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Default Conepane

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Perhapse i'm stupid :frusty: , but i don't find how define default conepane for CTRL-N short cut. Previously i have one "4815" conepane each time, and now it's "4834" . I have try to modify "defaultConPane" parameter in labview.ini but without effect, and when close Labview "defaultConPane" parameter go back to "4834" :wacko: .

Any suggestion?



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Crelf: Are you saying the LabVIEW.ini file reverts after you make changes and save it?

Eric: Yes it's true.

Ned: Just to confirm, you're not trying to edit the LabVIEW.ini file while LabVIEW is running, right?

Eric: No i stop Labview and modify labview ini and restart Labview.no effect if i creat new vi. Stop labview and look labview ini and then see conepane go back to old value.

Just another details: i have samethings on LV2009 SP1 and LV2011 under Windowx XP sp3..

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Crelf: Are you saying the LabVIEW.ini file reverts after you make changes and save it?

Eric: Yes it's true.

Ned: Just to confirm, you're not trying to edit the LabVIEW.ini file while LabVIEW is running, right?

Eric: No i stop Labview and modify labview ini and restart Labview.no effect if i creat new vi. Stop labview and look labview ini and then see conepane go back to old value.

Just another details: i have samethings on LV2009 SP1 and LV2011 under Windowx XP sp3..

I believe I had the same issue on LabVIEW 2011.

My solution was

  • remove the defaultConPane key from the ini file and start LabVIEW.
  • Stop LabVIEW
  • re-add the ini file token


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I have the same issue.

  • It's not changed by <LabVIEW>\resource\dialog\lvconfig.llb\LV Config Write Numeric (I32).vi or <LabVIEW>\resource\dialog\lvconfig.llb\LV Config Write String.vi
  • It's changed just before the 'Getting Started Window' is shown
  • It's changed when I open a project from the GSW
  • It started recently. I suspect the f2 patch for 2011 (however my startup window says I only have the f1 patch installed)
  • I have the following providers installed:
    • ADDQ
    • Symbio GOOP

    [*]It's stored as defaultConPane="4834"

    [*]I have WinXP with English OS with Dutch localization (a ',' as decimal sign)

    [*]LabVIEW 11.0.1f1


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You are right, it's ADDQ (i don't have GOOP installed) who systematicaly modify the connector pane.

To solve this:

Go to Tools\G#IDE\Options and Define connector Pane.

ADDQ seem have common configuration between all Labview versions installed, because i have made modification on LV2011 and that automaticaly solve this in LV2009 without any action of me.

Thanks to all for your help.



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  • 4 years later...


Is it because "6x4x4x6" being the first item in the list, and not "4x2x2x4"?! I was facing this issue in LV2016, and it was a nightmare for more than 2 weeks now, until I just stumbled upon this post, esp your reply!

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