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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I passed! As others, I'm a little baffled by some of the comments - apparently I got docked for both Error and Timing modules, even though I felt like I had a solid amount of coverage for both. I actually went out of my way to complete the Error module very solidly to mesh with the sample solution and because I'd memorized an error handling methodology to use. Well, strange remarks aside, what matters is the end result, and I'm quite happy with that. Thanks to everyone here for the loads of great advice, even the bits I ignored at my own peril.
    2 points
  2. No I don't have any tool like that in my back pocket. But I would love to see it implemented with a picture control. I've done some stuff like that in the past and it was quite rewarding/time consuming. I think that some .Net could come into play for image resizing (I'm in love with the GDI resize) so your drop down selection fits to the control size. If I were to do this I would have a sub VI be the thing that is shown when you click. It is called and moved into location to look like the drop down. The VI would then contain a picture box on the left, a single column listbox for the text, and a vertical scrollbar. Very do-able just time to get mouse clicking to index (with scrollbar) and mouse move on the controls to highlight the row by drawing some box around it. Sounds like fun.
    1 point
  3. Congratulations! I got the good news today too! Thanks for your help and motivation preparing for the CLA Mike.
    1 point
  4. And here is the first draft. I'll add this version into the next update I post on LVTN. If this is not what you expected to get, please send me more feedback and I'll happily oblige to give more details. Putting this up made me think of a few more functions I'd like to feed into this tool... that should fuel my next update with more ideas. UI Tools Help Document.pdf
    1 point
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