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LabVIEW Class Hierarchy window

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I'm currently experiencing a weird behavior with LabVIEW.

I've got a project with dozen of lvclass. I want to view the class hierarchy (menu View>>LabVIEW Class Hierarchy) and I obtain the following window:


My configuration :

  • Windows XP SP3
  • LabVIEW 2010 SP1

Does anyone already experienced this ?





I have exactly the same problem in one of my virtual machine with LabVIEW 2009.

Have you tried to restart LV with a clean LabVIEW.ini (rename the old one)?

Note: I have not tried the above suggestion.


  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

No one has ever mentioned this behavior before. I've certainly never seen it. I'll keep my eyes open. Obviously if you figure out what triggers it, please let us know.

I've got the issue again. I can fix it removing LabVIEW.ini file.

The problematic file has the following contents:

[LabVIEW]PaletteHidddenControlCategories_LocalHost="Express;Control Design & Simulation;.NET & ActiveX;Signal Processing;Addons;"PaletteHidddenControlCategories_LocalHost_firstLaunch="Modern;System;Classic;Control Design & Simulation;.NET & ActiveX;Signal Processing;Addons;"PaletteHidddenFunctionlCategories_LocalHost="Instrument I/O;Vision and Motion;Connectivity;Control Design & Simulation;SignalExpress;Express;Addons;"PaletteHidddenFunctionlCategories_LocalHost_firstLaunch="Programming;Measurement I/O;Instrument I/O;Vision and Motion;Mathematics;Signal Processing;Data Communication;Connectivity;Control Design & Simulation;SignalExpress;Addons;"RecentFiles.pathList="G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\ModBusVIEWoSL\Tools\Slave.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\ModBusVIEWoSL\Examples\ShellVIs\MBV_Shl_SimpleClientRequest.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\ModBusVIEWoSL\Documentation\ModBusVIEW over Serial Line Help.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Misc\ToolkitTest\Automated\SimpleConnectionInsertSelect-Vxworks.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Misc\ToolkitTest\Automated\SimpleConnectionInsertSelect-Pharlap.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Misc\ToolkitTest\Automated\SimpleConnectionInsertSelect-desktop.vi;G:\OJO\Bureau\Nouveau dossier\Untitled Library 1.lvlib;C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\SAPHIR\MySQLVIEW\NetworkStream\public\Open.vi;G:\OJO\Bureau\TestMySQLVIEW.vi;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Lvlib\MySQL\private\CheckIfServerCapabilityIsActive.vi"IsFirstLaunch=FalseWatchWindowPos=51;1218;287;1949;119;122;1415;0;0;0;226;329;396menuSetup="default"saveFloaterLocations=TrueLastErrorListSize=0,0,379,944SaveChanges_ApplyToAll=TrueuseLocaleDecimalPt=FalsedefaultControlStyle=2autoLayoutMaxHeuristics=20FancyFPTerms=FalseautoRouteWires=FalseautoInsertFeedbackNode=FalseShowConstantFolding=FalseShowConstantFoldStructs=Falseserver.tcp.enabled=Trueserver.tcp.access="+"neverShowAddonLicensingStartup=FALSEallowmultipleinstances=TrueRecentFiles.projectPathList="G:\AFFAIRES\GATTEFOSSE SA\OTOLAB2_B003A235\OTOLAB2_Dev\Sources\OTOLAB.lvproj;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Misc\ToolkitTest\Automated\SelfTest.lvproj;G:\AFFAIRES\SAPHIR\A802-OJO-SAPHIR-VIBOX\VBX_Dev\Sources\Products\MySQLVIEW\Lvlib\MySQL.lvproj;G:\AFFAIRES\EDF\A906-JMC-EDF-PACHT\PACHT_Dev\Sources\_PACHT_Project.lvproj;G:\AFFAIRES\GATTEFOSSE SA\OTOLAB2_B003A235\Legacy\OTOLAB_v300\OTOLAB_v300.lvproj;C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\examples\AddQ\G#\Performance\G# - Performance.lvproj;C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\examples\AddQ\G#\CreateDestroy\G# - CreateDestroy.lvproj;G:\AFFAIRES\ILL\MEFISTA_B012A376\MEFISTA_Dev\sources\MEF.lvproj;G:\OJO\Bureau\OTB_Dev\Sources\OTB.lvproj;G:\OJO\Bureau\TST_Dev\Sources\TST.lvproj"PropPageBounds="392;266;888;725"FindProjectItems.MaxMRUDepth=10FindProjectItems.MaxResults=2000FindProjectItems.CaseSensitive=FalseFindProjectItems.MatchWholeWord=FalseFindProjectItems.RegularExpression=FalseProjectExplorer.ClassicPosition=63,146,940,598NewDlgRecentMainTemplates.pathList="C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\templates\SAPHIR\GenericTemplates\Banner\XXX_Acq_.vit;C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\templates\SAPHIR\ModBusVIEWoTCP\ModBusServer.vit;C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\templates\SAPHIR\GenericTemplates\NoBanner\XXX_Gnl_.vit"NewDlgSmall=FalseNewDlgCollapsed="77E350A8-F9AA-43FF-85E2-454279EBB9A7/DAQ	