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Base64 Encode/Decode VI?

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I thought I had some encoding/decoding VIs at one time, but can't seem to find them now. I've done countless internet searches of LAVA and other sites and all I found were links that led to nowhere.

Does anybody have any base64 encoding/decoding VIs that they would like to share, or could point me to? I'm also looking for some various checksum VIs, but I haven't searched for them yet as they may be more readily available.

For some reason I can't get my OpenG commander to work on my work desktop. I don't know if our IT department has locked down programs from accessing the internet or FTP anymore. It used to work, but when I tried to use it today, it wouldn't work.

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QUOTE (Bryan @ May 12 2008, 05:46 AM)

I thought I had some encoding/decoding VIs at one time, but can't seem to find them now. I've done countless internet searches of LAVA and other sites and all I found were links that led to nowhere.

Does anybody have any base64 encoding/decoding VIs that they would like to share, or could point me to? I'm also looking for some various checksum VIs, but I haven't searched for them yet as they may be more readily available.

For some reason I can't get my OpenG commander to work on my work desktop. I don't know if our IT department has locked down programs from accessing the internet or FTP anymore. It used to work, but when I tried to use it today, it wouldn't work.

I don't know if the SMTP package is included with your LabVIEW, but with my professional system it's at:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\Utility\SMTP\smtpeml.llb\SMTP Email Base64 Encode.vi

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Sorry guys... I've been out of the loop for a while.

On a personal note, I just recently completed Advanced I and II training and am awaiting my results on the CLAD (free at a NI seminar) and will hopefully be taking the CLD before next year.

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QUOTE (Yen @ May 12 2008, 11:38 AM)

Oh yeah, that was when they did the comeback season in the 90's, when he was really really old... ;)

To be honest, it does kind of look like you. You didn't happen to paste your own head there, did you?

Old? I only turned 0x20 years old in March :P

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I know it's off topic for this thread, but since I mentioned it in here, I figured I'd post an update.

I just got notification that I passed the CLAD exam! Woo hoo! I've been using LV since '99, so I should have been looking at CLD, but I took the free CLAD exam at a nearby seminar. I'm just happy that I finally have a bona-fide certification after wanting one for so long.

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QUOTE (Bryan @ May 20 2008, 04:47 AM)

I know it's off topic for this thread, but since I mentioned it in here, I figured I'd post an update.

I just got notification that I passed the CLAD exam! Woo hoo! I've been using LV since '99, so I should have been looking at CLD, but I took the free CLAD exam at a nearby seminar. I'm just happy that I finally have a bona-fide certification after wanting one for so long.

Congratulations, Bryan! And, welcome to the club :thumbup:

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Thanks guys!

Hopefully the CLD will come next year once my company has the budget to send me to take it along with the Advanced course.

My ambition is to one day have the CLA certification.

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Here is an LV7.0 version that I've modified a little. If I recall correctly the OpenG version I started with had issues with linefeeds, but maybe I misremember. I've used it extensively to read voice mails from Vonage. Sorry it's so messy, I kept meaning to tidy it up and then I moved the project to php! I've only tried the decode.

Good Luck


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