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I recently tried the OpenG routine "Get Default Data from TD", hoping to be able to parse a cluster all of whose elements were "simple types" (numerics, strings, paths, booleans, timestamps). I discovered that presenting a timestamp to this routine resulted in an error 1, with the message complaining about a "waveform type". I originally thought this was a "bug", but now realize that it is a "missing feature".
I had considered a Timestamp as a simple type, not realizing that LabVIEW considered it as a sub-type of Waveform. While I didn't want to implement code to handle "real" Waveforms (which are definitely composite types), I decided to add an "exception" to properly handle Timestamps. The fix is simple -- add a "Timestamp" case, test the cluster element "# Elements" (which is really "Sub-Type") for 6 = Timestamp. If it is a Timestamp, handle it as with any of the other simple types. If not, generate an error message (I changed the message to refer to "Unsupported Waveform").
My code now works with this modified version of the OpenG routine.
Bob Schor