About Express VIs in general:
There is nothing inherent in Express VIs that requires them to do an init/destroy sequence. However, Express VIs that work with open resources (i.e. the assistants) do have to have some way to open and close those resources, since there aren't explicit open and close operations as you'd get when using a lower level API. Therefore, it all depends on the Express VI, which is a good mantra to remember when thinking about Express VIs. At run time they're really not much different from a subVI, most of the gripes people have with them have to do with the way that certain Express VIs are implemented, not with the technology itself.
About the Specific Error Handler:
The nice thing about having one as a reference library is that its open source. If you don't like what it does, then change it . Or better yet, post me a comment in the attached discussion forum so that I can make it what people want it to be .
The Specific Error Handler does not need any initialization or cleanup. Most of the processing of the error configuration is done when you hit OK from the configuration dialog, not at run time. At run time, it stores a fairly simple list of errrors and actions, the only performance hiccup will be that it does have to do a search in the event of an error. At the moment, I haven't done a whole lot to optimize the search, since I don't expect individual instances of the VI to have more than a dozen or so errors handled, but if anyone starts using larger lists in and individual instance, I'd be interested to know about it and I can consider doing some more optimization.
Ryan K.
NI Systems Engineer