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Changing XY Graph "Plot Area" Programmatically...

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Hello once again,

I am having trouble coding a way for the user to control the "plot area" size (which I interpreted as the black gridded area) without changing the overall size of the graph. My reasoning is in regards to aesthetics; I don't want a gap between the graph and a decoration. If this cannot be fixed, is it possible to programmatically control the size of a decoration? I doubt it myself because there are no block-diagram components for decorations.

I have attached a sample VI to further illustrate my intentions.

Yes the outcome is not significant in importance but I have a pet peeve about it :throwpc:

Thanks in advance :worship:


Download File:post-2549-1149514836.vi

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Take a look at the attached program and see if it helps. These are the only three properties that I know of that will control the size and location of a graph while the program is executing.

I had a similar problem at one time.

out of curiosity why the sequence ? why not just wire the error output from the property node to the while loop ?

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out of curiosity why the sequence ? why not just wire the error output from the property node to the while loop ?

Just the way I like to code it. I usually use a 3 pane flat sequence to separate the initialization, main application, and clean up. I usually do connect up the error line as well. It just helps me to keep each part defined this way when I am coding it up. You are correct in that it isn't necessary.

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Take a look at the attached program and see if it helps. These are the only three properties that I know of that will control the size and location of a graph while the program is executing.

I had a similar problem at one time.


I just can't find the Plot Bounds (short names) / Plot Area Bounds (long names) property. :wacko:

Do you have scripting enabled?

Can you show where to find it?

With kind regards,


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I just can't find the Plot Bounds (short names) / Plot Area Bounds (long names) property. :wacko:

Do you have scripting enabled?

Can you show where to find it?

With kind regards,


I do have lines in my ini file that are needed to see the additional properties. I guess this one must be one of them.

In your labview.ini file add one or both of these additional line:



When you restart LabVIEW you should see this property.

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After adding the Scripting INI entries you can put a VI property node down and get a reference to the Front Panel, then wire up another property node to the ref and you can get an array of references to all the decorations, then iterate through those in a loop to get/set the size, position, and colors of decorations.


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I do have lines in my ini file that are needed to see the additional properties. I guess this one must be one of them.

In your labview.ini file add one or both of these additional line:



When you restart LabVIEW you should see this property.

Is there somewhere an up-to-date listing of these undocumented .ini settings?

I used to look them up on Brain Renkens page http://labview.brianrenken.com/INI/ (and the LAVA FAQ http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=299 also still refers to that URL), but I cannot find this supersecreteprivate stuff there.



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...but I cannot find this supersecreteprivate stuff there.

...and you're probably not going to find it anywhere else either. The super secret private stuff is exactly that :ninja: and whilst it seems to have leaked out, I'm not sure too many people want to break their NI NDAs to go into too much detail. That said, if you're interested in actually using the super secret private stuff to its' full potential, then you might want to check out LAVA's Scripting Forum.

Back to the original topic: AFAIK Brain Renken's page is still the authority on undocumented ini settings, although we all need to help him out to add settings when they surface into the general public domain...

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Kermit, I mean crelf, what happened to the bowtie? Is the green cast from an over-indulgence of Veggemite? ;-)

Vegemite?!? Blaagghh! I can't stand the stuff (where's the :vomit: icon?)

No, I've just given Mel a rest - he's been working hard lately. That said, I'm sure I'll miss his attractive mug and he'll be back real soon :)

For those of you scratching your heads, my previous avitar was not a photo of me (I'm much younger than that ;) ), but actually a vintage photo of Mel Brooks, my hero:


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...but actually a vintage photo of Mel Brooks, my hero:


Hi Chris,

Although I do not know or have ever met Mel, I have come close.

One of my philosophy proffessors from college used to room with him when they were both stand-up comedy in a resort somewhere in the aderondaks.

Mel had a big effect on him and his lectures were a howl.

I personaly love everything I have seen him do. Who else could do a musical number based on the inquisition and get away with it?

Related tale:

Although he is no longer with us, I met THE Mr Rogers along with most of the cast of "Mr Roger's neighborhood".

They really suprised me that they are actually just as nice in person as they act in the show. I was trying to help them get a laser printer working when I first met them. I thought I was going to catch heck when I had to tell them that the printer was not going to be working soon. Their reaction was "That's OK Ben. Want a cookie?"

BUt the real suprising part was Mr Mcfeely.

It turns out those shows are actually scripted! I had thought they just got in front of that camera and started winging it.


Mr McFeely wrote every show. His office walls were linded fllor to ceiling with pidgeon holes that were filled with the old scriptis.

One of my secretaries asked me to get some autographs.

When he found out who it was for he signed his picture saying "Stop down some time and find out how I got my name."

End of realted story.


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Although I do not know or have ever met Mel, I have come close.

The closest I've ever been to him was in the same country when he was in Melbourne for the opening night of "The Producers" - it's a great show, but I'm still a huge fan of the original 1968 Zero Mostel / Gene Wilder movie. Another great movie of his to watch out for is "The Twelve Chairs" - although there's some of Mel's slpastick schtick in it, it's more of a dark comedy - abosolutely brilliant!

Gee, I guess we can consider this topic hijacked... :(

...Mel had a big effect...

You've all made me see the light - I shouldn't never have abandonded my beloved Mel - he's back now :)

Sorry Kermit...


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Who said it can't? ;)


I don't feel so good... Although I'd thought of doing that, I figured it'd be in bad taste :) That said, since you went to the trouble, I figured I'd change my avitar to the image you created, but dang it, it don't work:

The file you requested to upload was greater than the limit the administrator has set for your group.

Whew! :shifty:

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Although I'd thought of doing that, I figured it'd be in bad taste :)

hat are you talking about?

It looks great!

No one will stone you!

You should do it!

People will love it!

Really... :D

BTW, it seems the forum itself really didn't like your change of the avatar -


Oh, and it's no trouble - takes about a minute with Imageready.

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Perhaps I should have asked for morphing vs fading ...

I've got to agree with crelf ... I don't feel so good,

sort of like someone who made a joke and a riot occured as a result

Still, I steadfastly deny any responsibility and suggest Yen be subjected to the :beer: Shiner Bock Beer Torture :beer: at the earliest possible opportunity :P

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BTW, it seems the forum itself really didn't like your change of the avatar -


Mel should be back and smiling now - sorry for the interruption, and in Kermit's famous words: "We now return you to your regular scheduled programme..."

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Still, I steadfastly deny any responsibility and suggest Yen be subjected to the :beer: Shiner Bock Beer Torture :beer:
Don't try to dodge your accountability! You've sown the seed!

Anyway, I guess this admission will get me thrown out of the forums permanently, but - I don't drink beer, so it wouldn't work on me. :P

There. I've said it. :oops:

Now you can have your way with me.

and in Kermit's famous words: "We now return you to your regular scheduled programme..."
Didn't work last time...

Maybe we should invoke Godwyn's law so the thread is closed... ;)

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Don't try to dodge your accountability! You've sown the seed!

Anyway, I guess this admission will get me thrown out of the forums permanently, but - I don't drink beer, so it wouldn't work on me. :P

There. I've said it. :oops:

Now you can have your way with me.

Didn't work last time...

Maybe we should invoke Godwyn's law so the thread is closed... ;)

I don't do accounting, I'm an engineer, not a suit ...

Thrown out of the forums? Of course not!

Thrown out of the Lounge, perhaps ...*

Still, after you buy a round for the rest of us I'm sure we could come up with an appropriate substitute torture...

Perhaps being forced to watch reruns of the Brady Bunch with headphones trilling Partridge Family songs in the background...

*pun intended :beer:

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