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Found 4 results

  1. I'm looking for a way to automatically expand and collapse ring controls. Example: I have already seen a method where mouse click is simulated using user32.dll when mouse entered. I just want to know whether there are any better methods available. Also I do have access to LabVIEW 2022 Q3... incase if any new property/method added, kindly let me know! Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello, I'm developing an application to play "Battleship" with another opponent through serial communication. I currently have the following difficulty: I have not been able to fill the Array with my opponent's ships, I can modify a position, but by changing the position, the result of the previous position returns to its original value. VI operation: For my turn, using the radio buttons, I select the coordinate and press the SEND button. My opponent answers me with a 1 if I hit or with a 0 if I failed, this data is what I couldn't keep in the array. Best regards, 3Q.vi
  3. I ran into this error while developing the project I'm currently working on. I've isolated the cause of the error and I'm able to demonstrate it in a simple VI. Basically, if I make a new selection on an enum or ring, while using the "set cell value" method on a table, error 1604 is generated. I want to understand why this is happening and also be able to fix it. test error 1604.vi
  4. Hi everybody, I have a problem with a ring-control in my labview program. The ring has many items (65536) and non-sequential values. I need to find the actual index of the ring array and set a new calculated index afterwards. As I couldn't find a way to get the actual index directly, I started a for loop and compared every "Strings[]"-array element with the "Ringtext.Text"-property. So far, so good. But when I want to set a new index to the ring, I need to use the "Set Value"-property. Here comes the problem: Every time I use the "String and Value[]"-property to get the index corresponding value, labview needs about 10 seconds to build it. Why is that? Labview doesn't have problems building the "Strings[]"-Array. Is there a way to handle the ring index seperatly I couldn't find? Can the "Strings and Values[]" operation be accelerated? Thank you for your time and your ideas. Best, ichsw
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