77E350A8-F9AA-43FF-85E2-454279EBB9A7/Frameworks	77E350A8-F9AA-43FF-85E2-454279EBB9A7/SAPHIR	3F7CF7A8-5E4D-4EDC-AA25-FA4A326988EF"NewDlgLastSelected="77E350A8-F9AA-43FF-85E2-454279EBB9A7/SAPHIR"NewDlgBounds="800;600"NewDlgRecentTemplates.pathList=""ChooseImplementationDialogSize="{640,480}"DontShowProjectRemoveDialogNonFile=Trueautoerr=3IconEditor.FirstLaunch=FalseIconEditor.TextFont="Small Fonts"IconEditor.TextAlignment=00000000IconEditor.TextSize=00000009IconEditor.Save3rdPartyTemplates=TrueIconEditor.3rdPartyTemplatesFolderName="3rd party"IconEditor.TextTab.Color1stBodyLine=00000000IconEditor.TextTab.Color2ndBodyLine=00000000IconEditor.TextTab.Color3tdBodyLine=00000000IconEditor.TextTab.Color4thBodyLine=00000000IconEditor.TextTab.TextFont="Small Fonts"IconEditor.TextTab.TextAlignment=00000001IconEditor.TextTab.TextSize=00000009IconEditor.TextTab.Options=00000003IconEditor.FillColor=00F6F6F6IconEditor.EdgeColor=00000066IconEditor.Tool=0000000BIconEditor.ShowLayerTab=TrueIconEditor.ShowTerminals=FalseIconEditor.SaveLayersWithVI=FalseIconEditor.MostRecentTab=00000003QuickDropPosition="1313,486,1687,822"server.viscripting.showScriptingOperationsInEditor=TruepaletteAsyncLoad=FalseWatchWindowDoNotAskOnClose=TrueQuickDropDiagramShortcuts="1dg:One Button Dialog;2dg:Two Button Dialog;3dg:Three Button Dialog.vi;aae:Add Array Elements;ac:Array Constant;ad1:Increment;as:Array Size;asb:Array Subset;athc:Path Constant;ba:Build Array;bbn:Bundle By Name;bc:False Constant;bp:Build Path;car:Compound Arithmetic;cbr:Call By Reference Node;cc:Cluster Constant;ccat:Concatenate Strings;cr:Close Reference;crf:Open/Create/Replace File;cs:Case Structure;cv:Current VI's Path;dds:Diagram Disable Structure;dfa:Delete From Array;dv:Divide;ea:Empty Array?;eq:Equal?;eqz:Equal To 0?;estr:Empty String/Path?;estrc:Empty String Constant;evstr:Event Structure;ex:Multiply;fc:First Call?;fs:For Loop;fss:Flat Sequence Structure;fstr:Format Into String;g0:Greater Than 0?;geq:Greater Or Equal?;geqz:Greater Or Equal To 0?;gr:Greater?;mp:Match Pattern;nae:And Array Elements;nan:Not A Number/Path/Refnum?;nc:Numeric Constant;ndx:Index Array;neg:Less Than 0?;neq:Not Equal?;neqz:Not Equal To 0?;nes:In Place Element Structure;nt:Not;nv:Invoke Node;qr:Quotient & Remainder;ras:Replace Array Subset;rn:Property Node;s1d:Search 1D Array;sav:Select a VI...;sb:Subtract;sb1:Decrement;sc:String Constant;se:Select;sp:Strip Path;srt:Sort 1D Array;sss:Search/Split String;tc:Tick Count (ms);tsc:To More Specific Class;ubn:Unbundle By Name;vae:Or Array Elements;vr:Open VI Reference;vtd:Variant To Data;wat:Wait (ms);ws:While Loop;oq:Obtain Queue;eq:Enqueue Element;dq:Dequeue Element"QuickDropPanelShortcuts="athc:File Path Control;athn:File Path Indicator;bc:Push Button;bn:Round LED;ei:Error In 3D.ctl;eo:Error Out 3D.ctl;led:Round LED;mc:Multicolumn Listbox;nc:Numeric Control;nn:Numeric Indicator;sac:Select a Control...;sc:String Control;smc:System Multicolumn Listbox;sn:String Indicator;snd:String Indicator;sok:System Button;syscan:System Cancel Button;systb:System Table;wc:Waveform Chart;"NoAdvice070=",FlatSequence,CleanUpWire"AutoSaveEnabled=FalsecolorHistoryItemA=00FCFFA0colorHistoryItemB=00000000colorHistoryItemC=00FFFFFFStructuresAutoSizeByDefault=FalseScaledToFitVisible=FalseScaledToFitLocation="784,1040,964,1280"ScaledToFitWindowState="Standard"reqdTermsByDefault=TruesimpleDiagramHelp=Falsehierarchy.stateFlags=1find.findTextFlags=64504CreateAccessor_AccessorIsProperty=TrueCreateAccessor_ErrorTerms=TrueCreateAccessor_AdvancedVisible=TrueCreateAccessor_Access=2find.viListFlags=4defaultErrorHandlingForNewVIs=FalseEnableAutomaticErrorHandling=FalseLVLibraryThemeColor=00FFFF00DeployDlgCloseWindow=True

