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LabVIEW Compiler Error

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What are these things? I keep getting them quite often now (twice so far today). Typically happens when I try to close (or save) a VI belonging to a class.

Also, they come in a group of 5-15 differents dialogs, and after that LabVIEW NEED to be closed (weird stuff happening otherwize).


Edit: This is on LabVIEW 8.5

Note: In some instances, after these errors, some VIs becomes corrupt and are no longer compilable (see image below).



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Whoa. This is NOT a known issue. Please report as a bug (ni.com). Essentially, you have written a block diagram for which LabVIEW has no idea how to generate assembly code. Attach as many VIs as you can to the bug report. I noticed that you blocked out the name of your class in the error dialog... if you've got proprietary IP, there is a way to sign NDAs between you and NI if necessary. Mention it in the bug report if that is an issue.

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Ok, I will report it later today. Unfortunately I did not kept the corrupted VI (I just revert to my last known good copy in my source control). I will be working on that same class today, so I may very likely get that issue again. As to attached everything, I don't think this is going to happen. This class alone load 3600 VIs in memory.

Another issue (might be related). While editing this VI, LabVIEW periodically freeze with the hour glass cursor (it *seem* to be verifying the hierarchy) for about a min. Most of the time this is not critical (no crash), but every so often it crash. I might be getting these compiler error just when I am attempting to do an edit and LabVIEW start to hang up (this is just a though).


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QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Dec 6 2007, 07:03 AM)

Whoa. This is NOT a known issue. Please report as a bug (ni.com). Essentially, you have written a block diagram for which LabVIEW has no idea how to generate assembly code. Attach as many VIs as you can to the bug report. I noticed that you blocked out the name of your class in the error dialog... if you've got proprietary IP, there is a way to sign NDAs between you and NI if necessary. Mention it in the bug report if that is an issue.

Hi AQ,

BTW, this project is the same one that Jeff W. was helping us with. We generated several CARs (including CAR 4EUFQ954, title: "Jim Kring problem" - some of the bugs we're finding are hard to describe with words). As Philippe mentioned, this project has about 4500 VIs and has a lot of proprietary stuff in it which makes it tough to send stuff to NI. However, if you or Jeff want to come visit San Francisco, we'd love to show you our workflow and pain points. ;)



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I'm working on the same project, and have seen this issue too. I don't exactly remember the circumstances but in my case I was able to figure out that there was a class that was having troubles, if I opened the class first and the VI that was showing up in a LabVIEW file dialog prior to the compiler error dialog you posted (which unfortunately I cannot reproduce right now), I was then able to open the VI that previously had this compiler issue. Anyways, it was not ideal.

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QUOTE(crelf @ Dec 6 2007, 01:27 PM)

I sure hope that didn't mean there was a problem with "Jim Kring"... :D

He kept generating CARs at such a rate that I started thinking, "You know, in the video game Gauntlet, the trick to killing the monsters is to go after the monster generator first..."


Seriously, though, the rest of you are now cleared to work on projects up to 4499 VIs in size as he has cleared the way for you.

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