Because it wouldn't solve anything.Instead of a constant, a user might drop a control. The data may come from an Unflatten From String instantiating the default value of the class. There's not really a good way to bottleneck and say "always call this constructor here". Worse, LV data is live from the moment a control is dropped to be copied/pasted around to controls and constants, which means any constructor function would need to be invoked as soon as the control drops on a panel. But the problem is that you might be editing the class right then... there's no guarantee that such a constructor is runnable at any given moment.
Originally, I had this idea that we could run the "default value" when the class gets reserved for running, since there's only one copy of the default value and we could update it once. That idea fell apart because RT needs an independent copy of the default value for every allocation. That left me with the idea of flagging every memory allocation that hasn't yet been properly constructed yet and run it on those memory locations whenever the class gets reserved. That option seems viable, although I am worried about the "I just edited the default value constructor VI, now LV needs to update all the memory locations to the new value" problem. Probably not an issue, but I haven't spent any time working on the default constructor issue in the last couple years... the times when someone has asked for this feature has been very rare compared to other requests. It's really not been a priority to find a solution.