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How to be an expert

Gary Rubin

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NI's emphasis is on amateur users and not experts. So I think with LabVIEW the diagram goes like this....


Of course also the death of the brain cells should be accounted.... :)

I prefer...




I prefer...


I want to be an expert some day too.

Here are tips I picked-up from various people.

1) RTFM, cover-to cover.

2) Read every realease and update note (I got this one from Rolf).

3) Set a high goal and work for it. My first big one was writting an ethernet sniffer. By the time I was done I understood networking file I/O driver interfaces...

4) Push yourself "in public" and be prepared to be corrected. ie watch LAVA and the NI Dev-Exchange for questions you can not answer but try anyway. the real experts will correct you. Read all of the follow-ups.

5) Make a list of the technically top five LV posters and read everything they ever wrote.

I hope this gives you some ideas. #3 should be something you want, so that you keep at it. It also will make all of your book learning stick.


4) Push yourself "in public" and be prepared to be corrected. ie watch LAVA and the NI Dev-Exchange for questions you can not answer but try anyway. the real experts will correct you. Read all of the follow-ups.

That's a really important point - none of us here know everything, and too many of us are scared to post if we're not quite sure - knowledge comes through collective intelligence and constructive thinking - we a stronger united! :) Viva la revolution!

This also applies to: Before asking on LAVA: "what would happen if I do this, or that?" my answer: Try it!!!

Certainly the way to go if trying it is quick... On the other hand if trying something might take a lot of effort, always good to ask if someone else has already invented the wheel.

Best, Louis

Certainly the way to go if trying it is quick... On the other hand if trying something might take a lot of effort, always good to ask if someone else has already invented the wheel.

It depends on your goal. If the goal is getting a project done for work, then, yes, ask if there's already a wheel. But if the goal is pushing yourself, you've got to pretend you're in a high school physics course. Every experiment you try is something done hundreds of times before, but you haven't done it yourself, and until you do you don't really understand the implications for the next higher-level experiment. Anyone using LV can use the Sort 1D Array primitive. But can you write the code that does the sort? These are the sorts of challenges that prove you know a language.

You might try these...

High School Level


(In the PDF above, the problems start on page 7.)

College Level


None of these is going to stress LV's parallel processing capacities -- in any language other than LV, spawning and collecting threads is a graduate-degree level concept. :)

Anyone using LV can use the Sort 1D Array primitive. But can you write the code that does the sort?

During a computation algorithm subject in my undergrad physics degree, I remember one assignment was to (in any language) create a program to do an FFT. Well (you can probably see this one coming), I just plopped a vi.lib FFT down on a block diagram, created some controls/indicators and wrapped an error case around it and submitted it to see what would happen. Turns out the lecturer gave me 100% (thanks NI!) but I got an email strongly suggesting I not try that again (hey! I was participating in reuse!)

During a computation algorithm subject in my undergrad physics degree, I remember one assignment was to (in any language) create a program to do an FFT. Well (you can probably see this one coming), I just plopped a vi.lib FFT down on a block diagram, created some controls/indicators and wrapped an error case around it and submitted it to see what would happen. Turns out the lecturer gave me 100% (thanks NI!) but I got an email strongly suggesting I not try that again (hey! I was participating in reuse!)

I did my master's-level Computational Physics II homework in Labview. Most of the other students were using Matlab, so they had access to just as many pre-built primitives as I did (if not more). My code wasn't the most elegant - with only a week to work on each assignment, but at least I didn't have to set aside a whole day for debugging parenthesis and semicolons.

It was a lot fun to use Labview for solving totally different types of problems than I usually encounter at work.

3) Set a high goal and work for it. My first big one was writting an ethernet sniffer. By the time I was done I understood networking file I/O driver interfaces...

Is anyone else waiting with baited breath for the next coding challenge for that very reason?

4) Push yourself "in public" and be prepared to be corrected.

5) Make a list of the technically top five LV posters and read everything they ever wrote.

So, let's combine 4 and 5 and see what comes out. Ben, which five would you recommend?

So, let's combine 4 and 5 and see what comes out. Ben, which five would you recommend?

Hmmm 5....

Rolf, Jean-Pierre Drolet, and Greg McKaskle, were my first three.

I never did make it past reading everything they ever posted to Info-LbVIEW.

Cerebral over-load.

The rest can depend on your chosen area of expertise.

In this thread entitled " Knights of NI (no shruberies here!) " :beer: :beer:


There is a list of people that I have learned from.

If you are looking for a virtual mentor, That is a good place to start shoping.

There are also the LabVIEW Champions


(myself excluded)

Oh yes less I forget, if you really want to play with the "Big Boy* Experts", then wade into LAVA. :thumbup:


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