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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2009 in all areas

  1. Whether or not 'climate change' is real is almost irrelevant in the face of other more immediate conspricies. I no particular conspricy order. 1. Stop breathing so much; You are making ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_system? 2. Whatever your feeling on global warming/climate change or whatever they want to call it, Polution is real. Do not believe me; check it out first hand here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zug_Island Polution is bad if you breathe; See point 1. 3. 'Peak oil' http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/, unsastainable energy, etc. However you look at it, even if you believe oil bubbles up magicaly from the earth's core http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenic_petroleum_origin and is unlimited, there is an undenyable limit to how fast we can obtain it. This exists when you compare an ever expanding demand for energy with a finite rate of energy aquisition. Either a) the population of this planet must cease its increase or declines AND b) economic growth also stagnates/receeds OR new sustainable energy sources are found. These sources require our current low cost energy sources to research and implement. Yet people donot want to concern themselves with new energy sources until after the now low cost ones become a problem, which then leads back to a lack or resources to achieve these new resources. Waiting until leads to both a and b occuring on its own much more severly. Life today is like partying with all your cash on payday then not having money for rent. PS. Even the conservative experts expect this within 30 years. 4. Helping the poor is the best way to ensure everyone (including the rich) get richer. 5. Cash-for-Clunkers was a conspiricy against SUVs? An SUV was the leading vehicle bought during cash for clunkers. http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/07/autos/cash_for_clunkers_sales/index.htm I shall see what more I can dig up tomorrow.
    2 points
  2. I too reverse those definitions. Geek is the pecular/dislikeable person. It is associated with a particularly singular obsessive personality. Starwars and star trek followers would be a geek. Intellegence is not a prerequisite. Excessive knowledge about their obsessive subject is. Nerd is a derogatory term for intellegent people to call them unattractive, which is one of its meanings. These would be the people that forsook social standing for the pursuit of academics in general and tend to be the ones that end up high paying careers.
    1 point
  3. +1, James. Points 1 and 2: This interesting lecture from a scientist at James Cook University, Australia. It's only 10 minutes long but IMO Professor Bob Carter gives on of the most succinct and profound 10 minutes I've ever watched questioning what is now the GW/"CC" scam. The earth may actually be COOLING!! "All scientists are skeptics." At least I thought they were at one time. Point 3: Nuclear is the answer for the short term and near-long (100 years) term. Fusion after that. Point 4: Helping the poor is noble and good. I firmly believe that the vast majority of Americans do so - generously. And I also firmly believe that none of us need our government to tell us where to help the poor with stolen confiscatory taxes. Point 5: I'm sure the 0bama administration and the rest of the planetary watermelons ("green" on the outside, red on the inside) expressed a collective "DOH!" when hearing this. Looking forward to more honest bantering with you as your time permits. Thanks. I don't get much of that from your side of the fence. This just in ...
    1 point
  4. Sorry off topic... Hi Steve Wow! Thats LabVIEW 1 on a Mac. You have been around a while! Very cool
    1 point
  5. I read through that link a bit and calling them all "scientists" is... uhh... disingenuous. Apparently all you need is a "formal educational degrees at the level of Bachelor of Science or higher in appropriate scientific fields." 2.6k signers are mechanical engineers. I'm a mechanical engineer and I certainly don't feel qualified to sign the petition. 500 aerospace engineers. 7.2k general engineering degrees. 2.1k electrical engineers. 400 metalurgists!? Huh? Entomology? Animal science? Medicine? I believe some people who signed the petition reviewed the available data and are qualified, but there's no way I believe all 31k of them are.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. It's what happens when the Disciples of the Church of Global Warming, We Mean, "Climate Change" go off-topic but heathen apostates on the other side are not allowed to. And when you try to respond they get hysterical and you are accused of being "mean" and "offensive" and "attacking" someone "personally".
    1 point
  8. The irony. You went off topic first. I was responding to you accusing me of being another Alfa. Did I miss something? I could have taken that personally, I guess. Now I'm going to report you to the moderator. So there. (Just kidding) How should I have responded? "Yea, yuck yuck you can call me Gamma! Duh!" As far as you not liking to argue and being "offended": If you might not like the response, don't take the shot. I was as gentle as I could be. Never know just how sssensitive someone can be around here.
    1 point
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