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Front panel controls and text different size on different PCs

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Since I switched to LV 2009 the controls on my front panel display differently on PCs other than mine. For instance, in a text box the character spacing is different. The system font size and the display settings are exactly the same. Also all the alignments for text boxes on my block diagram are off since switching to 2009. I'm not sure where to start looking for the source of this issue. Any ideas?


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Since I switched to LV 2009 the controls on my front panel display differently on PCs other than mine. For instance, in a text box the character spacing is different. The system font size and the display settings are exactly the same. Also all the alignments for text boxes on my block diagram are off since switching to 2009. I'm not sure where to start looking for the source of this issue. Any ideas?


Just a guess, but perhaps the Default Application Font is not the same on all machine. You can test this assumption by making sure the labview.ini file contains the same appFont value for all your machines.

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We had an issue where on one machine the color of a font was black, and on another machine it was white. And another issue where the block diagram was white on one machine, and black on another.

Part of the issue was that the developer of the code was using the Zune theme for XP. Apparently this screwed with the application color, and someone set the color to application white instead of 0xFFFFFF. I'm sure you've thought of this, but are you running any non-standard themes?

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