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LVcompare and LV FDS

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Is there a way to use LVcompare with Labview Full Developement System ?

I have try to use it with tortoise , but get below error (sorry in french).

"Une erreur est survenue lors de l'exécution de LVCompare.

Nœud de méthode dans LVCompare.vi


Nom de la méthode : <b>User Interaction:Compare VIs</b>"


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The VIs which do the actual comparison are only shipped with LV pro, which I assume is the reason this doesn't work.

I haven't used LVCompare, but based on the error you're getting, I'm assuming that all it does is call the Compare VIs menu option in LabVIEW.

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Is there a way to use LVcompare with Labview Full Developement System ?

I have try to use it with tortoise , but get below error

Hi Eric

I got LabVIEW 2009.SP1 Professional and TortoiseSVN 1.6.12 - doing a Diff with LVCompare works fine for me.

The VIs which do the actual comparison are only shipped with LV pro, which I assume is the reason this doesn't work.

But you must have LVCompare install with your setup if you can configure Tortoise to point to it in the first place?

Also, if you want me to try anything specifically to help out let me know.



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