Where can you find cool beers, mesquite BBQ, and good times with all your friends from LAVA, OpenG, and the LabVIEW community at large? At the 2010 LAVA / OpenG NIWeek Bar-B-Q! This yearly tradition brings together all your best online (and real-life!) friends from
LAVA (LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects), OpenG (home of LabVIEW's open source community), and even NI R&D. Come enjoy great barbecue with great people away from the hustle & bustle of the convention floor. Menu is TBD but is likely to include brisket, chicken, and pork ribs*.
Date: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010, 7:00 PM (after the NIWeek "Block Diagram Party")
Location: Scholz Garten,
1607 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX 78701
Cost: $30 per person
There are still a small number of tickets left. If you want one and have not purchased one yet.
please find Justin Goeres on the NIWeek floor (JKI / Booth #841) and pay him $30 in person.
* Vegetarian food will be available on request -- contact me privately (or publicly!) if you want to know more.