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LabVIEW cameo in SciFi movie 'ChappiE'

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Just saw the SciFi Robotic AI movie called 'ChappiE' yesterday; it was no District 9 but it definitely had it's moments.  Anyway, there was a brief 1, possible 2 seconds worth of shots showing LabVIEW code.  I couldn't quite make it out but it looked like there was a ton of 'Merge Signal' primitives.


Anybody else catch this?

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  • 3 months later...

I got the snapshot here.

It is LabVIEW indeed.

I googled to find out if anyone caught it as I did. It seems that I might be the first one to post this snapshot.






Or wait until one of the spammers post links to the movie here.


(but seriously though don't post links to pirated content you will be banned like the spammers)

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It is LabVIEW indeed.


Actually, it doesn't look like LabVIEW. Both the toolbar and the code look different. I'm guessing they wanted to avoid copyright issues or to have a look of their own and created a visual which is probably inspired by LV, but isn't actually LV.

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You're right, the images posted don't look like LabVIEW.  However, these are not the shots I remember, there are certainly other screen shots in this very same scene which I'm nearly certain were 'merge signal' VIs.  Any chance you could grab screen caps of that program? It couldn't be more than 30 seconds away (forward or backward) from the screen caps you posted.

Edited by Sean Donner
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The OS there also seems fake (although I'm not familiar with all of the Linux desktops, so it could be one of those) and it's very blurry, but I think the title of the windows is DataFlow 5.3.4 (the name is almost entirely from context and the digits could be pretty much anything).


I wouldn't be surprised if you something that looked very similar to Merge Signals. As far as I can tell, that graphic is directly inspired by LV.

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There we go.  It looks like they took LabVIEW code and did a zoom desktop to make the code look bigger for the silver screen.  The top image is definitely 'Split Signals' running into some unknown intermediate VIs which then merge into the 'Sine' VI.   The bottom image is also definitely the 'Merge Signals' VI that is taking input from what looks like some Z-transform VIs.  I don't recognize those so those might just be custom.

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It looks like they took LabVIEW code and did a zoom desktop to make the code look bigger for the silver screen.


No. Again, it looks like they took some LV code and then created a completely custom image which looks similar, but isn't actually LV. I agree that the signal split and merge do look exactly the same, but there are many things which are clearly not LV, the IDE not being the least. The "Z transform VI" actually appears to be their version of Build Waveform.

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I don't disagree that there wasn't some editing, but there is a lot you can do to match those pictures with just standard LabVIEW.  For example, that pink box around the Z transform VIs can be accomplished with decorations.  Here is something I whipped up in < 10 mins.  It looks like the size of the 'Merge Signals' VI has been blown up because 13 inputs is as tall as 6 of those Z-transform VI's stacked up vertically.  The standard one only gives you about 3.  I tried to cheat a bit by making the VI's icons about 5 pixels smaller on each side.



Edited by Sean Donner
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I don't disagree that there wasn't some editing, but there is a lot you can do to match those pictures with just standard LabVIEW.


Yes. Since it looks like this is directly copied from LV, it's no surprise that you can create something very similar in LV and it's quite likely that their image started as code in LV. My point was simply that it looks like they didn't use LV itself, but rather created their own visuals, where they did whatever they wanted to, because their only constraint is for the visual to look good on screen for a second. Do you really not see all the differences which make it clear this is not LV (things like case dropdowns on the left side, tunnels which are too big, diagonal wires and several others)?

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