PropSaver - Predefined Property List.vi Hugues
  7. Thanks for help. I did this code, quickly, manually, but work at this time and can evolve later. Class_Hierarchy_0.0.1.zip
  8. Hi all, I wish for this VI : The ClassName property is easy, but how retrieving the class inheritance hierarchy ? Any idea ? Hugues.
  9. Hi, There is another NotifyIcon library (based on .NET) that could be merged with the NI library... The example is interesting too NotifyIcon.zip MouseCircle-20070302.zip
  10. Hi, This is a small tool that adds a shell menu 'Open with LabVIEW Compatible Version' Very usefull when working with multiple LabVIEW versions. It launch the appropriate LabVIEW Version if installed', otherwise, it prompts the user to select a more recent installed version. Requirements : LabVIEW 8.6.1 RunTime Engine Use : Right Click on a LabVIEW File Select 'Open with LabVIEW Compatible Version' Supported file formats : .vi .vit .ctl .ctt .llb .lvlib .lvproj .lvclass .xnode .xctl LabVIEW Shell Launcher 1.0.4.zip
  11. likes chaos when it is at its place.

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