I don't see what is problematic, so any idea is welcome.


Posted (edited)

I don't see what is problematic, so any idea is welcome.

I've never experienced this problem so this is a wild guess. But spurious issues in "ini" files can be a symptom of excessive path lengths. Try deleting the line for "RecentFiles.pathList", "NewDlgRecentMainTemplates.pathList" and the quikdrop ones.

Edited by ShaunR

Try deleting the line for "RecentFiles.pathList", "NewDlgRecentMainTemplates.pathList" and the quikdrop ones.

I've gave a try to this, unfortunately it doesn't work.

Thanks anyway for help.



At a guess, this line looks the most relevant:


Try removing only it and see what happens. I have no idea what that config token controls, but it's the only one I see that I'm not at least vaguely aware of its purpose, and its name is related to the problem described.

  • Like 2

At a guess, this line looks the most relevant:

Try removing only it and see what happens. I have no idea what that config token controls, but it's the only one I see that I'm not at least vaguely aware of its purpose, and its name is related to the problem described.

The bits in that number map to the buttons on the tool bar of the hierachy screen. I had reported a bug where LV started forgetting my preferences for that screen. I was able to force it by copying that switch from an older version.

Maybe my bug got fixed?

I'll have to look.



The bits in that number map to the buttons on the tool bar of the hierachy screen. I had reported a bug where LV started forgetting my preferences for that screen. I was able to force it by copying that switch from an older version.

