So after some cleaning up (which in this case means few hours of work beside repairing broken code ) I can put on the table what I have. The main file is You have to open it, fill all paths, sizes, etc. and run (not very professional, isn't it?). After some work (depending on VI complexity) it will create a lot of files at target path. Most of them are temporary files, but I do not delete them yet for debug purposes. Open {name}.html file in a browser and watch the result. I included SWFtools binary in this package (it's GPL) but I don't know how it is with all that legal stuff. Know issues:
it is sloooow
sometimes it is even slooooower
additional 1px black line appears at each case (it is not an issue in alternative flash players as Gnash)
tips appear even for objects in hidden cases (still don't know how to solve this)
tips appear for each object (even not necessary, like comments) and often display sth stupid - this is for debug
did I mention it is slow?
many others
Any comments are welcome, particularly if someone has an idea how to speed it up a little. I already tried to convert it to non-recursive version. Although I had some problems, it seems that recursion is not the reason. I think now that a bottleneck is speed of switching cases externally. If it is true, the stack version of algorithm should work even slower. And of course GUI in final version will not look like this.
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