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Best Practices for building Actor/classes to EXE

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Hi all,


I'd appreciate some advise or pointing in the right direction regarding building an EXE with class dependencies.  I have a project built with actor framework and when I build it to exe, I get lots of dependencies which I think should be included in the EXE as seen below:




On my Source files build properties page I currently have nothing under Always Included.  I did try including all of the lvlibs and including them in the EXE but it didn't make a difference.


In summary, I think the way my EXEs are building is not right.  It is easy to see what VIs I'm using (although you can't open them) and it doesn't look very professional.  What are the best practices for building dependencies into EXE?





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Check in your application build script if the 8.x file layout is activated: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361H-01/lvconcepts/referencing_files_in_applications/

If you enable the Use LabVIEW 8.x file layout option on the Advanced page of the Application Properties, Shared Library Properties, or Web Service Properties dialog boxes, the Application Builder stores source files inside the application as a flat list. Because of this file structure, LabVIEW moves any files with conflicting filenames to different folders. National Instruments recommends you only enable this option if the application you build relies on the legacy behavior to store files in a flat list inside the application.

Edited by LogMAN
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