Maybe my bug got fixed?

I'll have to look.


I think that bug was fixed.



At a guess, this line looks the most relevant:

Try removing only it and see what happens. I have no idea what that config token controls, but it's the only one I see that I'm not at least vaguely aware of its purpose, and its name is related to the problem described.

Well done! Remove this line fix the issue.

Anyway, I don't know how this key has appeared in my LabVIEW.ini.

It would be interesting to know what is the purpose of this line and if the behavior can be reproduce on other LabVIEW installation.

Thanks for help,



Well done! Remove this line fix the issue.

Anyway, I don't know how this key has appeared in my LabVIEW.ini.

It would be interesting to know what is the purpose of this line and if the behavior can be reproduce on other LabVIEW installation.

Thanks for help,


After thinking about it, I have to confess that I think I have seen that as well but did not stop to question if that was right or wrong. When I saw it, I habitiually hit "ctrl-a" and did not give it a second thought. So if hitting "ctrl-a" gives you all of the classes then I ahve have seen the same. If not, forget me.



Well done! Remove this line fix the issue.

Anyway, I don't know how this key has appeared in my LabVIEW.ini.

It would be interesting to know what is the purpose of this line and if the behavior can be reproduce on other LabVIEW installation.

Thanks for help,


I will file the bug report on Monday and see what comes of it.

After thinking about it, I have to confess that I think I have seen that as well but did not stop to question if that was right or wrong. When I saw it, I habitiually hit "ctrl-a" and did not give it a second thought. So if hitting "ctrl-a" gives you all of the classes then I ahve have seen the same. If not, forget me.

The problem with this theory is that his screenshot does not show the triangle that indicates "a subtree is folded up here". Ctrl+a (aka "show all") unfolds all such collapsed trees, but his picture is showing no such collapse. Have you also experienced that bit of incorrect visual feedback?

After thinking about it, I have to confess that I think I have seen that as well but did not stop to question if that was right or wrong. When I saw it, I habitiually hit "ctrl-a" and did not give it a second thought. So if hitting "ctrl-a" gives you all of the classes then I ahve have seen the same. If not, forget me.


As AQ said, this not the same problem. Hitting "CTRL+A" does nothing...

As a side node, removed key reappears quite often and I can't explain the reason. I'll try to find which LabVIEW action can be responsible and I'll keep you posted.



Information from the developer working on this:

The token 'hierarchy.stateFlags' is used to enable/disable options in the VI Hierarchy toolbar. It becomes equal to '1' when Include vi.lib is on and Include Globals and Include Type def are off. I'm not sure, as of now, why it is affecting showing the class hierarchy. I'll debug it and update the CAR notes. I just checked and the problem is present since at least LV 2009.

There is a better workaround to this problem which doesn't involve having to restart LabVIEW. Class hierarchy shows up fine when I right click on a lvclass in the Project Explorer and select 'Show Class Hierarchy'.

I hope that helps. I don't think we can get this fixed in LV 2011 -- the report came in too late -- but at least you have a better workaround.

  • Like 1

Information from the developer working on this:

The token 'hierarchy.stateFlags' is used to enable/disable options in the VI Hierarchy toolbar. It becomes equal to '1' when Include vi.lib is on and Include Globals and Include Type def are off. I'm not sure, as of now, why it is affecting showing the class hierarchy. I'll debug it and update the CAR notes. I just checked and the problem is present since at least LV 2009.

There is a better workaround to this problem which doesn't involve having to restart LabVIEW. Class hierarchy shows up fine when I right click on a lvclass in the Project Explorer and select 'Show Class Hierarchy'.

I hope that helps. I don't think we can get this fixed in LV 2011 -- the report came in too late -- but at least you have a better workaround.

Many thanks for this update. The "right-click" workaround is definitely better than removing ini key and restarting LabVIEW.

  • 5 months later...

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