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  alameer said:

i will build SCADA System

and i dont know if i can build it by labview ??

if i can , what i need to build it

thank u

*sigh* Yes you can, and you need LabVIEW. Unless you give us more information, that's all we can give you.


SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. So LabVIEW can provide the supervisory control portion in conjuction with a DAQ card or communications port can comprise the data acquisition portion.

Unless you meant South Carolina Automotive Dealers Association, all I can suggest is the 'auto' wiring tool :D

  AnalogKid2DigitalMan said:
Unless you meant South Carolina Automotive Dealers Association, all I can suggest is the 'auto' wiring tool

Boom boom! :laugh:


If you are planning to build any sizable SCADA system, I would strongly recommend using the LabVIEW-DSC module (along with LabVIEW, of course). And you don't have to use LabVIEW. It all depends on what you are trying to build. If you are open for anything, I also suggest you check out National Instruments' Lookout software.

  alameer said:
thank u for all member

i kwno lookout program

but i hope make SCADA system by using LV

LO: iam useing LO and connect with Omrpn PLC

but i can't connect with Delta PLC

If you are already using Lookout for your SCADA system, then why do you want to switch to LabVIEW? As you know, Lookout has better support for SCADA (RTU drivers, modem support, built-in alarms, etc.).

As for not being able to connect to Delta PLC in Lookout, you may want to post your question on NI's Lookout forum: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=190



PS: Others, no flames please -- LabVIEW is all powerful, and I love it too, but Lookout is tailor-made for SCADA.

  Khalid Ansari said:
PS: Others, no flames please -- LabVIEW is all powerful, and I love it too, but Lookout is tailor-made for SCADA.

I agree, but is Lookout still available and supported by NI?

  AnalogKid2DigitalMan said:
acronymfinder.com afficionado?

Yes! I still recall my first acronym lookup when I found the site: it was "YADA" (Yet Another Damn Acronym!)

I remember this because I needed to get into the BIOS of an HP Vectra PC (Late 80s) and the HP tech told me the password was "YADA". I asked, and he told me what it stood for. Since then, I always try YADA as a password; but alas I haven't gained access to anything with it since...


  LV Punk said:
Yes! I still recall my first acronym lookup when I found the site: it was "YADA" (Yet Another Damn Acronym!)

:laugh: My favorite is TLA (three-letter acronym): I use it in meetings and usually people nod as though they understand - I've only been pulled-up on it twice, and both times we all had a laugh ;)

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