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Found 4 results

  1. I don't want to manually launch all installed LabVIEW versions one by one, and call this method. Is there a way to do this in one version to refresh palette for all installed versions?
  2. Hi. I have this 'Error & Warning' toolset with a functions and a controls palette: The controls palette contains only a single control, basically a subVI dropping its contents on the front panel when dragged there. That contents is two error clusters so I don't have to visit the control palette twice to get those (there are a small number of additional changes to these controls, mainly label and caption formatting to match GPower style). When dragged and dropped I have this on the FP: When dropping these it'd be nice if some additional stuff happened, like they automatically got wired to the correct connectors on the conpane (if they are available), maybe they placed themselves more conveniently than where you just happened to drop them etc. Now, I have been wrecking my brain about how to do make them do this. If I turn them into XControls it could probably be done, but I'd hate to turn something as fundamental as the error cluster into a proprietary XControl and litter those all over my (and other people's) VIs. I can't seem to get anywere with scripting on this one - the VI isn't being run when it spills its contents when dragged from the palette. Do you have any ideas, or is this too much work? I could maybe register some internal LV app event when the 'Error & Warning' toolset gets installed (it's a VIP), but that seems like a lot of work. Cheers, Steen
  3. Hey all, As you may know in order to have a toolkit placed on the LabVIEW Tools Network it has to pass Compatible With LabVIEW certification. One of the requirements for the Compatible With LabVIEW program is that tools may not be located on the top palette, but should exist within one of the existing top-level categories such as Programming, Measurement I/O, Data Communication, etc. The reason behind this requirement is that the LabVIEW Palette can get quite bloated when you have many toolkits/modules installed. With just the full Developer Suite installed, there are over 20 top level palettes. Adding third party tools to this list will very easily bring the functions palette to grow off of the screen for a standard 1024x768 monitor. The secondary reason behind this is that this layout will help users find the functions more easy that will help them. For example if the user is looking for some data communication protocol, they are more likely to look in the "Data Communication" palette then in a sub-palette called "My Data Protocol" under a top level "DavidSoft Inc". I wanted to point this out so as you all start creating their toolkit for submission to Team LAVA or the LabVIEW Tools Network, you can take this into consideration ahead of time. However, with many things in our program, nothing is black and white. If there are special cases in which a toolkit especially should be on the top level, we will consider letting it go as such. One of these cases is OpenG. Since OpenG has a long-standing reputation and is known to be found on the Top level, it would be more hurtful than beneficial to require it moved to the Programming palette. If anyone has suggestions or ideas of other corner cases that would benefit from this top level location, or have comments or opinions for or against this policy, please feel free to bring them up here for debate/discussion. --David Out
  4. Has anyone see this and know why it occurs? Using LV2010. Tried the menu's in the lvlib and the lvclass. The examples show up ok (assuming because they are outside the library). Default palette set for the lvclass to dir.mnu. The vi's drop out of the palette ok...they just have the X on them. I am using the lvlib because I am giving the option to build a packed library. It is really slow and hogs a bunch of memory in the development environment though when I am working with it so I just went to a source distribution. Might try 2011 to see if they optomized it. Thanks
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