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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2011 in all areas

  1. If you resize the MCL, you can hide the data by showing only the first column. However, if you want to keep it separate, you can make an index in a functional global variable. Store the data associated with each listbox element in the FGV and retrieve it on demand whenever there's a value change for the listbox.
    1 point
  2. Oh, actually we have... alliance members don't produce NI products, but they sure as heck provide support for them, often in a contractually binding way. :-)On another point... earlier someone mentioned the distinction between quality products and quality support, and I was thinking that there would be an obvious solution -- separate our certification into Gold Product and Gold Supported Product, or something like that. But I got to thinking -- part of being a quality product is that it gets at least enough regular attention to continue operation as time goes by. Maybe no one is actively adding features, but making sure that it works with the next version of LV, or the next version of the operating systems, or the latest hardware. Without some sort of committment there, it would be hard for a mission critical project to adopt an OpenG tool, unless they had the internal staff expertise to update the tool when LV/OS/HW changed. That's a very different kind of support than the "I have a bug, can you find me a workaround" type of support. We haven't been discussing that sort of "updating" support, but I think that is possibly more important than the "I have a bug" support. Thoughts?
    1 point
  3. No problem. [watch] (few other simulations included in this movie) It grew up into quite serious real time dynamics simulator with Euler integration scheme, non-linear spring equations, collision engine, independent display and calculation rates... Few details for those wanting to play little bit (performance is much better than in previous version): Only Nodes and Terminals may be movable (in terms of LV class hierarchy) - so no constants and no flat sequences Masses are proportional to object size and scaled with "Mass ratio" parameter - do not set it to 0 "force factor" scales wires elasticity Damping is applied to wires only (not to bouncing). Very high damping will make wires almost stiff Gravity is in pixels/s^2. y axis points down dt is integration step size in seconds. Fractions of seconds make sense. Smaller is (almost) always better - particularly for collisions fps is display only frame rate Have fun spring-wires2.zip
    1 point
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