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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2010 in all areas

  1. If you're on Twitter (and let's face it, if you're not then maybe you should just shut your Windows 95 machine down and go outside to yell at those pesky kids on your lawn again), then you should follow the official LAVA account: @lavag . All of the Admins and Mods use it to let you know about hot topics, retweets from LAVA members and industry experts alike on LabVIEW topics, as well as site housekeeping information that's time and/or accessibility sensitive (eg: "Forums are experiencing difficulties - we know what the problem is and we're working on it"). So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to www.twitter.com/lavag and follow @lavag !
    1 point
  2. Smartphones? We don't need no stinkin' smartphones!
    1 point
  3. Not even a twitter app on your phone?
    1 point
  4. I believe it was code from the MS web-site called "Procmon" or something similar. When run it logs all system calls and access to dll's etc. Run it while LV is running and you may find a hook. That is all I can offer. Ben
    1 point
  5. @dannyt FYI: you can subscribe an RSS feed of a twitter user's tweets without actually signing up for a twitter account yourself.
    1 point
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